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usually, the heat & moisture go to the attic from the fan, then should circulate inside the attic, another fan up in you roof and the eavestrough will carry those air in and out, make your attic breathable, now if the out side temperature below 0, then those moisture will condensate and become ice, and cumulate around your ceiling 排风扇周围, when the temperature go above 0, (or your heat is TOO high, ), the ice will melted , and the water no where to go, causing leak.—nothing to do with the 黑色塑料管子—that should be for the 下水管出气口

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / 有个漏水的问题请教,经验人士和专家请进:
    • 你一定要确认到底是通房顶管子脱开了,还是压根就没有通到房顶的出口,脱开了接上就是了,不要忘了外面包裹上保温材料,如果没有出口,劝你在没有房顶开口前,最好不要再用那个排风扇了,麻烦居多。
    • 你说的那个硬的黑色塑料管应该是下水管的一部分,通到房顶外的,那个不是服务于你的排气扇的,这样看来,你的排风扇是没出口的,就是直接排到attic里的,你最好停止使用吧。
    • 排气扇就是直接排到attic里,
      usually, the heat & moisture go to the attic from the fan, then should circulate inside the attic, another fan up in you roof and the eavestrough will carry those air in and out, make your attic breathable, now if the out side temperature below 0, then those moisture will condensate and become ice, and cumulate around your ceiling 排风扇周围, when the temperature go above 0, (or your heat is TOO high, ), the ice will melted , and the water no where to go, causing leak.—nothing to do with the 黑色塑料管子—that should be for the 下水管出气口
      • 谢谢楼上各位的回答!我家的排风扇是直接排到attic里面的,从ceiling到roof之间没有连接,那个排风扇也没有直对任何通向屋顶外的透气口(roof外面那些象方型冬菇那样的东西)。在那个漏水的排风扇的正上方有一条横着的黑色塑胶管子,我怀疑是这个管子漏水,
        • 可惜那个位置太窄小无法过去,所以也不知那条管道是通什么地方的,有什么用途,在那个管子的下面确实是洗手间,但在那个位置并没有用水设备,很奇怪那个地方为什么会有条管道,幸好只漏了一次,而且是沿着排风扇周围漏在ceiling上了。该咋办请明白的DX指点。谢谢!
          • don'yt you understand what i told you?
            1,in your 11:11 post, the black one shouldn't has water inside, thus, cann't leak
            2, your 11:16 post, 那条管道should通roof, 排气,otherwise, your 下水管 wouldn't work properly.堵。do you learn physics before, about how it works for air circulation ? if no air inside the pipe, nothing can come out, so your 下水管 wouldn't work, the 那条管道 works for this purpose.
            • 谢谢,有点明白了,就是说那条管子是排气的,里面没有水对吗?那么漏进屋里的水是从哪里来的呢?会不会是那管子通屋顶的地方漏了?可那管子经过排风扇漏水位置的地方是水平的啊。
              • 1, 那么漏进屋里的水是从哪里来的呢?did you read my post @ 8:41? the main explaination is there. and
                2, for 会不会是那管子通屋顶的地方漏了?--i don't know, you need to check the roof. might not, i think should be the reason in 1.
                3, 可那管子经过排风扇漏水位置的地方是水平的啊, of course, do you need an angled pipe for air circulation? BTW, is your house semi? well, doesn't matter. i just ask. since usually, the 出气pipe 口 might connect the kitchen and washroom pipe up in the attic--not always, but that 's the case sometimes, so, tthere might be only one 出气口 in the roof(you can see)
                • 明白您的意思,谢谢!看了,屋顶上确实有节管子朝天有1、2尺高,估计那就是排气管的出口了。我觉得奇怪的是,就算有水顺着这管子流进来怎么单单在排气扇上方滴下来呢,那段水平距离差不多有两米,如果滴水不是应该在有垂直的地方发生吗?比如从屋顶下来的那个拐弯处。
                  • 还有,如果那根管子通出屋顶的接缝处漏水,每次下雨、融雪是不是都会漏?可我观察只漏了一次,还漏了不少,地面也滴了一片。这期间上下水也没有发生过堵塞或者异常。谢谢您帮我分析!
                    • firstly, i still think should be reason 1. if i am right, your insulation in arttic might has problem, but not big, don't worry.
                      not 那根管子通出屋顶的接缝处漏水, if is this , you had more than one leak.(well, depends on how long you live there).
                      of course, nothing to do w/ the 上下水也没有发生过堵塞或者异常
                      • 不好意思经您一解释我现在反到又糊涂了,如果我没有理解错误,你意思那水是attic里面的冰融化了滴下来的。其实我原来也有类似想法,我以为那排风扇有管道连到屋顶外面,大风把屋顶的雪从排风扇倒灌进来造成的。
              • 冷凝水
                • 谢谢!管子是黑色塑料的。
          • 还有这种设计?排风扇排到ATTIC,ATTIC再排到ROOF?像我的CANDO,阳台顶的浴室排风出口总是湿的,
            • 呵呵~十几年前greenpark的设计,听说不少house都是这样的设计。
              • 现在温哥华的房子好像是排风通到顶上的出风口,而且有至少一个排风没开关,一直要开着。我是觉的水气和气味长期累积总是个大问题。
                • 是不是温哥华比较潮湿的缘故。我家屋顶上有大概十个30CM见方象方形的冬菇那样的通气孔,水气根味道倒是不觉得。
            • the building design science is different from condo and house