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未发表的总审计官Sheila Fraser的报告指出:保守党误导议会,滥花$5,000 万 G8/G20 改善边境专款,更其名为G8 Legacy Fund。同时保守党又偷梁换柱,引用 Sheila Fraser 10年前表扬自由党的话来忽悠人说她是在表扬保守党的G8/G20的$10亿元天文数字开销。


Among the questionable projects funded were:

$274,000 on public toilets 20 km from the summit site.

$100,000 on a gazebo an hour's drive away.

$1.1-million for sidewalk and tree upgrades 100 km away.

$194,000 for a park 100 km away.

$745,000 on downtown improvements for three towns nearly 70 km away.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 未发表的总审计官Sheila Fraser的报告指出:保守党误导议会,滥花$5,000 万 G8/G20 改善边境专款,更其名为G8 Legacy Fund。同时保守党又偷梁换柱,引用 Sheila Fraser 10年前表扬自由党的话来忽悠人说她是在表扬保守党的G8/G20的$10亿元天文数字开销。

    Among the questionable projects funded were:

    $274,000 on public toilets 20 km from the summit site.

    $100,000 on a gazebo an hour's drive away.

    $1.1-million for sidewalk and tree upgrades 100 km away.

    $194,000 for a park 100 km away.

    $745,000 on downtown improvements for three towns nearly 70 km away.
    • this is f8king ugly, although at this stage it is just a leak, not official version from AG. tory supporters please response.
      • 难道你不是tories? 27万修建多个公共厕所,110万修建人行道和植树,19.4万修建一个公园,74.5万 on downtown improvements for three towns 你觉得ugly么?只有“误导”二字,的确 ugly,钱用的还是在正道上,没有进党员腰包,多伦多早该维修了
        • 这里,离G8会场1小时车程以外的 The Cons’ G8 legacy: $100,000 gazebos

        • yes i am one but i do not like hearing scandals from them. why not do an early release of the report see whats in there. by the way, the timing of the leak is very ....you know, essential .....
        • 去,谁没事跑那么远地方拉屎?鸟都不去。修多轮多应该让他们自己掏钱,凭啥让G8掏钱?
      • 这些项目,子孙后代都是能用的,属于基础设施建设 infrastructure improvement
        • 造福子孙?这是Parry Sound - Muskoka 区保守党议员现工业部长Tony Clement为拉拢选民的计量。以往这种会议在加拿大举行,Legacy Fund都在5百万以内,为什么这次会如此之高?这是保守党把公款花在自己的选区的典型例证。
        • 利益输送罢了,有什么好辩解的。
      • CBC的报道中提到:John Baird ...claimed he has read a later draft of Fraser’s audit that makes no reference to the Harper government misleading Parliament.如果此事属实,说明前面的指控查无实据。
        • 所以其它政党都要求现在立马发布此报告,真相才可以大白。
          • i think you are doing something in favor of your pre-defined opinion. not only 其它政党 , but also Tory self, 要求现在立马发布此报告. The way you put it, like Tory is against the early release, but it is not. Let's just discuss/fight honestly.
            • 我从不要求自由党人诚实。
              • 保守党已经不光是不诚实了, 而是信口雌黄了。 一上台,就说有“中国经济间谍”, 间谍也得抓了审了才能定罪吧。说间谍就间谍,加拿大还有法律人权吗? 还好意思指责中国?!
        • 我也好奇今晚辩论,3反对党如何用 leaked、AG 未置有否的内容和数据,攻击保守党。。。我看TV台湾文革式大民主,立法委员拿着报纸在立法院攻击对手:“今天报纸登出,你赚XXX黑钱“。。。就觉得那里是天大的笑话,不知道这里百多年民主下如何,拭目以待
          • Can't wait to see Harper to be grilled tonight.
        • 同一个CBC的报道中还提到:"I have spoken to someone who has read several versions of this (auditor general's report) right up to the final one, who says there's not really a big substantial change,"
    • No only that. Harper enjoys much more ... Harper met ex-aide Carson's lover at party at 24 Sussex
      • 这个可以另起一题,Cons一定会喜欢。
        • There are more to come. See this " Help your Harper (#6623727@0) "