Please submit original documented proof of your relationship with the sponsor in the form of the sponsor's birth certificate, previous houkou (household register) detailing the sponsor as part of your household, hospital birth records or other conclusive proof.
我们那个年代,根本没有出生纸一说,(birth certificate),原来的户口出国时候就销了,后来父母搬家换地址,也就没有我的名字在户口上。这样,这两种东西我都不可能提供原件。别的东西可以吗?以前父母过来探亲做的亲属关系公证(当时也在探亲申请材料中用此公证证明过亲属关系,不止一次),这次可以用这个吗?
Please submit original documented proof of your relationship with the sponsor in the form of the sponsor's birth certificate, previous houkou (household register) detailing the sponsor as part of your household, hospital birth records or other conclusive proof.
我们那个年代,根本没有出生纸一说,(birth certificate),原来的户口出国时候就销了,后来父母搬家换地址,也就没有我的名字在户口上。这样,这两种东西我都不可能提供原件。别的东西可以吗?以前父母过来探亲做的亲属关系公证(当时也在探亲申请材料中用此公证证明过亲属关系,不止一次),这次可以用这个吗?