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In 2004 Mr. Harper was quoted as saying: "people who live in ghettos, and who are not integrated into western Canadian society." "

"West of Winnipeg, the ridings the Liberals hold are dominated by people who are either recent Asian immigrants or recent migrants from eastern Canada: people who live in ghettos, and who are not integrated into western Canadian society."

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 其实只要自由党NDP保证不结盟,我是倾向于保守党少数执政的.但鉴于已发生的故事,要我在保守党多数政府,与自由党NDP结盟之间2选1,我就别无选择了.希望再过几年自由党重新找回中线,找到好的首领,我再选它吧.
    • 猫老,我对政治一无所知,能不能对政治盲先启蒙一下,比如,加拿大总理怎么选出来的,有什么主要的政党,党派的主张是什么,代表人物有哪些。选举的程序是怎样的。加拿大和美国的选举有什么异同。**除了猫老,也欢迎别的朋友解答。**
      • The Politics of Canada
      • The Liberal Party Portal
      • NDP portal
      • The Conservative Party Portal
        • "A little bit of conservative history: In 1908, Robert Borden the leader of the Conservative Party stated, "The Conservative Party stands for a white Canada". I don't think much has changed since then in that camp..""
      • 谢谢!……一看那么多英语,头疼的厉害!
    • "your people:... Harper
      • ?
        • Referring to people as ethnics is insulting. It is like saying "vote for us and we will let you stay in our country". .........waht harper wants
        • In 2004 Mr. Harper was quoted as saying: "people who live in ghettos, and who are not integrated into western Canadian society." "
          "West of Winnipeg, the ridings the Liberals hold are dominated by people who are either recent Asian immigrants or recent migrants from eastern Canada: people who live in ghettos, and who are not integrated into western Canadian society."
    • 自由党党首叶里庭前几天早保证不结盟了。何况自保守党被揭类似前科后,你还拿这说事。铁杆保守派,你就没别的选择。这也没啥,就是别这么矫情。
      • 本来就不是事。 在台上少数党政府要靠至少一个反对党支持生存。在台下保守党自由党都会尝试结盟。任何正式非正式的结盟都不是无条件的。能妥协的都是小goodie
        • 但是我是觉得哈珀这一个星期用“对手结盟”作竞选策略并不高明。哈珀的话里的话,是求选民给他一个多数政府,因为只有一党多数,才能在程序上杜绝联合政府,否则,处于第2/3/4少数党合理合法有权联合,政客承诺都是P。。。但是哈珀用结盟恐吓吸收中间选民选票,未必奏效。
        • 希望哈珀第二周能找点别的议题
          • "Make sure the theme of each day is clear – Day 3: Coalition. Day 4: COALITION. Day 5: Coal. Ition. Day 6: CoalITION!! That kind of thing. "
        • 赞同,就是这么一说。
      • 不管欧洲怎么着,这个coalition的主张,当时的签字画押仪式,让我深深恐惧。幸亏国会当年暂停,躲过去了,否则这两年加拿大的经济还不知道在被NDP, 魁人党要挟下搞成什么样了。
        • 阿猫呀,哈勃可是热爱联合政府的。早在2004他为了夺权,就联合魁独搞coalition government。读读他的信吧。这主儿无疑是个宁为权死,不为民亡的劣等政客。
        • 老猫真的忘记了。
        • You really like Harper's prorogation? That's what? The worst in Canadian history.
          • 我主要是恐惧一个党:NDP。
            • 我也很不喜欢。但我依然觉得好过独裁当政。
              • 这次保守党的主要武器是反对党的coalition, 自由党的主要武器是保守党的滥用权力。大家各自找个平衡吧。
                • 这是哈勃的败笔。他自己不是曾经大力推崇吗?明眼人不会被他的的花招迷惑。必要时联合政府不是坏事。独裁,专断,我行我素,蔑视民众,唯我独尊,是民主于粪土才是最可怕的。
            • 那你喜欢把加拿大变成另一个美国,变成恐怖主义众矢之的吧?在哈勃的领导下,加拿大维护世界人权的地位日落千丈,声誉极坏。Amnesty slams Canada's recent rights record
      • "结盟“有正式和非正式之分。08年底那种的正式结盟,极少发生。日常的结盟,两个或多个党通过协商,共同支持或反对某个议案,也是结盟。只要没有占据多数党政府位置,谁都随时准备与别的党结盟。
        • 结盟就是民主,只有不民主的国家才搞不结盟运动。