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讲道分享:所有的宗教都是一样的吗(Are all religions the same)?

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛(针对我上个星期提出的问题,牧师准备了以下的讲道。)

我想这是一个大家都会面临的问题:我们怎么知道基督教是正确的选择,耶稣是唯一的救赎呢?这个问题当然还可以有不同的表达方式,比如:为什么基督教说耶稣是唯一的救赎?其实答案很简单:Because Jesus said so(而不是人们凭空捏造出来的)。对于基督徒来说,要么耶稣是对的,要么基督教只是一个谎言!

我们经常会听到有人这样说:“所有的宗教都是一样的(All religions are the same)”,或“耶稣并不是天国唯一的钥匙”。其实这样的说法恰恰显出这种人的无知,及其对宗教缺乏最起码的尊重。让我们看看达赖喇嘛是怎么说的吧:“Every religion emphasizes human improvement, love , respect for others, sharing other people's suffering. On these lines every religion had more or less the same viewpoint and the same goal.”。如果所有的宗教真的都是一致的,那么宗教暴力/仇恨就是完全没有必要的,这将是一幅多么美好的景象啊!对他人宣称“你的宗教是错的,我的才是对的”无异于表明“我的生活方式/文化/传统比你的好”。然而,宗教真的都是一样的吗?现代生活中,各种语言,文化,伦理,道德,和宗教是如此紧密地互相交织,使得我们很容易就得出宗教都是一致的结论。事实上,达赖喇嘛仅仅提到了宗教的一个层面,佛教的中心思想之一,也即为人处世应有的态度等。然而,事实上宗教远远超出“生活指南”这个范畴。

在我们讨论“Are all religions equally valid”这个问题之前,我们首先得明确宗教是干什么的。不同的宗教都自称持有问题的答案,或至少提供一些独到的见识。而这些问题的一个共同特征是,在科学上它们是无法求证的。这类问题当然花样繁多,但是看起来我们可以把它们归纳为三(种)个问题:



(1). 只有一种宗教是真的, 其它的都是假的。无神论(如果暂且时把它当成宗教来处理)可以归于此类。
(2). 某种宗教所提供的答案是最真实最完备的。其它宗教则与真理的距离都有所不同。
(3). 所有的宗教都是对的,或同等有效的。没有一种宗教比其它宗教更优越(在对以上三个问题的答案这个层面上来说)。
(4). 所以的宗教都是无意义的,因为这三类问题本身就是没有答案的(不可知论)。


“No buddhist who understands the Buddha's teaching thinks that that other religions are wrong. No-one who has made a genuine effort to examine other regions with an open mind could think like that either. The first thing you notice when you study the different religions is just how much they have in common. All religions acknowledge that mean's present state is unsatisfactory. All believe that a change of attitude and behaviour is needed if man's situation is to improve. All teach an ethics that includes love, kindness, patience, generosity and social responsibility and all accept that existence of some form of Absoulte.

They use different languages, different names and different symbols to describe and explain these things, and it is only when they narrow-mindedly cling to their one way of seeing things that religious tolerance, pride and self-righteousness arise.

Image an Englishman, a Frenchman, a Chinese and an Indonesian all looking at a cup. The Englishman syas, "This is a cup". The Frenchman answers , "No it's not, it's a tasse.", The Chinese comments, "You are both wrong. It's a pei." And the Indonesian laughs at the others and says "What a fool you are. It's a cawan.”The Englishman get a dictionary and shows it to the others saying, "I can prove that it's a cup. My dictionary says so." "Then your dictionary is wrong", says the Frenchman "Because my dictionary clearly says it's a tasse." The Chinese scoffs at them. "My dictionary is thousands of years older than yours, so my dictionary must be right. And besides, more people speak Chinese than any other language, so it must be pei." While they are squabbling and arguing with each other, a Buddhist comes up and drinks from the cup. After he has drunk, he says to the others, "Whether you call it a cup, a tasse, a pei or a cawan, the purpose of the cup is to be used. Stop arguing and drink, stop squabbling and refresh your thirst". This is the Buddhist attitude to other religions.”


版本二:All religions are essentially the same. Despite whatever else they might say, they are fundamentally about apprehending the ultimate truth of the universe, feeling the oneness of all things,enjoying a transcendent spiritual experience within and beyond all particulars.

版本一是道德主义,版本二是神秘主义。我们绝不能下断言所有的宗教,剥去层层的外衣后,在不丢掉它们的本质特征的情况下,剩下的不是道德主义就是神秘主义。这一点,无论是印度教,基督教,犹太教,伊斯兰教,还是佛教等都是 无法认同的。



(A). 我认为是 Head。
(B). 我认为是 Tail。
(C). 我不知道是 Head 还是 Tail。
(D). 我才懒得管它是 Head 还是 Tail。

但是如果你说:我认为它即是 Head 又是 Tail 就比较荒谬了(别跟我说量子理论喔)。

其实,相信选项三(所有宗教都一样)的人其实也是在选择四(所有宗教都没有意义)。因为他们对以上三个问题的答案不是“我不知道”,而是“我不关心”。选择四其实也暗示了,如果没有必要做选择,不要做选择;或者说,延迟选择。也就是说:Until more evidence comes to light, I will act as though such-and-such were true。这正是不少人对宗教的态度。

在科学上有一个叫做 Occam's Razor 的原理(奥卡姆剃刀原理)。用最简单的话来表述,那就是说,我们不应该去做没必要的假设;或者说,当你有两个处于竞争地位的理论能得出同样的结论,那么简单的那个更好。举例来说,在宇宙不是永恒的科学证据面前,下面哪个更为简单呢?

1. 宇宙是“神”创造的。
2. 宇宙是自发生成的。

第一个选项看起来象黑箱原理,把问题的答案转换成涵待解决的另一个问题(最终推给神),因此第二个选项看起来应该是上佳首选了。然而,哪个选项做出的假设最少呢?请你们自行判定吧。:)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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