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左派是和平,宽容的, Only when you agree with them! 一百多左派在场外闹事,威胁要让她见血. Ann Coulter在U of Ottawa的演讲被迫取消,

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛左派们在争取同性婚姻,吸毒权利和滥交自由时打的都是争取自由的旗号,要大家宽容,尊重他们的选择. 但当一个知名作家,评论员Ann Coulter来U of Ottawa演讲时,左派们就忘了自由是啥,先是威胁,后来干脆就到场外闹事.警察感到她的安全受到威胁,不得不取消了她的演讲.

Ann Coulter 是米国数本顶级畅销书的作者,和很多右派一样,她对左疯们有着很大的优越感,经常公开嘲笑左派们的荒诞,基本属于有才又不藏着的主.很多左派被她说到过痛处有不能反驳,很受伤.Ann Coulter 人又长得漂亮,这就更让左派堵心了.

这次Ann Coulter 来U of Ottawa演讲,四百人的场地一下来了快俩千学生,结果只能让预先登记的人先进,剩下的学生等在门口要看Coulter,后来来了一百多抗议学生,狂呼乱叫,并和等在门口的学生发生争执,而场内,有人拉响火警,意图造成混乱.在场的警察感到无法控制局面,不得不取消演讲.


Ann Coulter 的下一站是U of Calgary,主办方跟据她前两场受欢迎程度,特别换了个更大的场地.2009年以来,Condoleezza Rice, Gorge W Bush 和Sarah Palin都来到卡尔加里访问,都受到了欢迎. 这次Ann Coulter 来卡城,她会有机会看到加拿大勃勃生机的一面.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 左派是和平,宽容的, Only when you agree with them! 一百多左派在场外闹事,威胁要让她见血. Ann Coulter在U of Ottawa的演讲被迫取消,
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛左派们在争取同性婚姻,吸毒权利和滥交自由时打的都是争取自由的旗号,要大家宽容,尊重他们的选择. 但当一个知名作家,评论员Ann Coulter来U of Ottawa演讲时,左派们就忘了自由是啥,先是威胁,后来干脆就到场外闹事.警察感到她的安全受到威胁,不得不取消了她的演讲.

    Ann Coulter 是米国数本顶级畅销书的作者,和很多右派一样,她对左疯们有着很大的优越感,经常公开嘲笑左派们的荒诞,基本属于有才又不藏着的主.很多左派被她说到过痛处有不能反驳,很受伤.Ann Coulter 人又长得漂亮,这就更让左派堵心了.

    这次Ann Coulter 来U of Ottawa演讲,四百人的场地一下来了快俩千学生,结果只能让预先登记的人先进,剩下的学生等在门口要看Coulter,后来来了一百多抗议学生,狂呼乱叫,并和等在门口的学生发生争执,而场内,有人拉响火警,意图造成混乱.在场的警察感到无法控制局面,不得不取消演讲.


    Ann Coulter 的下一站是U of Calgary,主办方跟据她前两场受欢迎程度,特别换了个更大的场地.2009年以来,Condoleezza Rice, Gorge W Bush 和Sarah Palin都来到卡尔加里访问,都受到了欢迎. 这次Ann Coulter 来卡城,她会有机会看到加拿大勃勃生机的一面.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 现场一名支持 Ann 的学生问和他对质的一名黑人女生知不知道什么是宪法?那名黑人女生用F word回答。这次演讲是渥太华大学主动邀请Ann的,并不是Ann非要来找不愉快
      • 我也看了,那女的挺丢人的.开始媒体报道是两千多抗议学生,声势浩大.后来在场人爆料说两千左右是来听演讲的,大喊大叫的是一百多.媒体后来该成两千多抗议和支持的学生.可以说媒体对左派的厚道是ORZ.
      • throughout histroy, Universities is the place to freely exchange ideas, Today it is Ann Coulter being silenced, who will be the next? Is Canada still Strong and FREE?
      • 是不是这个和平宽容的左派抗议者.
      • 黑人是左派很正常。不过他们大多只把左派当作黑人运动的平台,其实真正想的是黑人至上种族主义,就像海地那样。
        • 好像是这样。
    • 纯粹是乌鸦看着猪长得黑。我虽然很是讨厌其人,倒是不反对她讲话。其调调不怕多讲,讲的越多,听得越明。
      • 民主社会,只要她讲得不犯法,你就凑合着听.因为你不爱听就让人闭嘴,这和天朝的左派也没大区别了.左派也不全是混混,可出头漏面的都算是.惨点.
        • 天朝的左右派定义和国际上的定义完全两码事. 民主国家不管左派右派都是认同普世人权的, 这些人在天朝眼里通通都是反动派.
          • 没有太多的区别,天朝的左派用破坏社会和谐来封口,这里是用宣传仇恨为借口不让人说话.
          • 恩,民主国家的左右派应该是分为 自由派 和 保守派
    • 一点补充, 是组办者取消的,并不是警方取消的,cbc 的报道
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Organizers of the Coulter event told university security staff at 7:50 p.m. that they would be cancelling the speech by Coulter, an American known for her controversial right-wing views. The International Free Press Society Canada cited fears for Coulter's well-being and claimed 2,000 protesters were gathered outside the university's Marion Hall, where she was supposed to speak.

      Following Tuesday's incident, Coulter told reporters the University of Ottawa was a "bush-league university" and again indicated she was unhappy with a note she had received from the university's provost, François Houle, prior to her appearance. The letter mentioned the Charter of Rights and Canada's free speech laws and invited Coulter to "educate yourself, if need be, as to what is acceptable in Canada." Coulter earlier said she took that as a threat to "criminally prosecute" her.

      The university disputed the organizers' version of events, saying that about 1,000 people had "peacefully gathered" at the time of the cancellation.

      Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/ottawa/story/2010/03/24/ottawa-ann-coulter-university.html#ixzz0jDsvo4oL更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 另一点补充,这个礼堂Marion Hall只有400个座位,主办者只会邀请不超过400的听众,楼主解读来了2000多学生只有100多是反对Coulter的,这100多人把另一拨1800多支持的人赶跑了,说辞太牵强。
        • 看楼上CBC的报道"most of the people there were hoping to see Coulter. Only around 100 to 200 appeared to be protesting."人虽少,可拉火警制造混乱,大吵大闹,警察觉得没办法保证Coulter的安全.
    • 现场人士爆料,想看细节的人可看LINK.
    • Ann 写过很多书,最搞笑的要数这本书的书名《如果自由主义者真有脑子的话 -- 他们早应该变成共和党人了》,那真是一针见血
    • 二战后的左派极端分子那是层出不穷,左派从来就不是一个和平、宽容的群体。意大利的红色旅、日本的赤军、同中东恐怖分子合作的巴德尔.麦因霍夫集团,那都是打着左派的旗号
      • 你都说了“打着左派的旗号”,那不是左派,是暴力&恐怖组织。左派这个词是来自法国议会座席的位置,所以,民主国家政治上的左派,一定是承认当前的民主制度,承认民主的议会体制的前提下,争取特定集团的特定利益,要求权力与财富特定的分配方案等。不是反社会反人类的暴力组织
        • 这个我同意,我的观点是“左派”是培养“反社会暴力组织”的温床,因为“左派”自认为站在一个为穷人、为少数族裔、或者任何他们认为弱势的群体说话的道德制高点上,而很容易也很愿意用暴力剥夺其他不同看法的人的话语权



          民国时期的才女“苏雪林”女士这样评价当时的左派“ 左派行事,只问目的,不择手段”,这句话放到现在一样有用
          • Totally agree with you. Hate-speech law violates Charter rights, tribunal rules
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Hate-speech law violates Charter rights, tribunal rules

            Ottawa lawyer Richard Warman. Bill Grimshaw for The Globe and Mail
            Decision in favour of right-wing webmaster Marc Lemire fuels Internet censorship debate
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            From Thursday's Globe and Mail
            Published on Wednesday, Sep. 02, 2009 11:19PM EDT

            Last updated on Thursday, Sep. 17, 2009 3:58AM EDT

            A federal law governing hate speech violates Canadians' charter rights to freedom of expression, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal has ruled.

            The development could give more ammunition to those who complain that the Canadian Human Rights Commission, which refers cases to the tribunal, is engaging in censorship by attempting to restrict what people say on the Internet.

            The decision, released in Ottawa Wednesday, also seems to call into question whether the tribunal should be involved at all in policing online content through Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act.

            “This case raises questions about the substance of the law itself,” said Michael Geist, a University of Ottawa law professor who holds the Canada Research Chair in Internet and E-commerce Law. “This will only build the momentum for another examination of how we approach this.”

            At issue was a complaint lodged with the tribunal against Marc Lemire, webmaster of freedomsite.org. Ottawa lawyer Richard Warman alleged that the messages posted on the site were discriminatory and exposed minority groups to “hatred and contempt,” key language under Section 13 of the law.

            Mr. Lemire responded by requesting that the law be “declared inoperative” because it is inconsistent with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Tribunal member Athanasios Hadjis agreed. He wrote in the ruling that the law was originally intended to be “remedial, preventative and conciliatory in nature,” rather than a means to hand out penalties.

            Section 13 defines it as “discriminatory” for an individual or group “to communicate telephonically or to cause to be so communicated … any matter that is likely to expose a person or persons to hatred or contempt” based on characteristics such as race, religion, sexual orientation, and so on.

            Advocates call the law a necessary control on hate speech in an age where the Internet makes the spread of messages easier and faster. Opponents say it's censorship and has no place in a free society.

            The tribunal's decision, which will likely be appealed, is not binding beyond Mr. Lemire's case. However, it moves the debate forward, said University of Windsor law professor Richard Moon.

            “It creates a new situation in which all the different legal and political actors have to think about what their response is,” Prof. Moon said.

            In 2008, Prof. Moon wrote a report for the CHRC about the role of Section 13 in the Internet age that said the law should be repealed. He wrote that Internet use means that “any attempt to exclude all racial or other prejudice from the public discourse would require extraordinary intervention by the state.”

            But Mr. Warman, who brought the case, disagrees.

            “There is no unlimited right to speech,” he said. “The fact is, this was a hate website and it attracted hate.”

            Mr. Warman cited postings by a visitor to freedomsite.org that, in a separate case, the tribunal called “as vile as one can imagine and not only discriminatory, but threatening to the victims.”

            Mr. Lemire said webmasters are not responsible for content on message boards.

            “It's not for the state to … decide what beliefs we can have,” he said. “People shouldn't be put through a six-year-long hearing even if they're Nazis, even if they're communists, even if they're racists.”

            Bernie Farber, the CEO of the Canadian Jewish Congress, said all hate speech is a potential trigger.

            “Racist war, from the ethnic cleansing in Cambodia, to the Balkans, to Darfur, to the Holocaust, did not start in a vacuum,” he said.

            “Hateful words do have an effect. … The Internet cannot and should not be a wild frontier where anything goes.”更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net