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configuring outlook XP

Select Tools -> Email accounts from the main menu
Select Add a new email account and click on Next
Select POP3 as the Server Type. Click Next
Enter your username and full Yahoo! email address under 'User Information'
Enter your Yahoo! Login id and password under 'Logon Information'
Enter 'localhost' as your Incoming mail server
Enter your ISPs SMTP server as your outgoing mail server
Click on the More Settings button and select the Advanced tab
Increase the Server Timeout to 'Long' (10 minutes)
Click Ok to close the More Settings dialog
Click Next and then Finish

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / 还有人在用Yahoo!信箱吗?安装YahooPOPs后,可通过一些常用的邮件软件使用POP3将Yahoo上的邮件下载到自己的电脑里。YahooPOPs是公开源代码的,免费使用,无须注册, 最新版本为Version 0.3.5。
    • 比Web2pop怎么样?
      • 个人觉得比web2pop好使,而且是公开源代码的。
        • 不错不错,谢谢。现在web2pop好像收不了hotmail了.
    • 没有试过yahoopops,web2pop觉得还是不错的,下载一个破解破掉30天限制
    • 怎么用啊?装了之后需要设些什么,才能把我的yahoo里的email下到我的outlook。
      • configuring outlook XP
        Select Tools -> Email accounts from the main menu
        Select Add a new email account and click on Next
        Select POP3 as the Server Type. Click Next
        Enter your username and full Yahoo! email address under 'User Information'
        Enter your Yahoo! Login id and password under 'Logon Information'
        Enter 'localhost' as your Incoming mail server
        Enter your ISPs SMTP server as your outgoing mail server
        Click on the More Settings button and select the Advanced tab
        Increase the Server Timeout to 'Long' (10 minutes)
        Click Ok to close the More Settings dialog
        Click Next and then Finish
      • configuring outlook 2000
        Select Tools -> Accounts from the main menu
        Select Add -> Mail
        Enter your display name
        Enter your Yahoo! email address
        Select POP3 as the Server Type
        Enter 'localhost' as your Incoming mail server
        Enter your ISPs SMTP server as your outgoing mail server
        Enter your Yahoo! Login id and password under 'Internet Mail Logon'
        Check "Remember Password"
        Select the method you use for connecting to the Internet
        Click Finish
        Select your new localhost account and click on "Properties"
        Select the Advanced tab
        Increase the Server Timeout to 'Long' (5 minutes)
        Click OK to close the Properties dialog
      • configuring outlook express
        Select Tools -> Email accounts from the main menu
        Select Add a new email account and click on Next
        Select POP3 as the Server Type. Click Next
        Enter your username and full Yahoo! email address under 'User Information'
        Enter your Yahoo! Login id and password under 'Logon Information'
        Enter 'localhost' as your Incoming mail server
        Enter your ISPs SMTP server as your outgoing mail server
        Click on the More Settings button and select the Advanced tab
        Increase the Server Timeout to 'Long' (5 minutes)
        Click Ok to close the More Settings dialog
        Click Next and then Finish
        • Select POP3 as the Server Type. 我填了"pop.mail.yahoo.com" Enter your ISPs SMTP server as your outgoing mail server . 我填了"smtp.mail.yahoo.com" 但无效,请问,应该填什么? 谢谢!!!急!
          • 填ISP提供的smtp server address. rogers sympatico都有自己的
          • 将"pop.mail.yahoo.com" 改为 localhost
            • 错误信息如下: 无法连接到服务器。 帐户: 'localhost', 服务器: 'localhost', 协议: POP3, 端口: 110, 安全(SSL): 否, 套接字错误: 10061, 错误号: 0x800CCC0E 我用pop.aol.ca 和 localhost 都不行。咋办?
              • account name要填:XXX@yahoo.com, 其中XXX是你的Yahoo! ID
                • 谢谢你!我已搞定,但好象速度太慢。我已知足了。 再次谢谢老虎和丑小鸭。有空多指教啊。
    • 1封也没收下来。不知是怎么回事。
      • version 0.3.5有bug, version 0.3.4很好用,一下收了几十封。
        • It still would not work. No email is downloaded.
        • still doesn't work. :((((
    • 多谢,今天设了果然成了,真真是方便无比呀。
    • 请虎大侠做个好事,具体说说怎样设置,非常感谢!
      • 分特,呵呵,看看说明就知道了,很简单啊
    • 不错,很好用。唯一的问题是,如果使用的yahoo中文邮箱,就不能使用。英文的一点问题也没有。
      • 55555...........
        我的英文邮箱+winxp+OE 6 + 0.3.4 就是收不下来。
        • 奇怪!我的也是yahoo.com + winxp+ OE 6 +0.3.4, 一点问题也没有啊。
          • 我是yahoo.ca。问题所在?
            • 刚试过,yahoo.ca还支持POP3。
            • I think you should modify WebBrowser.cpp, change all ".intl=us" into ".intl=ca", then re-compile the project and run it.
            • I've checked it, yes, it works well for yahoo.ca
    • 麻烦大虾再教一个比较笨的人: DOWNLOAD的源代码怎么安装?装到哪里?谢谢!
      • 你要源代码干啥?直接下YahooPOPs!/Windows (Compact)或者YahooPOPs!/Windows (Full)
        • 哦, 是这样阿! 不过刚才试装了COMPACT, 还是不行啊, 是不是要RESTART一下阿?
      • 成功了! 谢谢老虎和BINGLE!
    • 非常感谢这位仁兄的帖子,另外的一点心得,对某些使用者可能有用
      当你装完软件后,如果在尝试启动时得到错误说“can't create server socket...."时,可能的原因是A.你已经启动了一遍软件,对此不多说B.你有其他软件占用了POP3的端口110。比如我用win2000 server上装了wingate,其上有一个pop3服务,就用的是110端口,对此,你可以在右下脚YaooPOPs的图标上单击右键,选config->advanced config->network,在右边的框中有pop3 port,初始是110,将其改为其他值(你可以尝试用任何值,比如2183,稍后如有问题再重新设置)。另外,如果你有多块网卡,再此框中的"bind on IP address"下拉框中你会发现多个IP地址,请选中连internet的那个地址(如果你实在不知道哪个是,可以尝试-〉修改-〉再尝试。:-))现在你需要设置你的outlook(清参照前面tigerking2000的帖子进行outlook 的设置). 完成后,在你的outlook express中作一点修改,就是tools->accounts->mail,选中你的yahoo mail account,选properties->advanced,你会看到incoming mail(pop3)后面是端口号(默认时110),将其改为你在前面yahoopops中设的端口号(比如我的是2183),选ok,then you are all set.
    • 非常好!但使用之前需到YAHOO中将自己的ACCOUNT信息改成加拿大才好使。但有个问题,如何用OUTLOOK 或OUTLOOK EXPRESS使用YAHOO的帐号发EMAIL呢?我使用ROGERS的CABLE,在外发服务器处设成smtp不好用啊。
      • I had same issues, here is what I did
        This is because rogers needs authentication for outgoing mail service. Call them to setup at least free email account so that you could get the account name and passowrd. Then go to your server tab in yahoo account properties, specify "outgoing mail(smtp)" as "smtp". Under same page, there is a check box says "my server requires authentiation", check it, click on the "settings", check "logon using" and type in your account name and password. That's all you need to do.
        • got it!thank you very much!