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Toronto has a bad mayor - David Miller and Ontario has a bad Premier - Dalton McGuinty.

I used to vote for Liberal in the past (my gf is liberal member). But I will not vote for McGuinty in the next election. He increased Health tax couple of years ago and the ER waiting time is not shorted, he said small classes and you can see many mixed grade classes in Ontario, My son is in a class with grade 5 and 6 mixed and I even heard there are three grades in one class in north of Ontario.
Now he is creating HST. L have sent a letter to Michael Chan he is my MP (Liberal), if he wants our vote in next election, he has to quit from McGuinty's cabinet and publicly against HST. I don't care Liberal or PC. If someone did a bad thing, then he has to be punished.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / BC省的反HST运动如火如荼, 前省长领导的草根运动一旦收集到10%的选民签名, 将发动公民投票决定是否取消HST. 最新民调显示逾八成民众反对HST并愿意签名发动公投.----相比之下, 安省缺乏一位能够号召草根阶层的政治家, 呵呵.
    • BC省府给补偿吗?安省给每家1000刀补偿看来封住了不少人的嘴。另一个原因是不管前省长还是现反对党党领,都太weak了:(
      • 不知道BC有没有补偿. 但是如果补偿只是一次性的,还是亏哦.
        • 这个补偿根本就算不了什么。。
    • 如果有人出来张罗这件事情,我想,99%的移民都会参加反对HST 的运动的。我们大家一起努力,将 HST推翻,让现在的省政府解散。
      • 您了解印巴朋友么?
        • 这和印巴朋友有什么关系吗?
          • ...99%的移民...
      • I saw the protesting against HST this afternoon on Yonge St.
    • 2,405 members against HST so far in Ontario.
    • To sign a petition go to www.unfairtaxgrab.com
    • 省政府宣布HST计划之后还进行过补选,从补选的结果来看,安省自由党的形势一片大好,选民继续支持政府的政策。
    • HST is good. Don't fight the train.
      • 你说说 how good 呢, good enough to let u make final decision leaving Ontario?
        • 少花钱,多投资。记得前几年联邦政府减GST,社会上(包括肉联)的反对声音不小,许多专家跳出来指责联邦政府。至今批评减GST的评论还不少。难道省政府加消费税就不应该得到支持了?
    • 安省无论在野还是执政党都赞成HST,保守党现在说反对只是做做样子,以前省选的时候他们就说过是赞成的。
      • 这届自由党由于HST被赶下去,坐享其成的是保守党
    • Toronto has a bad mayor - David Miller and Ontario has a bad Premier - Dalton McGuinty.
      I used to vote for Liberal in the past (my gf is liberal member). But I will not vote for McGuinty in the next election. He increased Health tax couple of years ago and the ER waiting time is not shorted, he said small classes and you can see many mixed grade classes in Ontario, My son is in a class with grade 5 and 6 mixed and I even heard there are three grades in one class in north of Ontario.
      Now he is creating HST. L have sent a letter to Michael Chan he is my MP (Liberal), if he wants our vote in next election, he has to quit from McGuinty's cabinet and publicly against HST. I don't care Liberal or PC. If someone did a bad thing, then he has to be punished.
      • 我 200%同意你的观点
      • 你上次投票给了Ontario Liberal,现在还好意思嚷嚷HST?Health premium也不是这届才加的。
        • 如果有加税的必要,适当的调整,是可以接受的;但是挑战纳税人的底线,那就比较无耻。。。。
          • 现在省政府亏空太多,大量税款进入官吏及其友人们的腰包,不加税怎么行?
        • Chinese Idiom - You lie me once, it is your fault. You lie to me twice, it is my fault
          • 上次省选的时候,一个重要的议题就是自由党不守信用,增加了医保税。结果你还投票给自由党,这不正是你的fault吗?
      • 也就是说,下一次选举,自由党只要换个人参选,你还投自由党的票?
    • Both my wife and myself signed the petition
      • 现在已经来不及了吧?
    • HST是自由党到目前为止干得最好的一件事了,我支持一下.
      • You are wrong. The best thing Lib did was e-health
    • I support HST too... It's gonna save $ for the economy as a whole.