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HST is only good for Business,看来你是生意人,还是挣不少钱的生意人:When the HST begins businesses will deal with one set of sales tax forms and one point of contact for audits, appeals and taxpayer services.

The HST will save Ontario's businesses more than $500 million a year in administrative and compliance costs alone, according to 麦骗子,大概意思是说资本家少请几个会计,或者给会计工作简化,时数大幅减少,资本家省钱了。
Replacing the Retail Sales Tax with the Harmonized Sales Tax will eliminate the Hidden Taxes that many products carry; reducing business costs and helping to make Ontario more competitive, leading to more jobs.
这个虽然我们不做生意的不懂,但是知道,这也是给资本家省钱了,Hidden Taxes在哪里见连接,反正不在消费者那里,麦骗子多为资本家着想啊:

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 请为阻止H.S.T的实施签名请愿
    There are only three weeks left until the H.S.T. will come into law, and apparently, if the Premier of Ontario receives a petition signed by at least 10 percent of the population, a referendum can be called.

    Take a few seconds to log on and sign the petition. As a result of similar action by the tax payers in British Columbia, some concessions were granted.

    Please pass on this message to all who you think will be interested, including the link to the petition, as follows: www.hstpetition.com/petition/sign.php.
      • 请为实施高效透明的政府, 无职业政客签名请愿
    • Rolia的灌水英雄们,此帖必须顶!那么多人念念不忘“融入主流社会”,请从最直接关系切身利益的行动做起来吧。BTW,我刚刚发现省政府的HST 第一期补贴330刀打入了帐号。However,
      俺还是要坚决反对这个HST的!凡是税,加上了就难取消了。给你1000刀,收你全家老小世世代代的Extra 8% Tax,这算是什么交易啊?麦奸敌同志把Ontario一千多万劳动人民都当成了只会吞食一条蚯蚓钓饵的三文鱼?
    • 有没有HST的支持者?既然政府可以通过某项法案,肯定有大量支持者,我很想听听HST支持者的声音
      • 我支持HST! 为什么大家都反对HST呢?HST对富人和原著民来说是恶梦,对中,低收入者是福音,看来国移普遍收入都很高。。。
        • HST is only good for Business,看来你是生意人,还是挣不少钱的生意人:When the HST begins businesses will deal with one set of sales tax forms and one point of contact for audits, appeals and taxpayer services.
          The HST will save Ontario's businesses more than $500 million a year in administrative and compliance costs alone, according to 麦骗子,大概意思是说资本家少请几个会计,或者给会计工作简化,时数大幅减少,资本家省钱了。
          Replacing the Retail Sales Tax with the Harmonized Sales Tax will eliminate the Hidden Taxes that many products carry; reducing business costs and helping to make Ontario more competitive, leading to more jobs.
          这个虽然我们不做生意的不懂,但是知道,这也是给资本家省钱了,Hidden Taxes在哪里见连接,反正不在消费者那里,麦骗子多为资本家着想啊:
          • #6054555@0,对那些自雇的也应该有好处。。。
            • business cost 是减少了,在一个tax package里加HST同时减business tax,看起来不错,但是被迫向顾客加收8%的税(大多数小生意都是服务性的,理发按摩房屋装修等等,现在都是5%税),把顾客吓跑没有营业额,再减税减开销也是亏损。
              • 把顾客吓跑没有营业额?逻辑错误。如果顾客有需求,他就没地方跑,因为所有商家必须收这个税,顾客没有回旋余地。。。
                • 嘿嘿,我得认真考虑少理发,让我老婆理,马杀鸡超出保险cover就不去了。难道又回到新移民节衣缩食的时代了?
                  • 还有,给老婆下命令,绝不买价钱超过50万的房子,HST又省了,还是做穷人好吧。。。LOL
              • 大资本家的税确实少了,成本降低了,那产品的价格应该减少了。不过水,电,气,服务就增加了。
          • 是的,这个省长只会胡说八道,只会花钱,花花公子一个。
        • HTS 会增加服务和交通支出,商家会把这些支出转嫁到消费者身上。所以,无论你是谁,都要为 HST做出奉献。
          • 对于工薪阶层来说还是占便宜的,收入低的人不会去听音乐会,看体育比赛,去GYM,到餐馆吃大餐等,所有这些以前不收8% PST的商品消费,改HST后,穷人还是不去,但富人的消费成本就增加了。。。
            • 很多加税项目可不是富人专利,我不富,但我去店里理发,找正规按摩师按摩,出门不多,也要住旅店,坐飞机火车打出租,还有家里总要修房,煤气要烧的,开车要烧汽油,看戏太高雅不多但电影总要看的,不能把老移打回到新移民时代吧,这些都涨价,影响满大的。
            • 片面,片面。太片面。
            • 你在安大略省的餐馆吃过大餐吗?不用交8%的PST?
          • 支持你的见解。任何一次加税,就像打仗一样,最倒霉的都是老百姓,最得意的就是有钱有势之人。。
            • #6122317@0
      • 长远来说,我也支持,减少贫富差距。有的人轻轻松松挣多钱,有的人辛辛苦苦挣得也不多,有人长期涨工资,也有大量失业,造成很多人心理失衡。从国家层面上政策上减少贫富差距最合理,谁也说不出来啥。
        • 等你交水电,气,gas的时候你就知道苦了。
      • I support it. It's going to save a lot of processing cost of the business and ultimate improve the efficiency of the whole economic and financial system. I don't even quanlified for the rebates but I still support it.
        • 这就是所谓牺牲小我、顾全大局的高风亮节。在中国都被这么教育的,“全国一盘棋”(知道你不是中国教育的,是遗传起作用),在加拿大,我不买这个帐。
          • I think nowdays the education in China is money driven. Everything is about $, starting from kindergarden. In China no one care about politics and liberal and freedom anymore, as long as I have money in MY pocket...I think you fall into that category.
            • 西方的教育就是充满着傲慢与偏见,从受精卵开始。阁下是最典型的例证!
        • 你说得太对了。进一步,如果我们把PST 取消了,不是更加省事了吗?老百姓更加有钱了吗? 企业不是更加愿意来安省投资了吗?
          • It's different. It's almost the same amount of $ then why make two systems.
      • 政府浪费造成了亏空,就需要加税来补。不征HST,就要加income tax。上次省选的结果证明:安省老百姓不怕加税。
        • 就是,有种选自由党,还怕什么税。
          • 自由党是一群大骗子!!!!!
            • 支持。对于国移来说,大部分都是中产偏下或者平均水平,甚至中产,从这种税务制度是很难受惠的。
    • 上不去了。。。
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    • 都是因为HST把房价搞得这么高吧。现在利率一直都低,大家也用不着这么赶啊?现在好像大部分买新房的人都是被HST逼得不得不早买房,导致房价狂涨。
    • Thanks for the info that we always need some real organizers/pioneers to correct what the :governments" is doing wrong and un acceptable. I signed today.
      • Thanks for your support
    • 很欣慰,看到,签字的人数几天之内增加近20,000。希望大家继续给你们的朋友或亲戚们发送这样的信息,尽我们的最大努力达到预定的目标。
    • how to sign on the petition
      • Just copy the link into address bar and hit Enter Button on your Keyboard and then fill out the form.
    • ding
    • BC的群众运动已经很有起色,安省的人民,天生的奴隶命。
      • 不要放弃,不要悲观,只要坚持。
    • UP. 昨天签名了2个网站。