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Muslim Demographics - 可怕, 华人要多生孩子啊....


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  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / Muslim Demographics - 可怕, 华人要多生孩子啊....
    • Professor Huntington's book will be popular again.
    • 最近的民调显示大概70%的美国人反对在世贸遗址附近建造清真寺,共和党人勇敢的代表大部分美国人说出了他们的意见
      • 果断的放弃了自己历来的政府不干涉私人机构运营的主张,试图用群众运动的方式在宪法之外开创一个特例,"勇敢的"说出了70%的人观点,果然不改政客本色,如果70%的选民认可纳粹,共和党保守派们马上就能穿上冲锋队制服上电视。
        • 共和党人一再强调他们知道宪法赋予那伙人的权利,只是出于感情的目的请这伙人考虑换一个地点而已,没有人试图“在宪法之外”开什么先例
          • 当强烈的感情色彩和美国建国精神冲突的时候,一些人设法平息感情恢复社会理性,另一些人趁机去拉70%的选票,一副政客嘴脸。哪个政党里面都有政客,也都有头脑清醒的,不要选择性的失明,ron paul也是共和党的,在这种社会情绪下,他的行为才是真正的勇敢。
            • Yes.
            • 今天看CNN,(共和党)的RON PAUL表述他对在GROUND ZERO 附近建清真寺的意见,发现自己同意他的很多见解. 难道我又成了RIGHT-LIBERTARIAN?!
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Ron Paul Decries 'Mosque Demagoguery'

              More Railing against neoconservatives, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and "sunshine patriots," libertarian firebrand Rep. Ron Paul delivered a blistering critique of the opposition to the proposed Cordoba House in an op-ed contribution on Anti-war.com. Those who are protesting the mosque, he argues, have made an irrational decision that disregards the 1st Amendment in favor of using public pressure to force the supporters of Park 51 to relocate. Paul asserts, "The justification to ban the mosque is no more rational than banning a soccer field in the same place because all the suicide bombers loved to play soccer." Here are the highlights from his argument:

              On conservatives and the 1st Amendment:

              Conservatives are once again, unfortunately, failing to defend private property rights, a policy we claim to cherish. In addition, conservatives missed a chance to challenge the hypocrisy of the Left, which now claims to defend the property rights of Muslims, yet rarely if ever, defends the property rights of American private businesses. Defending the controversial use of property should be no more difficult than defending the 1st Amendment principle of defending controversial speech. But many conservatives and liberals do not want to diminish the hatred for Islam – the driving emotion that keeps us in the wars in the Middle East and Central Asia

              On the "charade" of the wars in the Middle East:

              The claim that we are in the Middle East to protect our liberties is misleading. To continue this charade, millions of Muslims are indicted and we are obligated to rescue them from their religious and political leaders. And we’re supposed to believe that abusing our liberties here at home and pursuing unconstitutional wars overseas will solve our problems. The 19 suicide bombers didn’t come from Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, or Iran. Fifteen came from our ally Saudi Arabia, a country that harbors strong anti-American resentment, yet we invade and occupy Iraq where no al-Qaeda existed prior to 9/11.

              On the 64 percent of Americans who oppose the mosque:

              What would we do if 75 percent of the people insisted that no more Catholic churches be built in New York City? The point being that majorities can become oppressors of minority rights as much as individual dictators. Statistics of support are irrelevant when it comes to the purpose of government in a free society – protecting liberty.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 中共收拾法轮功的时候真希望你也能独排众议、仗义执言呢!
              • 在海外, 我独排众议、仗义执言地支持了中共收拾法轮功.
                • 不稀奇,为虎作伥在国人中向来并不缺乏。至于抱了大腿还上这腆着脸嚷嚷,实在无话可说。
                  • 关于flg或任何宗教,看看bill maher的节目对你们有好处。当然,这种排斥宗教但维护宗教自由,即使反对也不能侵犯对方权利的思路对你们来说可能太复杂,因为你们的精力都用在了凭空捏造大放厥词上。还有,本人通常只回讨论贴,就此跟两位说清楚,从此和二位无话可说。
            • “强烈的感情”是不可能那么容易平息的,如果真的要平息什么感情的话,是那伙要建寺的人应该听听共和党人和70%美国民众的意见。那伙人当然有权建寺,但是后果只能是加深双方的矛盾
              • 平息感情不能采用放弃美国精神向非理性群众思潮/运动让步这种方法。当初丹佛校园惨案(1999/4/20)发生后,限制枪支的情绪高涨,而NRA紧接着(1999/5/1)在距事发地点20miles之处举行了年会。当时左派群情激奋,但是现在来看,NRA的坚持是对的。个人可以情绪化,但是


                • 我之所以说他们勇敢,是因为那伙人和其背后的宗教势力经常用暴力解决反对他们的人,荷兰的导演,议员,丹麦的漫画,法国的骚乱,瑞典的骚乱,都是同一伙人曾经作出的歇斯底里的流血行为
                  • 倒没有从这一点上考虑过,还是多讨论能开阔思路,多谢。在一定程度上同意你的说法,之所以只在一定程度上,是因为美国和欧洲的社会环境不同,美国人面临的那种暴力威胁相对小很多,称为勇敢有点过。欧洲变成那个样子,和他们的自由派没有原则有很大关系。很遗憾
                    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛的是各个派别中,都有没有原则的政客,无论是左右、自由保守。在纽约这件事上,是看共和党中哪些能真正坚持美国的社会价值观,哪些是见风使舵。

                    911遇难的人里面有10%是穆斯林,要在新建的清真寺里面礼拜的穆斯林也是美国人,反对他们的要求应该有合法的理由。套用charlton heston在丹佛惨案之后的NRA年会上的讲话(不论观点是否相同,他的这个讲话说出了核心价值,现在的一些共和党已经背弃了曾经的原则和信念,而最讽刺的是,NRA更是全力反对清真寺的建设):

                    “This cycle of tragedy-driven hatred must stop, because so much more connects us than that which divides us, because tragedy has been, and will always be with us. Somewhere right now, evil people are planning evil things. All of us will do everything meaningful, everything we can do to prevent it, but each horrible act can't become an ax for opportunists to cleave the very Bill of Rights that binds us.”

                    “Abuse it once, and lose it forever. That's the law.”

                    “Now, if you disagree, that's your right. I respect that. But, we will not relinquish it, or be silenced about it, or be told: 'Do not come here, you are unwelcome in your own land.'”更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                    • 欧洲变成那个样子,是因为欧洲的左派势力胡作非为的时间太久,英国现在大概是除了以色列之外受伊斯兰极端势力威胁最严重的欧洲国家。美国之所以还没变成那个样子,是因为有勇敢的保守派势力在苦苦支撑
                • +1000
            • 有人打算在这个清真寺旁开个猪肉烧烤,也有人准备开个Gay Bar,你看来也是不会反对的?
              • 我真是一直觉得大家都让一些比较好,比如稍微远两个街区。你想,就算在那里建好了,去的人是不是也会心里不踏实,担心有走极端的人来报复呀。
              • 这个建议不错。其实种族矛盾很难调和,只能大家迁就一些。
              • 穆斯林世界还是发生了大规模的反美示威,导致多人丧生。仅在巴基斯坦就有三个天主教堂被攻击,一座被烧。
                • 你狠,这么老的贴被提上来。昨天美军的无人机在巴基斯坦报销了8个德国人,我感到很奇怪,德国人跑到巴基斯坦干什么去了?一看内容,原来是8个德国国籍的土耳其裔恐怖分子。
        • 政府不干涉私人机构运营? 嘿嘿,你建房不申请permit试试?改造邻居不同意试试?
        • 民主就是代表大多数,你想要什么?
    • Here is a very good article by Mark Steyn:
    • 到国内西北看看, 就知道中国也好不到哪去.
    • 所谓的文明世界,因为怕被人扣上种族歧视的帽子向来不敢说真话, 掩耳盗铃了许多年以后, 终于到了不能不说的时候, 美国某洲那个什么关于墨西哥人的法案就是一个例子----有些事情, 不是你假装不知道或者希望不存在它就不存在的.
    • 左派政府逼迫妇女工作,3个孩子家庭税务压力极大。