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I like to wrote, but I think it doesn't make any difference, my comment will go down to the bottom in 10 mins. But it's good as there are over 400 comments already.

I usually comment there from time to time on hot topic (eg. last summer's Tamil refugee ship docked in Vancouver) , it's a big number now, it means at least lots of people concern this, no matter they support gov. or against. But the gov. won't follow those much. The Tamil issue last year, at least 95% against gov. accpet them, so what, gov. does their way.

We can't win when we argue there, just make you more angry and couldn't sleep later. At least for me.

So I think right now we need to do is as other people are discussing here, to find best strategy to convince gov. to increase the category quotas.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / Access to Information data shows the federal government has cut quotas for visas to Canada, resulting in a 13- year wait list to bring parents or grandparents here
    • CBC News: Immigrant visas to drop 5 per cent
    • really Bad News for us. We need to do sth. gov is too annoying.
      • if you see the comments at least 95% people are against us. against parents immi.所以我们以后工作的难度很大啊。
        • 经济不好必然导致保护主义抬头,今后几年总名额估计还会继续下降
        • 是不是难度大就什么也不做呢? 这样对我们这些移民又公平吗? 这样可以说主流歧视移民吗? 我们也一样交税给政府啊? 为何要这样对待我们的父母呢? 公平吗? 难道这就叫民主吗?
          • 不工作的父母移民以及难民移民都不受本地人欢迎,所以如果有人公开要求增加配额的话,会有更多本地人出来反对的。在野党不得不考虑这一点。dulululu是说他个人认为如果他去做的话,难度很大没有成功机会,他个人能力和精力所不能及的。他已经把如何联系cic的方式放到网上了
            • 大选在即, 我们应该利用手上的选票告诉在野党我们的选择。
            • Can we suggest gov. all the parents who don't have status and want to reunion, just give them multiple-entry 5+ years visas. In this case, parents won't spend Canada's money and they are happy?
        • Urgent!!!!Try to post your message on the following CBC website AS SOON AS POSSIBLE http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2011/02/14/attaran-immigration.html#socialcomments
          Most of the comments are again to immigrate parents to Canada.
          My husband Patrick just post one coments under the name of martingroup.
          Everyone of us should post our comment immediately, so that our voice can win the evil noise.
          More I read these comments more I feel angry, how shelfish, racism and greedy canadian they are.
          They forget the fact that our parents support all our education and Canada did not pay a penny and get all of us super qualified labor force.
          Hope there will be election soon, if libernal or NDP will be elected, maybe the situation will be a little better.
          • I like to wrote, but I think it doesn't make any difference, my comment will go down to the bottom in 10 mins. But it's good as there are over 400 comments already.
            I usually comment there from time to time on hot topic (eg. last summer's Tamil refugee ship docked in Vancouver) , it's a big number now, it means at least lots of people concern this, no matter they support gov. or against. But the gov. won't follow those much. The Tamil issue last year, at least 95% against gov. accpet them, so what, gov. does their way.

            We can't win when we argue there, just make you more angry and couldn't sleep later. At least for me.

            So I think right now we need to do is as other people are discussing here, to find best strategy to convince gov. to increase the category quotas.
            • you are right! we need to do is as other people are discussing here, to find best strategy to convince gov. to increase the category quotas.
            • you are right! we should do what we want, to find best strategy to convince gov. to increase the category quotas.
              • I think it's hard to against gov. 's quota target decreasing, we try to convince them to increase the quota, but at menatime, can we suggest the alternative way to obtain the same goal - reunion.
                Such as parents don't use Canadian resource much, health care, senior security, etc. That's why US parents reunion is very fast as they don't care their health care.

                If we can suggest CIC to give parents easier way to apply and get longer time frame multiple entry visa, then they shouldn't have too many concerns.

                But there are lots of people, once they landed and they change their agreement or promises with gov., so we have to find the strategies which are cover all the factors.
                • 渥太华大学法律暨医学教授阿塔蓝(Amir Attaran)14日在渥太华国会山的记者会上说,他父母申请来加团聚,60个月时间过去了,却一直没有下文,他因此投诉加拿大政府侵犯人权。
                • 现在是时候联系其他族的人举行像2005年一样的游行啦!