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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


From: "
Subject: Class 2-4

Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 13:29:11 -0400

Hello Everyone!!!

How are you all? I hope everyone is doing well and prosperous in their
careers. You all may have heard from (another teacher )by now, but just so you all know for sure, after August 23rd, our positions have been terminated.

This is due to lack of funding by the school board, but it's also a part of
life that has to be faced, and we're both going to be okay. Any ways, I
would like to give you all my e-mail address in case you ever would like to put me down as a reference. It is (aaa@aaa.com).

Most of you do not know this, but you all were my very first class that
I ever placed, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all
for your patience and understanding. It was an absolute pleasure to meet you all and I hope our paths will cross again in the future. Do stay in touchand let me know how you all are doing from time to time.

With sincere regards,


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 记得以前在这里看到有人给出一个volunteer center的网址,在mississauga,专门给新移民办的,有两三个月的workshop的那个,还有人有地址吗?谢谢.
    • up
      • upup
        • 我有網址﹐但不知道有沒有你要的﹐等下班回家再幫你看看。
          • 谢谢谢谢
            • I checked the website I had, it is a volunteer site for toronto, I didnt find any information about Missisaga, maybe it is not what u need.
    • 不要找了。他们8月份就正式关门了。我的老师来EMAIL说的。(私人信息已修改)
      From: "
      Subject: Class 2-4

      Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 13:29:11 -0400

      Hello Everyone!!!

      How are you all? I hope everyone is doing well and prosperous in their
      careers. You all may have heard from (another teacher )by now, but just so you all know for sure, after August 23rd, our positions have been terminated.

      This is due to lack of funding by the school board, but it's also a part of
      life that has to be faced, and we're both going to be okay. Any ways, I
      would like to give you all my e-mail address in case you ever would like to put me down as a reference. It is (aaa@aaa.com).

      Most of you do not know this, but you all were my very first class that
      I ever placed, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all
      for your patience and understanding. It was an absolute pleasure to meet you all and I hope our paths will cross again in the future. Do stay in touchand let me know how you all are doing from time to time.

      With sincere regards,

    • 楼上sinodeer说的对。但还是给你个链接,抓紧时间也许能赶上末班车。Goog luck!
      • 可能来不及了吧。上课还要6周呢。
        • 课程说是6周,但中途有很多插班的,有的上了两个星期课程还没结束就去做上班了。其实那些课程都是garbage,最重要的学校能以政府的名义给公司打电话要volunteer机会。
          • 说句实话,他们关门一是经费短缺,另外,现在很难往外派,大市不行。
      • 啊,难怪我上两周打电话他们说还不一定有呢.真不走运.不过谢谢上面两位了.另外还有没有别的地方可以去的呢?
        • 777 Bloor West 有个NOW Program. 短平快那种。
          • 有网址吗?或者电话?是给什么人去的?thanks
            • (416)393-0350
    • 有个jobstart 你去否?8周。然后合格找co-op。 416-231-2295 有一学生在上课期间,学校知道一opening,然后就推荐了,那人就成幸运人了