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为了巨富的利益, 政客们是如何利用大众媒体操纵民意的。


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 为了巨富的利益, 政客们是如何利用大众媒体操纵民意的。
    • 民主之意,不在自由。世界各个地, 美国插手的地区, 要么战火连绵, 要么武器满地. #6148837@0
      • Dalai Lama replied "thousands of lives were lost in the resistance" and further, that "the US Government had involved itself in his country's affairs not to help Tibet but only as a Cold War tactic to challenge the Chinese.
    • Flying the flag, faking the news: "an invisible government which is the true ruling power in our country”
    • 美国舆论为进攻伊朗作宣传。 
      • 美国借它个胆它也不敢现在去打伊朗
        • 和以前的任何战争一样,和少数人的利益有关,是为这些人争夺利益。和胆量关系不大。#6148837@0
    • 只要有国家这个形式存在就会有政治,有政治就会有政客,有政客就存在利用大众媒体影响(未必都可以操纵)民意的。这是正常形态. 因此才需要媒体的多元化, 去反影响和反控制.而不能只让有政府控制的媒体发声.
      • 在一个追求鸡的屁GDP的政客群里, 不是民主是“钱主“。
        和中国政客们利用权力操纵舆论工具一样, 躲在美国总统背后的导演们利用金钱来操纵舆论工具, 来蛊惑民心。让人斗人,商斗商, 无论健康不健康,鸡的屁 (GDP) . 屁的鸡,制造垃圾最得意。

        例如, McDonald's的汉堡包是世界上公认的垃圾食品,其每个汉堡包的成本不到50美分, 他们用1 美元作广告。McDonald's 不顾消费者的死活,公司却是世界最好的公司之一。McDonald's 经营方式就是美国政府的管理方式, 美国政客派兵去别的国家烧杀掠抢,却大肆宣传去推行民主自由。
        • 你吃McDonald's的汉堡包么?
          • 吃过,全吐了。
            • 后来又吃了么?
              • 又吐了
                • 你没有代理回答权.
                  • 这里时兴代表发言
                    • 你带几块表?我和高枫来正经的呢,你表捣乱啊.
                      • 老猫代表我,"Planet Earth is our Home, Humanity is our Family,"
                        • OK.既然你声明啦, 我就认可他的答案. 我就和他来问答, 你也要承认啊."Planet Earth is our Home, Humanity is our Family"很喜欢,.很喜欢看Planet Earth ,拍摄的很震撼.
                          • My Story of Bic Mac. Please put your input and edit for me.
                            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The Story of Big Mac
                            Work less, Enjoy more!

                            McDonald’s restaurant is a well know cooperation in the world. The Economist's Big Mac index seeks to make exchange-rate theory more digestible, but the burger is a well know junk food and the company pay low wages too. The burger makes people suffering from high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart attacks to die. Still, most investors consider McDonald’s is one of the best companies in the world.

                            How come a company making people sick to die with low wages is one of the best companies in the world? First, they use more resources to focus on advertisements. The propaganda of McDonald’s is the Massive Destructive Weapon of our minds. There are free playing places for kids in their restaurants, free toys if you buy and eat their burgers and using all mainstream Medias for its unhealthy products. That makes us use to eat it when we were kids. They do not care about us because of our health endangered for their profits.

                            Second, they are everywhere due to all level governments make laws and regulations to encourage and promote the Big Mac business model that making people sick to die with low wages. Our politicians always make policy to attract the Big Mac business that is the best for GDP, but not for our well-being. GDP makes politicians stronger and popular, at the same time people are suffering by unhealthy products and low wages. Politicians can collect more taxes and show off higher employments even our health damaged by those products. HST is the resent example in Ontario and BC. “Many economists and businesses agree that a single value-added tax, like the HST, is the most important thing we can do to strengthen Ontario's economy. Governments argument about HST” http://www.rev.gov.on.ca/en/taxchange/hst.html

                            We are taxpayers and hire politicians working for us, but their priority is “Attract business” not our happiness and well-being.

                            Our politicians are running our government like a monopoly Big Mac business. During an election they do massive propaganda to confuse us. After election they spend our tax dollars whatever they want such as e-health scandal of Ontario provincial government and high cost of G8/G20 meetings by federal politics. They use our tax dollar to tell us that they have increased GDP and employments by promote Big Mac businesses.

                            Increasing GDP and employment just like McDonald’s restaurant make us sick to die. Look into our living condition and feel our bodies. How many more junk can we take in? Every morning we rush to drive-through windows to get our big Macs and coffee. Opening our mail boxes, there are more junks than mails suck us to buy more and more. We buy liquor, smoke and use drug to relax. Every week we have to put our boxes of garbage on our curbs. Every month we have to pay bills for junks. We are overweight, have high blood pressure and diabetes. We do not get enough sleep because our politicians press us to work harder for more and more from Big Mac businesses.

                            Enough is enough, No more Big Mac. “Ask not what our politician can do for us; ask what we can do for ourselves.” It is time to change the monopoly Big Mac political system with Happy Planet Index (HPI) instead of GDP and Bill of Choices instead politicians.
                            “The Happy Planet Index combines environmental impact with human well-being to measure the environmental efficiency with which, country by country, people live long and happy lives.”

                            "The Bill of Choices will make our government more transparent and effective. Our government will let taxpayers choose where their money will go, by setting up accounts for different government departments.”

                            Our current political system designed 800 year ago by Magna Carta. Carta was the first document forced onto an English King by a group of his subjects (the barons) in an attempt to limit his powers by law and protect their privileges for the King of England. The system only makes top 5% people rich. The rest of us have to work as slaves. YOU and ME shall share our passion and care our government for more transparent and effective. The new system will empower you and me by two political forces. One is voters to elect our politicians in power. Another one is volunteer taxpayers to oversee the government expenses by making our politicians working as the same as our builders, gardeners and computer technicians. We will pay tax after our politicians explain our government project in detail, just like our builders, gardeners and computer technicians do for you and me. We do not know how to build a house. We do not know how to plant a garden. We do not know how to make a computer. We DO know how good they are after professional explanations. We do not know how to govern other people. We CAN tell which politician work for you and me; which politician working for Big Mac Business, if we share our passion and care our government as taxpayers and volunteers.

                            The best encyclopedia is wikipedia.org because of its volunteers from the entire world. The best government should be shared and cared by volunteers and taxpayers from the entire country without political parties. Most party members are from Big Mac businesses.

                            “Thomas Hobbes pointed out in his book Leviathan that the
                            emergence of political parties in British parliamentary life was the
                            worst thing to happen to democracy there. Parties need money, money
                            leads to favours, favours lead to watered down legislation and outside
                            influence over policy. Parties lead to party discipline which does not
                            necessarily reflect the views of MPs. Ban political parties I say.”

                            We will have more transparent and effective government with advanced technologies, and shared knowledge. Our future will work less and enjoy more.

                            Let’s us start.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                            • 谢谢你, 我还没看. 但从你前几天关于麦当劳的说法, 我是不赞成的,我周围有人根本是不会去吃的, 你去吃了又不喜欢还要吃, 是你自己的问题. 我每个月都要吃一两次junk food.我就是喜欢它的口味和快, 因此你有选择的自由, 不能把责任都推到广告身上.
                              • “Our city’s addiction to Big Macs and other high-fat fast food is literally breaking our hearts,” said Susan Levin, PCRM’s nutrition education director, in a statement. “It’s time to tackle the district's heart disease problem head-on."
                                • 这个我同意, 但同时也要承认, 市场上仍然有很多不同的选择. 人们既要轻松和更多的时间休闲, 又要少花钱, 这个矛盾不好解决. 中国人适当自己做饭是个好的选择. 而且, 这纯粹是个商业问题, 不要和政治联系起来.
                                  • 俺好像听人说过: 经济基础决定上层建筑.
                                    • 马克思是说过, 但他说过很多错误的话. 什么决定什么都是有条件的. 在不同的条件下, 上层建筑也可以决定经济基础. 因此简单谈一个结论没有意义, 更不能拿来当真理.
                                      • 这纯粹是个商业问题, 不要和政治联系起来? 为啥胡锦涛自付饭费收据曝光 数百廉政文物展出?
                                        • 因为中宣部需要.独裁,封建,畸形政治的需要.
                                          • 政治经济是密不可分得?对吗?
                • 你为什么还要吃呢?