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Inception Ranked as 3rd Best Film of all Time on IMDb

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛ZT

It's been a good week for Christopher Nolan's inception after it shot onto screens with glowing reviews and huge box office takings. And it's about to get better with news that film website IMDb (the internet movie database for those not in the know) has it at number three in its top 250 films of all time list. Not bad for a film that's a week old.

The list is calculated based on user's votes giving a 1–10 star rating. And although Inception has fewer votes than most films on the list due to its relative infancy, the ranking is decided by averaging the votes for any one film meaning that the sheer level of early goodwill towards the flick has rocketed it up the list. It sits just behind first place film The Shawshank Redemption (16 years old and with over 500,700 votes) and The Godfather Part One (38 years old, over 398,000 votes). Fellow newbie Toy Story 3 is at number 8.

Although people might argue that a film which hasn't even made it to DVD yet can't be judged to be better than classics like Schindler's List (7th), One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (10th) and Citizen Kane(36th), it really depends on whether you think longevity counts for anything or whether a film should be judged on its merit whether it was released today or a hundred years ago.

Either way, it is probably inevitable that the film will slip down the list after an early surge as is so often the case (Lord of The Rings used to be in the top 5 and now sits at 13th).

One thing for sure is that Inception is a triumph for intelligent and thoughtful filmmaking (it doesn't hurt that they blow stuff up pretty well too) and further cements British filmmaker Christopher Nolan as one of the best directors working today. If you don't believe us you just have to consult IMDb's list to see his other films: The Dark Knight (12th), Memento (29th), The Prestige (73rd) and Batman Begins (109th).

What do you think? Does Inception deserve its high ranking or does it need to prove it can stay there first?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 休闲娱乐 / 去看Inception吧。这辈子你恐怕还没在影院里看过首映imdb 9.4的电影哪,绝对好看!
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛ZT

    Inception / 盗梦空间的评论

      这个题材很讨巧. 因为不是每个人都想拯救世界,
      但每个人都会做梦. 比如我.
      在看这部电影的前晚, 我梦到我的两只黄金猎犬对我说话(这是我养狗以来最"梦"寐以求的事情)(但他们说了些什么我醒来之后并不记得)
      因此当 Cobb(Leonardo)说出: "你记得每个梦的开端吗? "时, 我使劲想了想, 它们是在哪个场景下开始说话的呢? 我最初听到它们开口说话不会觉得很奇怪然后发现自己在梦中吗? 通通不记得...
      蔡康永早先讲过一句话, 大意是好看的电影A为什么要被拿来和好看的电影B进行比较呢? 难道不可以承认它们各自都好看吗?
      Inception绝对属于好看的电影 C, 首先导演没有把观众当白痴. 导演认为观众是有独立思考能力的人, 是可以胜任迷宫般的情节的. 这点在爆米花横行的今天有多难得!
      Inception 也并不是不负责任的那一类, 故弄玄虚哗众取宠不得善终. 专注专注, 99.9%的时间你会头脑清醒地理解剧情. (甚至会很流畅地看到一个BUG, 也许两个..)
      关于结局的解读, 开放的比封闭的更值得保留: 每个人都只相信自己认为值得相信的. 你所能做的, 除了作出选择, 剩下的就只是尊重别人的选择. 这又不是神马真理, 辩论除了增加搭讪的技巧或者耍嘴皮子的功夫之外, 并不能使结局明朗起来.
      烂番茄电影各有各的番茄, 9分电影却有同样让人打9分的理由: 离开电影院之后, 这部电影仍然留在你的生活中. 也许是Despicable Me中minion想要Gru晚安吻的那句外星语; 也许是半夜还要翻出<数学分析>, 想要看看关于微积分在Inception中映射的构想是否可靠.
      从现实进入梦中即是微分, 求导的结果是可靠的有因可循的. 并且每求一次导数, 就会降一阶. 反映到电影中就是在每进一阶减少一位成员. 很合理, 潜意识是现实的映射, 现实是可靠的有因可循的, 所以你不会梦到你完全不知道的事物.
      从梦中返回现实是积分. 如果导数是2, 那么原函数可能是y=2x, 也可能是y=2x+C甚至是y=ln(1/2). Cobb可控的是在梦中植入特定导数, 但无法掌控该导数还原成原函数的值. 更无法想象进阶之后(从梦中梦返回梦, 再返回现实)的还原啦.
      比如在四年的数学分析教育之后, 我看完本片第一个想到的就是微分积分阶数逆运算...
      应该再看一遍再看一遍, 除了再多找几个Bug满足虚荣心之外, 看看哪里还可以套入更多公式!
      还有, Leonard前途无限量! 快要变成本时代马龙白兰度啦! 白兰度在年轻的时候可没拍过这么高级的电影...
      From 总算有察觉到自己是数学系毕业的emilia..Yeah!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Pretty good,saw it on 16th, might need to see once more to understand everything.
      • Took one day off and watched it today.. How would you compare it with Shutter Island ?
        • Definetly leonardo's peformance and the relationshiop between Cobb and his wife remind me of Shutter Island,
          watching shutter island is more stressfull less enjoying(worrying about Teddy's fate), watching inception is more enjoying / less stressful.

          The backgroup music in shutter island is also beautiful and intriguing

          Also love the tension shown through Leonardo in both movies.
          • 笨笨的问一下,shutter island 的男主角到底是insane还是被陷害的侦探?
            • it is an open ending, up to intepretation of the audience.
            • 某日无聊在chapter翻了一下原著结尾,那家伙真是insane的
              • 看来以后有什么不明白的要上来问。 就象no country for old man, 我就不明白主题从何而来,后来一个客户告诉我,这是说那个警长的,老了抓不住坏蛋了。 整个电影给琼斯的镜头也不多,最后却用他来扣题,无语。。
    • Inception Ranked as 3rd Best Film of all Time on IMDb
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛ZT

      It's been a good week for Christopher Nolan's inception after it shot onto screens with glowing reviews and huge box office takings. And it's about to get better with news that film website IMDb (the internet movie database for those not in the know) has it at number three in its top 250 films of all time list. Not bad for a film that's a week old.

      The list is calculated based on user's votes giving a 1–10 star rating. And although Inception has fewer votes than most films on the list due to its relative infancy, the ranking is decided by averaging the votes for any one film meaning that the sheer level of early goodwill towards the flick has rocketed it up the list. It sits just behind first place film The Shawshank Redemption (16 years old and with over 500,700 votes) and The Godfather Part One (38 years old, over 398,000 votes). Fellow newbie Toy Story 3 is at number 8.

      Although people might argue that a film which hasn't even made it to DVD yet can't be judged to be better than classics like Schindler's List (7th), One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (10th) and Citizen Kane(36th), it really depends on whether you think longevity counts for anything or whether a film should be judged on its merit whether it was released today or a hundred years ago.

      Either way, it is probably inevitable that the film will slip down the list after an early surge as is so often the case (Lord of The Rings used to be in the top 5 and now sits at 13th).

      One thing for sure is that Inception is a triumph for intelligent and thoughtful filmmaking (it doesn't hurt that they blow stuff up pretty well too) and further cements British filmmaker Christopher Nolan as one of the best directors working today. If you don't believe us you just have to consult IMDb's list to see his other films: The Dark Knight (12th), Memento (29th), The Prestige (73rd) and Batman Begins (109th).

      What do you think? Does Inception deserve its high ranking or does it need to prove it can stay there first?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Elle Page是个好演员,很喜欢。
    • Leonard是与奥斯卡奖无缘的无冕影帝,他的演技已经达到了出神入化的境界。。。
      • Inception, Shutter Island,Revolutionary Road,Blood Diamond,The Departed,The Aviator,Catch Me If You Can,Gangs of New York,The Beach...The list goes on..I have seen all his movies starting from growing pains. He IS the greatest actor.
        • Sounds overpraised
          But he deserves it anyway。。。
        • You forgot Titanic. The cheesiest movie of all time.
          • That was intentional. I like that movie too - we watched on our trip to Nanjing. The girl sitting next to me passed us some napkins before the movie started.
    • Disagree about the comment about Brando. When Brando made one of the greatest movie "A street car named desire", he was only 26.
      The only reason he lost Oscar that year is becoz he was too young. Leo's best movie so far, I would say it was Aviator. He really capture Hugh's eccentric character. Other movies Leo is just being Leo, like Jack Chan is being Jack Chan. Didn't watch inception yet, no comment on this.
    • 今天去看了,有点失望,没有想像中的好,没有blow my mind,不如当年的matrix,感觉是在matrix基础上又再
      加一层梦境而已,有一些cool effects,但是整体的style不怎样。从表演上法国女演员marion最好,很入戏.
      Leo和Ellen Page演来演去都差不多。特技上,失重的拍攝挺酷的。
      • +1, I don't buy that they can get into each others' dream by connected with what, a rubber tube? Matrix is much more convincing!
        • yeah, somehow very low tech feel, although it is supposed to be high tech.
          How I wish James Cameron can do this movie. He is good at technical aspect not the story. Nolan's story line is okay, kinda neat. Avatar blow my mind, but the story is kinda cheesy like Titanic.
      • different style IMO, matrix I have seen so many times,very pure sci-action movie, no twisty minds. inception is more like suspense movie
        • Even you don't consider it as a sci fiction movie, treat it as suspense movie, it lacked twist, in the movie they explained everything, then executing what they said, the only place you need to guess is the ending
          Which is very predictable. Very cliche.this movie failed in every aspect. No character development at all, I didn't care about any one of them, don't even care if they can accomplish the mission. The only thing kept me going is trying to figure out when it is a dream, when is reality.