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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!



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  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 想问问,我今年一月份去了趟美国(中国护照,美国签证),四五天就回来了,给了一张半年的白卡,七月一日就到期了,是不是还要过境一次,然后把白卡交给边境,或是我自己把它撕了也行?
    • no, just dump it to gabbage
      • 你太不负责任了吧? 如果过期前不过境交还, 要寄给他们的;过期后更要寄还, 且要证明自己在过期前出了美国境. 需要更多INFO, PM我. here is the link:
        • 呵呵,真是个谨小慎微的好同学。LZ不用太担心,直接扔了得了,这是美国海关人员给我的直接答案!
          • 这个卡归移民局而不是海关管吧?
    • You have to drop it off at the custom. Otherwise, you will have bad record in US custom system.
      • 见一楼答案。关于这个事情,问过美国边检。答曰,不准备再去美国就交回给边检,还想来就留着,省6刀。至于如果想来没来,是否需要交到机场美国入境处,答:无所谓了,扔垃圾桶吧~~
        • 因为我的美国签证只有一年,所以我的I-94到期日比我VISA到期日还晚,现在VISA已过期了,I-94还没过期,还需要把I-94send back吗?会影响我再申请美国签证吗?
          • 会影响将来进美国。
            • 我扔了一次,我老婆扔了两次,也没有啥麻烦。不过我们都是一家人出动去玩,看着不太象坏人吧
    • 谢谢大家的指点!只要能扔垃圾桶,我也就放心了。
        • 到底谁说的对呀?
          • 可以以身适法....
            • 我每次都是按照你说的去做,从来没有任何政府官员说我是多此一举。但把I-94交给加拿大机场的美国海关或驻加拿大的美国领事馆对不对呢?
    • 转贴
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛How to record departure from the United States after the fact.

      I did not turn in my I-94 when I left the U.S., what should I do?

      If you returned home with your Department of Homeland Security Form I-94 (white) or Form I-94W (green) Departure Record in your passport, it means that your departure was not recorded properly. It is your responsibility to correct this record. You must provide U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) sufficient information so we can record your timely departure from the United States. This will close out your earlier record of arrival to this country.

      If you do not validate a timely departure from the United States, or, if you cannot reasonably prove otherwise when you apply for admission to the U.S. in the future, CBP may conclude you remained in the U.S. beyond your authorized stay. If this happens, the next time you apply to enter the U.S. your visa may be subject to cancellation or you may be returned immediately to your foreign point of origin.

      In particular, visitors who remain beyond their permitted stay in the United States under the Visa Waiver Program cannot reenter the U.S. in the future without obtaining a visa from a U.S. Consulate. If this occurs and you arrive at a U.S. port-of-entry seeking admission under the Visa Waiver Program without a visa, CBP Officers may order your immediate return to a foreign point of origin.

      If you failed to turn in your I-94 Departure Record, please send it, along with any documentation that proves you left the United States to:

      ACS - CBP SBU
      1084 South Laurel Road
      London, KY 40744
      Do not mail your Form I-94 Departure Record or supporting information to any U.S. Consulate or Embassy, to any other CBP office in the United States, or to any address other than the one above. Only at this location are we able to make the necessary corrections to CBP records to prevent inconvenience to you in the future.

      To validate departure, CBP will consider a variety of information, including but not limited to:

      Original boarding passes you used to depart the United States;
      Photocopies of entry or departure stamps in your passport indicating entry to another country after you departed the United States (you should copy all passport pages that are not completely blank, and include the biographical page containing your photograph); and
      Photocopies of other supporting evidence, such as:

      Dated pay slips or vouchers from your employer to indicate you worked in another country after you departed the United States,
      Dated bank records showing transactions to indicate you were in another country after you left the United States,
      School records showing attendance at a school outside the United States to indicate you were in another country after you left the United States, and
      Dated credit card receipts, showing your name, but, the credit card number deleted, for purchases made after you left the United States to indicate you were in another country after leaving the United States.
      To assist us in understanding the situation and correct your records quickly, please include an explanation letter in English. Your statement will not be acceptable without supporting evidence such as noted above. You must mail legible copies or original materials where possible. If you send original materials, you should retain a copy. CBP cannot return original materials after processing.

      We strongly urge you to keep a copy of what you send to ACS-CBP and carry it with you the next time you come to the United States in case the CBP officer has any questions about your eligibility to enter.

      If taking short trips (30 days or less) to Canada, Mexico, or the Caribbean Islands during the course of your visit to the U.S., hold onto your I-94 or I-94 (W). It should only be turned in when you leave the U.S. to return home.

      Delays beyond the traveler's control, such as cancelled or delayed flights, medical emergencies requiring a doctor's care, etc. are not considered unauthorized overstays, however, you will need to bring proof of the cause of your overstay next time you travel to the U.S. in order for it to be forgiven. For airline delays, ask the airline for a letter affirming the delay or a copy of your cancelled boarding pass.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 交到机场海关。
      • 你是说皮尔逊机场吗?
        • Yes. First floor.
          • 太感谢啦!明天我就去那,这个东西放在手里就像烫手的山芋,留着不是扔了也不是,主要是不想留下不好的记录。
            • 是啊,一楼那个小店边上的小门里就是海关,在F边上,可以问那个information的人。
              • 昨天上午跑了趟机场,终于把这烫手的山芋扔了,还顺便问了一下有必要把这卡送来吗?回答是:必须。
                • 也许在机场和走陆路是不一样的~~开车从美国到加拿大,你只能遇到加拿大的海关,你根本就没机会送给美国海关~~~不过也许是两边共享资料,为了简化陆路过关手续吧~~~我是问的和平桥的美国边检,估计他是从来没有收过这个I94
                  • 这个白卡不是交给美国海关的,而是交回加拿大海关的。因为我前年去了趟美国,是开车从彩虹桥过去的,回来时在加拿大海关,那个官员问我要不要丢下这张白卡,他说如果不留下,必须在白卡到期前送回来,所以那次我当时就丢下了。所以为什么我这次如此紧张的原因。
                    • 啊~~~ 我现在也发现我的白卡在护照里面呢, 我的白卡9月到期, 但是我8月还要再去美国我应该怎么办?
                      • 如果8月去美国回来时入加拿大海关放下就行了(白卡9月到期前如果不想再去的话),或者和我一样9月到期前送到机场海关也行。
                        • 你好,和你一样情形,准备送到机场,请问是送到机场的加拿大海关吗?谢谢!
                          • 机场一楼(到达接人那层),在一小礼品店旁边的一个门,门上有一面加拿大国旗,进去就是。
                            • 按照美国政府官方网站的规定,这个I-94卡是应该寄到美国移民局的。但大家以身试法的结果是不必按美国政府官方网站的规定去做。困惑!
                              • up
                        • 谢谢!!
                          • 本帖有这么多的答案。怎样才能知道哪个答案是对的呢?
                            • 答案就是再入美国关的时候不要给他们看到过期的I-94,至于怎么处理过期的I-94那就是你自己的事了。
                              • 呵呵,又一个答案。可是我有一次再入美国关的时候给他们看到过期的I-94,他们也没说什么呀!
                      • 你只要进入美国,不要给美国海关看到“过期”的白卡就好了。。。。否则会训你两句的。。。。吼吼
                        • 我没有挨训。
            • 俺都是扔掉的,而且再签证,再拿I-94都没有问题的,没必要花油钱,停车钱去一次飞机场。。。。哈哈
              • you will get a lesson sooner or later...and hopefully not too late to know you were wrong...
                Some Canadian passport holder is asked to get a waiver just due to not returning their I-94 when exit US. and this Waiver is NOT a one time thing. You need to apply once it expires...You are not caught once, twice, or even # times, BUT IT DOES NOT MEAN YOU DO IT PROPERLY OR LEGALLY, so pls don't mislead people....
                • 你说应该怎样做?
      • 扔了就好了。不用交回的。
    • 有空自己慢慢看吧 - scottee(笑熬浆糊), 06-21,19:06 (#290181)
    • How to record departure from the United States after the fact - Updated 05/06/2010 03:53 PM
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛How to record departure from the United States after the fact

      Published 02/24/2004 11:48 AM | Updated 05/06/2010 03:53 PM

      I did not turn in my I-94 when I left the U.S., what should I do?

      If you returned home with your Form I-94 (white) or Form I-94W (green) Departure Record in your passport, it is possible that your departure was not recorded properly.

      If you departed by a commercial air or sea carrier (airlines or cruise ships), your departure from the U.S. can be independently verified, and it is not necessary to take any further action, although holding on to your outbound (from the U.S.) boarding pass - if you still have it - can help expedite your reentry next time you come back to the United States.

      If you departed by land, private vessel or private plane, you will need to take steps to correct the record. If you do not validate your timely departure from the United States, or, if you cannot reasonably prove you departed within the time frame given to you when you entered, the next time you apply for admission to the U.S., Customs and Border Protection (CBP) may conclude you remained in the U.S. beyond your authorized stay. If this happens, your visa may be subject to cancellation or you may be returned immediately to your foreign point of origin.

      Under the Visa Waiver Program (VWP), visitors who remain beyond their permitted stay in the United States cannot reenter the U.S. in the future without obtaining a visa from a U.S. Consulate. So if you are a Visa Waiver Program visitor who traveled by land to either Canada or Mexico for an onward flight, it is particularly important for you to register your timely departure if your green I-94W was not taken when you exited the U.S. If you fail to do so and you arrive at a U.S. port of entry seeking admission under the Visa Waiver Program without a visa, CBP Officers may order your immediate return to a foreign point of origin. If you are a VWP visitor and you left the U.S. by an air or sea carrier, you don't need to worry.

      If you failed to turn in your I-94 Departure Record, please send it, along with any documentation that proves you left the United States to:

      DHS - CBP SBU

      1084 South Laurel Road

      London, KY 40744

      Do not mail your Form I-94 Departure Record or supporting information to any U.S. Consulate or Embassy, to any other CBP Office in the United States, or to any address other than the one above. Only at this location are we able to make the necessary corrections to CBP records to prevent inconvenience to you in the future. The London, Kentucky office does not answer correspondence, so please do not ask for confirmation that your record has been updated.

      To validate departure, CBP will consider a variety of information, including but not limited to:

      •Original boarding passes you used to depart another country, such as Canada, if you flew home from there;
      •Photocopies of entry or departure stamps in your passport indicating entry to another country after you departed the United States (you should copy all passport pages that are not completely blank, and include the biographical page containing your photograph); and
      •Photocopies of other supporting evidence, such as:

      •Dated pay slips or vouchers from your employer to indicate you worked in another country after you departed the United States,
      •Dated bank records showing transactions to indicate you were in another country after you left the United States,
      •School records showing attendance at a school outside the United States to indicate you were in another country after you left the United States, and
      •Dated credit card receipts, showing your name, but, the credit card number deleted, for purchases made after you left the United States to indicate you were in another country after leaving the United States.
      To assist us in understanding the situation and correct your records quickly, please include an explanation letter in English. Your statement will not be acceptable without supporting evidence such as noted above. You must mail legible copies or original materials where possible. If you send original materials, you should retain a copy. CBP cannot return original materials after processing.

      We strongly urge you to keep a copy of what you send to DHS-CBP and carry it with you the next time you come to the United States in case the CBP Officer has any questions about your eligibility to enter. Carrying those materials with you will also allow your record to be corrected at the time of entry if, for some reason, the London, Kentucky office has not yet done so.

      If taking short trips (30 days or less) to Canada, Mexico, or the Caribbean Islands during the course of your visit to the U.S., hold onto your I-94 or I-94 (W); it should only be turned in when you leave the U.S. to return home.

      Delays beyond the traveler's control, such as cancelled or delayed flights, medical emergencies requiring a doctor's care, etc. are not considered unauthorized overstays, however, you will need to bring proof of the cause of your overstay next time you travel to the U.S. in order for it to be forgiven. For airline delays, ask the airline for a letter affirming the delay or a copy of your cancelled boarding pass.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • If you departed by a commercial air or sea carrier (airlines or cruise ships), your departure from the U.S. can be independently verified, and it is not necessary to take any further action,
    • 看了好多种说法。 个人建议最好交回到(加拿大)海关。 我的亲身经历是I94卡过期不知道要交回去,被美国海关告知要是再犯的话就会吊销Visa。
      • 为什么不必按照美国政府官方网站的规定?
      • 今天彩虹桥入境美国,LP的I-94去年12月过期,今天没有出示那个老的I-94,他们也没有问就又给了6个月的新I-94,入境后已经约2:30PM,又一次逛了Fasion Outlets of Niagara Falls Mall(去年7月已经来过),在New Star Buffet吃了晚餐:
        New Star Buffet地址7325 Niagara Falls Blvd., Niagara Falls, NY 14304。电话:716-283-1318, 离Fasion Outlets of Niagara Falls Mall只有5分钟都不到的车程。晚餐下午3:30pm开始,每人US$10.59 +8%Tax。感觉还行,大家以后可以去看看。再朝前约300米的一个Buffet (在Niagara Falls Blvd和Military交叉口附近)(在Pine Plaza)当天还没有新开张。
    • 众说纷纭,无所适从。