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When US military claims it's the best in the world, you just know it is true. It is a clean cut. No need to provide the source.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 请问多大和滑铁卢精算专业哪个更好一些?多谢!
    • 滑铁卢的精算专加拿大第一
      • 滑铁卢的精算专业全世界第一
        • 真的还是假的?感觉说什么是加拿大第一,就有点怀疑,如果说是世界第一,那就肯定是。。
          • 当然是真的。是全世界第一,我讲加拿大第一,那是谦虚的说法。
        • 好像没有精算专业的排名,所以这第一有点怀疑。当然滑铁卢的精算不错。
          • 和你说说
            1. Waterloo has the most professors with quanlified Actuarial designations in the world.
            2. Waterloo has the most professors that were past SOA's president in the world.
            3. Waterloo professors wrote the most books used in actuarial exams in the world.
            4. Waterloo has the biggest actuarial science program in the Western world.
            5. Waterloo has the most students that are qualified as ASA upon graduation in the world.
      • 可是我认识的人里面就有滑铁卢精算毕业找不着工作的,不知道为什么?但肯定一点不是她不想找。
        • In Canada, each program has some students who can't find a job. It's not because of the program, but the students who have not spend time to learn or not good for the program.
        • The Canadian market can absorb around 40~60 new graduates each year. Waterloo alone has 140 graduates per year. Combining Unviersities across Canada, we are talking about 400~500 graduates a year.
          • Then what they do for those 300 around graduates who could NOT find the first job?
            • 1. go to states/china/hk/etc. 2. go into bank, or other professions. 3. go back to school for Master's and hope for the best.
        • 这两年学的人多了,就业率下降了,但是它co-op精算专业出来的人应该都有工作吧,还有就是好多人去了美国就业,待遇比这好。waterloo的精算确实很强大,比多大强大。
          • waterloo 有医学院? 它家所有专业都必需上COOP, 所以要是毕业找不到工作就亏大了. 去美国的话, 知名度绝对不如多大, 即使是计算机(当然也许微软等少数几个公司除外).
            • 不是医学院,是给检查视力,查眼底,那就是验光师吧,不是眼科,我失言了
              • 滑铁卢确实有眼科,也有药科。
            • 还有不是他家所有专业都有co-op.是看大学成绩的,好多人进不了co-op专业的。精算有3年的不带co-op的,有4年带co-op的,根据大学成绩申请的。不过10年前,甚至是5,6年前从这里毕业的真的是很好找工作,不管你上没上过co-op.
              • 三年本科? 够水的, 连申请美国H1的资格都没有(印度有三年本科, 这个问题很严重).
          • co-op出来找不到工作的大有人在,co-op又不是万能的,现在经济不景气,很多学生连co-op单位都找不到。
        • 同意这个。。。有些高收入领域是受保护的。。。如果想打入内部,建议改姓。。。不是讲笑。。。
      • It would be more convincing if you say it's one of the best
        • A simple article from a non-trusting sources is meaningless.
          University of Leicester (UK)
          Huh? It's a good school because it offers distant ed? I've never heard of the name of that shcool.

          Heriot-Watt University (UK)
          It's a good school but faculty is not nearly as strong as Waterloo.

          Wisconsin School of Business (USA)
          6 qualified actauries, none of them are famous.

          UNSW Australian School of Business (Australia)
          No offense but do we even have a famous insurance company that is coming from Australia?

          1. Waterloo has the most professors with quanlified Actuarial designations in the world.
          2. Waterloo has the most professors that were past SOA's president in the world.
          3. Waterloo professors wrote the most books used in actuarial exams in the world.
          4. Waterloo has the biggest actuarial science program in the Western world.
          5. Waterloo has the most students that are qualified as ASA upon graduation in the world.
          • If source of your info is provided it would be much better.
            • When US military claims it's the best in the world, you just know it is true. It is a clean cut. No need to provide the source.
              • That's a different story, Jeff. The program you graduated from is good or one of the best. But if you wanted to proof it is THE BEST you need to have convincing evidence to support your argument not just whatever you claim here.
                • You are not in the profession so it's a different story in your mind. But it's the same story in my mind. Read my original post.
                  1. Waterloo has the most professors with quanlified Actuarial designations in the world.
                  2. Waterloo has the most professors that were past president of the Society of Actuaries in the world.
                  3. Waterloo professors wrote the most books used in actuarial exams in the world.
                  4. Waterloo has the biggest actuarial science program in the Western world.
                  5. Waterloo has the most students that are qualified as ASA upon graduation in the world.

                  Need to say more?
                  • I see what you're saying but I would be convinced if you give a link or source of info.
                    • There is no worldwide ranking for any single discipline except business school, of which there are multiple rankings then you argue it's not true based on another ranking. I thought given your background you would know that.
                      It's based on reputation, qualification of the faculties, and word of mouth.
                      • Your school's self-assesment is more trustworthy - "Waterloo has the reputation of being the top actuarial school in North America and even the world.". It doesn't say it is THE BEST though.
                        • top = best. I don't mind saying that UW's Actuarial Program is the top actuarial sicence program in the world, instead of the best.
                  • too good to be true.。如果说滑铁卢大学的精算在加拿大名列前茅还说得过去,要说世界最好,没几个人相信。就连你也找不出最好的佐证,怎么就把它吹成世界第一了?这年头反正吹牛不上税.
                    • It doesn't matter for you not to believe it, as long as people in the profession believes in it. That's the most important thing.
                  • Waterloo的精算是比较大的具有Co-op的精算专业。不说在全世界,就是在安省,它的入学录取要求也就中等偏上,即它招不到顶尖应届高中毕业生。
                    不知道它的高端研究怎样?上述童鞋列出的The University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Business,它的精算专业的几位教授在世界上很有名,像加拿大中央银行等单位,都要到那里去抢它的Ph.D。聚会时碰到一位来自于大陆的Lady,就是被加国央行以高薪(>18W)招来的,当时她还没有移民身份。所以没有顶尖的生源,顶尖的教授,有效的数据来源,最好不要说什么世界第一。
                    • Can you please let me know which professors in The University of Wisconsin is famous in its actuarial faculties? Don't confuse Statistics with Actuarial Science. They are two different things.
                      Bank of Canada does not employ actuaries. They employ statisticians and economists. If you want to talk to people about actuarial science, talk to people working in the insurance company, not employees from Bank of Canada.
                      • Actuarial Science Faculty in UW, 不清楚行内知名度.
                        • None of them come even close to Waterloo's professor, Harry Panjer, Mary Hardy, Robert Brown, Gordon Willmot who wrote many textbooks that are part of the actuarial exams. Two of them are ex SOA president and ex CIA president.
                          One of them sit in SOA's Board of Director.

                          Waterloo's actuarial science faculty has 8 quanlified actuaries where Madison only has 6.
                          • Madison的Actuarial Science在美国只是中上水平, 和Waterloo好象没差那么远, 你这个世界第一的说法似乎有点勉强.
                            • Then which one do you think it's #1 in the world? Let's do a comparison. By the way, I work in the US before. U of Wiscousin is definately #1 in the US. You might argue I don't have proof. Well that's the industry reputation.
                              • Never heard U of Wiscousin is definately #1 Actuarial Science in the US when I was there. But I have no idea as to which school is #1 in states.
                      • 你可以去Google啊。。。别人一说,你就要数据,你的世界第一怎么不给出数据先?那位女士自己说毕业于精算,她的教授在精算领域非常有名。我又不是精算专业的,她为什么去央行而不去保险公司,我不清楚。
                        • There is no such ranking as I said many times.
                          • So, don't say: W's actuarial is #1 in the world. I understand your feeling and I like W too.
                            • If such ranking exist, UW is #1 in the world. It's not a feeling thing. It's the faculty which makes it great...
                              • 不过凭你辩论的风格,确实是a qualified Actuary,精准犀利。最佩服的是,十几岁来到加国,中文还这么好。
                              • 那还要有象你这样的好学生才行啊。
                        • By the way, I just checked SOA's membership directory, there is only one qualified actuary in Bank of Canada, and she is white. Apparently your friend is not even an actuary. Here is the link. Feel free to check.
                          • 先声明,那位女士不是我的朋友,只是在N年前一次聚会时相识,她谈论怎么用Actuarial Models研究利率的走向等等,给我留下很深的印象,记得那是2008年金融风暴前。
                            看你这么认真,问了办聚会的朋友,才得知这位女士,为了家庭团聚,已经于去年9月离开工作了两年多的央行,从Ottawa去了Toronto,目前就职于一家保险公司。另外,成为a Actuary,要考证吧?她当时Ph.D只上交了博士论文,还没有最后答辩,就被加国央行从Madison招来,不知那时她算不算a Qualified Actuary?
                      • Actuarial science is the discipline that applies mathematical and statistical methods to assess risk in the insurance and finance industries. That means Actuarial science is used not only in insurance but also other financial industries.
                        • I don't get your point. By the way, I'm a qualified Actuary.
                          • I know that Jeff. I also know that both insurance and financial industries including banks employ qualified actuaries. Did you say you applied for a job at BNS?
                            • I rephase. 90% of the actuaries employed by insurance companies and pension funds. 10% employs in all other companies including but not limited to banks, gov't, oil company, asset manager, etc. Happy?
                              • you are right this time.
                            • Just did a check. Scotia Bank employes 5 qualified actuaries. Great... It just happen 4 of them are in Scotia Insurance... Which... em... an insurance company I suppose?
                              • That's possible. Actuaries outside insurance ...
                                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Actuaries outside insuranceThere is an increasing trend to recognize that actuarial skills can be applied to a range of applications outside the insurance industry. One notable example is the use in some US states of actuarial models to set criminal sentencing guidelines. These models attempt to predict the chance of re-offending according to rating factors which include the type of crime, age, educational background and ethnicity of the offender (Silver & Chow-Martin 2002). However, these models have been open to criticism as providing justification by law enforcement personnel on specific ethnic groups. Whether or not this is statistically correct or a self-fulfilling correlation remains under debate (Harcourt 2003).

                                Another example is the use of actuarial models to assess the risk of sex offense recidivism. Actuarial models and associated tables, such as the MnSOST-R, Static-99, and SORAG, have been used since the late 1990s to determine the likelihood that a sex offender will recidivate and thus whether he or she should be institutionalized or set free (Nieto & Jung 2006, pp. 28–33).更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                                • 刺儿哥又咬文嚼字了吧?
                                  • 门外汉,不敢。JEFF是个聪明可畏的后生。不过 “ 严谨的态度很值得称赞:-) -fly_universe(飞越时空); 3.24 21:29 (#6581028@0) ” 哈哈
                                    • 严谨的态度很值得批判
                                      • 干嘛跟 fly_universe(飞越时空) 过不去 ?:(
                                        • 不是跟她过不去,只是声明一下本人的观点。俺以前受你的误导,冒犯过她,现在后悔莫及,哪里还敢过不去。
                                          • 红卫兵泰度恒好,力马提拔进领导人第三梯队。
                                            • 马后炮。他已经是准一梯队了。
        • 严谨的态度很值得称赞:-)