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Thanks for your concern ==>

I sent my wife to emergency that afternoon. It looks like she hurt her tailed bone. It is not necessary to take a operate right now. The only thing is she feel very painful and the pain will last 1-2 weeks. It looks like nothing worse than that, and she feel better and better now. Thanks for the help from Bloor, Bloor's wife and their cute angel. Also, thanks for the help from other friends which I don't know the name now. I hope my wife can recover and join the activity very soon. We can introduce each other at that time.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 休闲娱乐 / 鬼子罢工不息,咱们FB不止。DXP、只好XX、大鸟板栗、卷MM,你们周末有什么安排?
    • 刚去漂流, 累死了, 还到GUELPH找TONY吃了一顿饭. 下个目标大概是AFRICA SAFARI吧? 还没定日子
    • 你的东北游好玩吗? 快把照片弄好让我们见识见识
      • 跑题:周六摔跤的那一对,你知道叫什么吗?不知道后来怎么样了。
        • 不知道, 你没问他们?
        • 来不及问就走了
        • cherry 摘得如何
          • nightmare for me. :)
            • Why?
            • 嘿嘿, 昨天有个朋友告诉我们, 中国人所到之处, 如蝗虫一般把樱桃农场卷个片甲不留
              • There are lots of non-Chinese in every farms we visited.
                • 那个朋友不巧碰上了几个中国人的旅行团...
            • bloor,你的那份樱桃我还没开始吃呢, 晚上给你送去?
        • Thanks for your concern ==>
          I sent my wife to emergency that afternoon. It looks like she hurt her tailed bone. It is not necessary to take a operate right now. The only thing is she feel very painful and the pain will last 1-2 weeks. It looks like nothing worse than that, and she feel better and better now. Thanks for the help from Bloor, Bloor's wife and their cute angel. Also, thanks for the help from other friends which I don't know the name now. I hope my wife can recover and join the activity very soon. We can introduce each other at that time.
          • sorry to hear that she was really hurt. take care, and hope she could be well again quickly.
            • Thanks. It looks like I will prepare a ass protect for her next time.
    • 你可真民主啊,ID换回来了。玩得怎么样,介绍一下。俺感觉现在生活完全颠倒了,周末吃喝玩乐疲于奔命,工作日倒成了最好的休息时间了。这周的漂流很好玩,等我发照片给你,下周你看着办吧,周六俺可能没时间,要保养汽车了,她太累了。
      • where were the photos????? send them to me as well ....
        • little RR, you show up? :P Ok, I will let you know when I post them.
      • 做什么保养?你的才跑了一万出头啊
        • 每6,000KM或3个月,不同的保养类别,这次除了换机油还要rotate tires.
    • 你老现身啦,玩得如何
    • 照片得过几天,洗出来还要扫描呢。现在俺先去找家庭医生,回头再说。eirc12232是哪位兄弟?
      • 没见我的外套?
        • How about your homework, finished?
          • not yet, tomorrow is the due
      • 旅游回来就去找医生? 不会是...
        • 耳朵被拧坏了。。%—*……**—)*(*—……—%
        • 严重声明:俺是要去找一个家庭医生,不是去看病。/kick 叉叉,/kick 板栗……
          • 也kick我吧,我也怎么想的.给他们先说了
          • 都是ra_95代坏的.先kick他
            • 想法不构成犯罪。这又不是在中国。周末干什么你倒是给指引个方向啊!
              • 这个周末还没定,也可以先打网球,到时再商量去AFRICA SAFARI的事
    • 你刚旅游回来就坐不住了,小心给LD拧耳仔,嘿嘿
      • 说实话,俺觉得这七天游得没多大意思。
        第一,即使到了大西洋边,所有的风景其实也跟多伦多郊区或NIAGARA ON THE LAKE差不多。大西洋看上去和太平洋或安大略湖也没什么区别。
        第三,在NOVA SCOTIA、PEI那些地方吃龙虾比多伦多还贵。还有在QUEBEC的什么法国大餐,又贵又难吃,而且环境恶劣,估计那家餐馆是专做游客生意的。

        • hehe ... try drive by your own. I went to Quebec ... after talking with zhihaoxx and another 2 friends who have been there before: it is safe to come the colusion: do not count on travel agency.
          But DIY took a lot of time on home work.
          • 早干吗去了,等老大钱也花了,感想也有了才来一套一套的
            • 不能怪我...我6/28走他6/27走...谁的意见都是马后炮了...
    • 星期六大家一起练网球吧,卷MM你把车丢在车行就是了,反正要CARPOOL。练完网球干什么?樱桃是不是已经被摘光了?
      • 我刚回来的时候顺便买了一袋吃,好像也不贵呀,$2.79/lb 自己摘什么价钱?
        • $1.89/lb
      • 我可以去接她,说来她的车也是我坐累的.