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香港有个销量很大的报纸叫“东方日报”,我最早认识Oriental这个词就是它的英文名字Oriental Daily,从来没觉得有贬义。但是英美的词典说这个词有贬义,那就只好贬义了。wiki的解释:

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Perceptions and connotations

An important factor in the usage of 'Oriental', regardless of perceptions of pejorativeness, is that it collectively refers to cultural, ethnic and national groupings of people who do not necessarily identify themselves as associated, and hence can lead to inaccurate assumptions about similarity. (Compare 'the West.')
[edit] American English

While a small number of reference works used in the United States describe Oriental as pejorative, antiquated but not necessarily offensive, the American Heritage Book of English Usage notes that:

It is worth remembering, though, that Oriental is not an ethnic slur to be avoided in all situations. It is most objectionable in contemporary contexts and when used as a noun, as in the appointment of an Oriental to head the commission. But in certain historical contexts, or when its exotic connotations are integral to the topic, Oriental remains a useful term.[4]

Random House's Guide to Sensitive Language states "Other words (e.g., Oriental, colored) are outdated or inaccurate." This Guide to Sensitive Language suggests the use of "Asian or more specific designation such as Pacific Islander, Chinese American, [or] Korean".[5] Merriam-Webster describes the term as "sometimes offensive",[6] while Encarta states that when the term is used as a noun it is considered "a highly offensive term for somebody from East Asia". [7]
[edit] British English

In British English, the term Oriental is not typically considered pejorative, and is used to refer to people originating from East and Southeast Asia. Asian is generally used only to describe people originating from South Asia.[8] This usage reflects historic immigration into the UK, since more than 50% of the non-European population is British Asian, whereas East and Southeast Asians comprise only 5-6% of the non-European population. Of those, the majority are of Chinese descent.[9]
[edit] Australian English

In Australian English, the term "Asian" is generally used in reference to people of Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean and Japanese ethnicity. Australians generally refer to people of Korean, Vietnamese, Japanese or Chinese descent as Asian, and persons of Indian or Sri Lankan descent by their respective demonym. However, use of the term often varies according to personal preference.

The word Oriental, in place of Asian, is seldom used in colloquial conversation in Australia, although it is considered anachronistic rather than offensive.[citation needed]
[edit] Canadian English

In Canadian English, like Australian English, the term "Asian" is used most often to refer to people of eastern Asian descent and other similar southeastern groups. It can be expanded, however, such as in colonial times, to include the more southern Asian countries such as India and Sri Lanka, which is quite common, especially in use by South Asians themselves. In modern Canadian usage, according to the Canadian Oxford Dictionary, the term "Oriental" is considered offensive when applied to a person of East Asian ancestry.[10]
[edit] German

In German Orient is usually used synonymously with the Arab World and Persia. The term Asiaten is used to describe the people of East Asia and Southeast Asia.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 你们投了FORD票的听好了: "Those Oriental people work like dogs," he said, helpfully clarifying, "The Oriental people, they're slowly taking over." (by Rob Ford in late winter 2008)
    • 狗在中国是骂人的话,换成工作起来象老黄牛是不是就没事了?中国现在加班确实很多,我有个朋友在国内一大网站上班,早上7点钟就要走,晚上十来点钟才回来。
      • 这里"Oriental"是骂人的话!他是在种族歧视和排外!
        • 多少遍啊多少遍,都选过了再争也没用了,4年以后再提吧。
          • sigh!只是不能参选,在旁边干着急!
            • 我们就选他,急死你这个落选的(或许落选的狗腿儿?),呵呵
              • 别忘了你也是"Oriental"。同时我尊重你的选择,希望4年后你别后悔。(别跟我"狗腿"什么的。话要好好说。)
                • 那,该叫你什么腿儿啊, 显然不是后腿儿,也许该叫有一腿儿? 不懂了
                  • 我还是"围观"算了,跟你这类人无法交流。
                    • 没办法,我们人类都是这样子的了
        • 我也不喜欢外包,希望加拿大的企业家至少把一些核心的技术留在本地,说起来也有点排外。
    • 老邓说了“不管白猫黑猫,抓到老鼠就是好猫”。其实不是不管猫的好坏,是这会子耗子猖獗,实在是不抓不成。先放个猫出去,整整耗子。等差不多了,再好好收拾收拾那只猫。。。
      • 老邓的大秘书!
        • 赶紧定住。就怕你把那个“大”改成“小”。
          • 从经验上讲,大米是从小米过来的。哈哈
      • haha... BLOB FORD is the FAT CAT???
        • 你说他不是,可拦不住多伦多人民觉得他像啊。你那意思广大人民雪亮的眼睛蒙尘了?
          • 肥得流油的猫!
            • 加拿大穷人比富人肥。
              • 哈哈哈!你是说我比Ford富有呢?
                • 要是这么想能让你高兴,为什么不呢?
                  • Haha... Thanks! You just made my day!
      • 如今是耗子的社会,做猫很吃亏的。
        • 难说他也会变成耗子。
    • “听好了”?多伦多人民不怕威胁。尊重选举结果是民主成熟的表现。
      • yes, now we have to work with the fat retard for the upcoming 4 years!
        • 又来了,天要塌了呀,福特骂人狗了啊。我哈哈。真是为古人担忧。
          • 只能说你英语太烂!重点是"Those Oriental people 。。。The Oriental people。。。"与狗无关。
            • 兄弟,太敏感啦,EASY,EASY。明天的太阳照样升起。
              • I'm not so sure. A massive windstorm is coming towards Toronto this evening. Tornado watch is being called. 苍天有眼呀!哈哈哈!
                • 一个tornado 还是watch, 至于高兴成这样吗? 现在如果多伦多大地震,你不该乐疯了。
    • 做狗比当狗腿强多了,伏特狗把华人都升级了
      • it is true, regualrly, some of government staffs were called watchdogs. but some people work as a dog walker, serving dogs.
    • #6330903@0
      • 重点是"Those Oriental people 。。。The Oriental people。。。"与狗无关。
        • Ford 说他不知道这个词含有贬义。说实话,在这个事件之前,我也不知道 Orient 是贬义词。谁能说说,这词什么时候变为贬义的?
          • 可以转"外语学习"版深入讨论"Oriental"这词。
          • CBC - Outdated term 'Oriental' has no place at city hall: prof
          • 香港有个销量很大的报纸叫“东方日报”,我最早认识Oriental这个词就是它的英文名字Oriental Daily,从来没觉得有贬义。但是英美的词典说这个词有贬义,那就只好贬义了。wiki的解释:
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Perceptions and connotations

            An important factor in the usage of 'Oriental', regardless of perceptions of pejorativeness, is that it collectively refers to cultural, ethnic and national groupings of people who do not necessarily identify themselves as associated, and hence can lead to inaccurate assumptions about similarity. (Compare 'the West.')
            [edit] American English

            While a small number of reference works used in the United States describe Oriental as pejorative, antiquated but not necessarily offensive, the American Heritage Book of English Usage notes that:

            It is worth remembering, though, that Oriental is not an ethnic slur to be avoided in all situations. It is most objectionable in contemporary contexts and when used as a noun, as in the appointment of an Oriental to head the commission. But in certain historical contexts, or when its exotic connotations are integral to the topic, Oriental remains a useful term.[4]

            Random House's Guide to Sensitive Language states "Other words (e.g., Oriental, colored) are outdated or inaccurate." This Guide to Sensitive Language suggests the use of "Asian or more specific designation such as Pacific Islander, Chinese American, [or] Korean".[5] Merriam-Webster describes the term as "sometimes offensive",[6] while Encarta states that when the term is used as a noun it is considered "a highly offensive term for somebody from East Asia". [7]
            [edit] British English

            In British English, the term Oriental is not typically considered pejorative, and is used to refer to people originating from East and Southeast Asia. Asian is generally used only to describe people originating from South Asia.[8] This usage reflects historic immigration into the UK, since more than 50% of the non-European population is British Asian, whereas East and Southeast Asians comprise only 5-6% of the non-European population. Of those, the majority are of Chinese descent.[9]
            [edit] Australian English

            In Australian English, the term "Asian" is generally used in reference to people of Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean and Japanese ethnicity. Australians generally refer to people of Korean, Vietnamese, Japanese or Chinese descent as Asian, and persons of Indian or Sri Lankan descent by their respective demonym. However, use of the term often varies according to personal preference.

            The word Oriental, in place of Asian, is seldom used in colloquial conversation in Australia, although it is considered anachronistic rather than offensive.[citation needed]
            [edit] Canadian English

            In Canadian English, like Australian English, the term "Asian" is used most often to refer to people of eastern Asian descent and other similar southeastern groups. It can be expanded, however, such as in colonial times, to include the more southern Asian countries such as India and Sri Lanka, which is quite common, especially in use by South Asians themselves. In modern Canadian usage, according to the Canadian Oxford Dictionary, the term "Oriental" is considered offensive when applied to a person of East Asian ancestry.[10]
            [edit] German

            In German Orient is usually used synonymously with the Arab World and Persia. The term Asiaten is used to describe the people of East Asia and Southeast Asia.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 赞!既然我们都生活在加拿大,就以加拿大用法为准:In modern Canadian usage, according to the Canadian Oxford Dictionary, the term "Oriental" is considered offensive when applied to a person of East Asian ancestry.
            • 这个解释比较全面。所以,一定要联系上下文,整体地去看发言者表达的意思,而不是盯住一个词,然后从词典中挑一个令自己特别激动的解释以便借题发挥。
          • My own understanding of the word "Oriental" being used towards Asian people is like calling African Americans/Canadians "Nigger". Okay, maybe not as bad, but you get my idea.
        • 请问这个Oriental的贬义到底到达什么程度?是类似那种说 You Chinese 或者 You Asian 的贬义吗?
      • It's a sunny day! This issue is over.
    • 没投FORD票,不过还是当选了,窃笑飘然无砖闪过。
    • 骂两句总比被掏口袋强。
      • 落选人(或其爪牙)的不服心理,理会他做什么
    • 这个Oridental和狗不禁让我联想到一次我称呼别人为爱斯基摩人,被批评教育了一番,说有贬低歧视之嫌,应该叫因纽特人。 我绝无此心,无奈汉语只知道这一个称呼。不过幸运的是我不是什么政治人物,不至于招来什么口诛比伐。
      • 中文的“鬼佬”才更具有歧视性。
        • 不要再抓这句话打FORD 了,Smitherman在位4年半然后说e-health 不关他事。这样的人才是该被唾弃的。Democracy is beautiful。 请尊重民主的选举,不要输打赢要。
    • 别担心啊,猪和狗都是不错的动物。ford还给记者骂fat fuxx呢。