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第一次玩这个 - just curious


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 第一次玩这个 - just curious
    • 算法有误,省的只是赚的那部分钱的收入税( tax on 50% of capital gain or 100% of interest),你每年存入的本金($5,000)是税后的钱。
      • a rough estimate is fine
    • 这东西看2年和看20年,差别是天上地下。
      • Let's look at up-to-date data only
      • 这得是投资的好手
        • 想省税$2000,税率按30%,capital gain收50%的税,那你的增殖要达到2000/0.3/0.5=13,333。就是说,这两年存了1万,现在变成2万3。如果省税1万,那就是说这两年存了1万,现在变成7万6. .是这样吧?
          • 考虑到大家背景不同和投资种类不同,直接用税率算就可以了
    • TFSA中的captical gain仍然照收税不误。比如你买股票所得红利不上税,但你买卖股票的价差收益照样上税。
      • 你这是严重误导。TFSA的Capital Gain部分也是免税的。“the investment income, including capital gains, earned in your TFSA is not taxed, even when withdrawn.“。拜托你先学习,再anti。
        • 不是我不明白,是世界变化快。去年前来年我研究这个问题的时候,貌似有关TFSA的资料都没有“including caption gain”,不然我也不会被误导然后现在来误导你了,哈哈
    • 数量级严重错误。每年额度5000,3年到头才15000本金,盈余怎么存都是几百的数量级(唐伪真另算),乘以税率,几十上百了不得了。TFSA就是牙缝里的食渣
      • 可以用这个钱投资吗?
        • 只要银行或金融公司有这种产品,什么投资都行啊
    • 看来两极分化很严重啊。。。2000 - 0 应该也有一些的。
      • 难道你没看出来,参与调查的都是在逗你玩?
    • 忽略某些心理阴暗人士提出的可能性,总结一下调查结果哈,如果你选的是。。。
      (1) > 10,000, 那么你要么是投资高手,要么是导弹鬼,要么是吹牛皮;

      (2) < 10000 & > 2000, 那么你是一个比较保守的投资理财者;

      (3) < 0, 不要担心,you are not alone!

      虽然算法不精准,但是对投票者在光谱上的分布影响并不大。两极分化是意料之中的。这个政策的巧妙之处就是它实际替政府增税了,因为你无法CARRYFORWARD CAPITAL LOSSES! 因为理论上来讲,即便是投资高手长期投资的结果应该是近乎0 的。 明减暗增恰恰反应了保守党是如何愚弄算计不明真相的群众的.

      • "因为理论上来讲,即便是投资高手长期投资的结果应该是近乎0 的。" are you sure what you are talking about?
      • TFSA won't help you be rich, but it is a good tool to encourage people to save and improve their personal finance. I think it is positive.
        • it's ture to encourage people to save so that the banks can get more money to lend out, I don't know how it can improve personal finance ...
      • 俺承认,俺是那个放导弹的。那几个<0的,包括你自己,也是导弹的。怎么会小于0呢?
        • capital losses arising from the TFSA account cannot be carried forward to future years to bring down your taxable income. so, if you ended up with a loss, they could not be used to reduce the taxes on your future capital gains.
          That would be the tax that you lost.
          • 我所知道的大部分存TSFA,也是各大银行做广告的,都是普通的saving account,单拿利息,不是投资股票什么的,怎么会loss呢?
            • not according to my statistics ... don't tell me that the 6 voters on the lower end were all your missiles, lol
              • 因为你的选项给得太离谱,所以参与调查的当然都是放导弹的啦。你要是按$100递增还有得选。
                • I agree with you on this, 按$100递增还有得选。
                  • materiality ... the surveys trace voters' IP addresses, I am not interested in other people's confidential information
                • how does $100 make a difference to you? if you didn't understand the options, that's fine.
                  • 相对来讲,不懂规矩的还是少数。而被罚的人当中,大多数可以得到赦免,除非你不在乎那罚金懒得给CRA计较。
                    • @@
                  • 看来你还是不在状况里。TFSA额度每年5000,仅3年时间,用15K$能省出2K以上的税,是不可能的任务,20年以后你再如彼分段差不多。
                    • if you invested 15,000 into the stock market, and earned a 50% return, if you tax rate is 40%, how much tax can you save?
                  • TFSA just started in Jan. 2009...
                    Let's say you contributed $5000 to your TFSA in early 2009 and earned 10% return ($500) by Dec. 31 2009. Then you contributed another $5000 in early 2010 (totally $10500 in your TFSA) and got another 10% return by Dec. 31 2010. You had $11550 in your TFSA by the end of 2010.

                    It appears to me the following options would make more sense.

                    0 - $500
                    $500 - $1000
                    $1000 - $1500
                    > $1500

                    By the way, IMHO, save first and then spend equals to improve personal finance.
                    • Right...it is about how much tax could be saved. The range should be in $100.
                    • 两年你赚了11550-10000=1550,乘以税率40%,省税620。这是极乐观的10%的年增长。楼主楼上贴的stock 50%那是唐巴比的口吻,一般我不接茬的,生活中 in person 见面的理财,如果山呼50%,我会让他滚蛋。
                      • 赤果果的JD啊~~
                        • 看到没,放导弹的都出来啦。呵呵
                      • 如果年增长8%,20年累计就是366%的回报。
                    • Maybe it works for you, but I just don't personally believe a couple hundred dollars a year can improve anyone's personal finance.
    • 第一次A计划宣布中弹流产 @_@ ||