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pass with flying colors

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 你要是会这几个英文词(组),你的英文就比俺好。

    pass with flying colors
    • 一个不识
    • Ah, I am definitely better!
      • 恭喜老猫。俺原来还以为你只是一科技股。
      • gre过~~~~
    • 满足你一下。你的英文真是好、好、好
      不过我啊。哈啊哈,哪儿的事儿啊?Cunning 常用吗?肯定经常出现在你的code里。
      • 看来是真心的,激动得说话都结巴了。
        • No doubt about it. Know two for sure, one seems familiar but don’t think it’s commonly used.
          • ”狡猾“英语怎么说?
            • 不知道
              tricky,sly and perhaps cunning.
              • 老婆说某人狡猾,女儿问是什么意思,老婆说 blah blah。不忍心看老婆误导女儿,俺就直说了。当时还真没想到有别的说法,还是刺儿哥厉害。
                • 不会不会。红卫兵读书多,刺儿哥听说话多吧。
                  Cunning is more written English, I think. Tricky is more used in colloquial English.I do hear people say foxy, wily etc. as well.
    • 调查一下:如果你不知道“狡猾”英文怎么讲,你会怎么跟老外解释这个词?
      • a bad guy being clever and using his intelligence against good guys...
        • Not bad. My wife said: someone who's full of bad ideas.
    • 我都不认识,回来问问老公
      • 刚问了,老公都知道,还摆出一付不屑的样子。可恶~~~
        • 要么他怎么在谷狗做高管哪?再说了,三年级小孩子都知道的。
          • you don't know what are you talking about......
            • 说明你老公不是英文读的多,就是认识纪阿姨。
              • 20年了,认识纪阿姨
            • I am sorry I was just teasing and really didn’t know what I was talking about.
              • I know~~~~and it's okay~~~~now you can test for another one lol....
    • 现在俺终于相信数周前一兄弟所说 ,Rolia上烂人一大把。
      • 烂人报到:北美PhD, 没拷纪阿姨。
        • 纪阿姨是谁?
          • Apparently you didn’t make it
            • 你以为他真不知道?
              • I don't
                think you know that in fact I am really a big joker :)
                • 就这个贴,没看出来~~~~露怯啦
        • 嘿嘿,别挤兑人啊!屁爱娶弟还烂人,那我们众多肉联兄弟还活吗?
    • I am 66.6% better -- missed "spiffy" - but did you know "grok"?:-)
      • “grok” 不是你的原创?
        • Robert A. Heinlein originally coined the term grok in his 1961 novel Stranger in a Strange Land as a Martian word that could not be defined in earthly terms...
          • 你们俩真够GROK的。哈哈。
            • It's an non-absurd verb -- in that you can't really replace it with any other verb or phrase with the same effectiveness.
              • To understand something intimately and completely with each other...?
                • not precisely...:-)
                  • or - Glued-rear-of-keek?
                    • 不是你的原创? -wincity(戒书的红卫兵); 17:05 (#6545106@0) :-)
                      • Almost.
    • 有个孩子来我家玩,刚问了她,都知道,三年级~~
      • 请问难言之隐英文如何说?
        • I would simply say - something embarrassing to mention.
          • Not that "simply" -- how about just "unspeakable"?
            • i would say so. Unspeakable means 无法形容 not really 难言之隐.
              • If say " too personal to tell", is it acceptable?
                • best one so far.
                  • +1 -- although context counts.
        • 人家小孩说这叫SECRETS.
          • No wonder a Grad 3 knows it all.
            • 我是觉得这些人很可爱,如孔乙己考人。
              • 嗯。。。茴香豆的茴字有四种写法,晓得伐?
              • 有同感。
                • 连三年级的孩子都知道,应该不算是茴香豆吧?
      • This is a good one;-).
      • 厉害。(俺娃问,爸爸,what is 厉害?)
        • 你娃多大?
          • 犬子五岁有半。
            • 2.5 year old puppy?:-)
            • 看来兵哥没当过红卫兵----吹牛!
            • 我女儿那时也问过那样问题
    • I only know spiffy.
      • 咱俩绑在一起水平就够了。我知道另外两个
        • 我女儿也是知道另外两个。
          • 女儿多大? spiffy 可是童话。(谁知道”女儿“的汉语拼音?)
            • 我知道,但我打不出~~~~
              • 我打不出才问的。用 google 拼音。
                • 我用INPUTKING打NV就出来了。用肉联的要打NVE才出来哦
                  • 还真是nv. 谢谢.
                    • 嘻嘻,甭客气~~~
                    • 你上网以来没有敲过" nv" " lv"这些字?
            • spiffy的童话是什么?
              • 儿童说的话.
                • 说的什么内容的话?
                  • 内容不拘.
      • 有人赞扬你用的这词:-)?
        • Just someone said I was spiffy.
          • good:-)
    • 一个都不认识。 :(
      • Me too :( 这里牛人真多。
        • 不认识也没有什么不好.
          • 啊啊,那就是二年级呗。我相信小学三年级学生知道 “pass with flying colors” 但不一定另外两个 。
            • 有同感, 很奇怪有孩子知道后两个却不知道第一个. 国内生的? 或者读大人的书多跟小朋友交流的少?
        • 崖妹,你的语法不对。不能用"me too" .
          • 完了,直接打回Kindergarden :=/ Should it be "Me neither?" BTW
            I'm NOT MM :=)))
            • 我要笑晕了
            • 哦,
    • 你们的英语都比俺好!
    • pass with flying colors 瞅着明明是彩旗飘飘,其实是旗开得胜,哈
      • haha....this is a good one~~~
      • 若初总是妙语连珠.