1. Police Certificate: 临来加拿大前办的也没关系, 只要在离开中国之前6个月内办的就有效. 或者在你的父母来加拿大后,让你的家人为他们做; 确认他们离开中国之前没有犯罪记录. This has to be notarized and the original copy of 派出所盖章的证明 has to submit to CIC as well.
2. 加拿大的无犯罪公证: According to the guide, you don't have to do this until the CIC ask you to do.
3. 户口公证: Buffalo don't need 户口公证, just want a copy. But they need 出生公证, which is indicate your parents' name, birth date, father and mother's name.
2. 加拿大的无犯罪公证: According to the guide, you don't have to do this until the CIC ask you to do.
3. 户口公证: Buffalo don't need 户口公证, just want a copy. But they need 出生公证, which is indicate your parents' name, birth date, father and mother's name.