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Room information from CSSA news (U of Windsor)

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛2) Room Offered
There is a one-bedroom apartment available to
sharing with a female, rent is $300,
everything(furniture, TV, washer&dryer etc)included,
if you interested, please call 256-4503 or email me at

(4) Room Offered
hello everyone:
i have a big bedroom in two bedroom apartment, and the
room can live two people, very big and clear, sunshine,and
it is in university tower, it is near university, the price
is about 650, everything include there, and internet cable
is already, if some one interesting ,please send me email
gaoj@uwindsor.ca, or call me 5195666708. thank you, have
nice day!

(5) Room Offered
There is a one bedroom apartment (Bachelor Apartment) available from JULY
1st on the Mill Street.
5 minutes to school.
clean and very suitable for single person
charge $200 per month including utility.
contact bill_bin_ye@yahoo.com
or call 519-2568271
(6) Room Offered
There is a room in a two-bedroom apartment on University &
Askin, 3 Min walk to the campus. It is very clean, quiet
and good view, including everything. The price is $400 per
month and can be negotiated, utility included. For detail
please call: (519) 258-1037.

(7) Room Offered
One bedroom in the upper floor of a two-storey
townhouse, clean, quiet. Located at Union street, 2
minutes to university, 1 minute to St. Denis center.
$250 for single in July and August.
Phone number: 253-2574, leave message.
Email: w95w@hotmail.com更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 这里有没有在University of Windsor的哥哥姐姐的? 我这个月28号到toronto,要从机场坐车到windsor,不知道是做train还是做bus方便。听说还有一种door to door的service,不知道要多少钱。
    • check the following websites for schedule and cost information

      If your arrival time is before 7:00PM June 28, email me, I can give you a ride.
    • 这个问题我专业。如果你是从PEARSON AIRPORT 直接就想去WINSOR的话有两种办法,一种是省钱的但可能不方便还要看你有几个人多少行李,如果行李不多人也不多的话呢,你可以从机场坐车去鄐
      sorry,something wrong with my computer, i'll see you five minutes later.
      • 要是一个人两件行李呢?是不是就会比较费劲了。 还有,我是下午两点多到toronto,是不是应该现在toronto住一晚上再到windsor 呢?
        • email me, I can give you a ride to Windsor.
          • hao.
            • can't check rolia email now, will reply to you tomorrow morning. easy now.
              • All right. Good night. :P
          • Thank you. You are so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet.
        • 如果你在WINDSOR有人接,还是坐ROBERTQ比较方便,只是稍贵一点。它的班次挺多的。毕竟你不用挤公共汽车或地铁去TORONTO DOWNTOWN。
          • 到底多少钱?我还真不知道呢。
            • 查一下网站就行了。我是从伦敦到底特律的。学生票往返近壹佰。
          • 要是没有人接呢?嘻嘻。可怜的说。
            • 楼上不是有大侠愿捎你去温沙吗
              • 很远的路呀,很感激地说。
              • 哦,你是不是愿意帮我找房子地说。(做厚颜无耻状)
        • 一个人两件行李当然就好办了,你就可以坐长途汽车了,唯一遗憾是不能把你送到家。我们可以做door to door service,但如果真有人可以免费送你去,你当然首先选他了。
    • 机场直接有BUS到WINDSOR,好象叫Robertq,,www.robertq.com。不过它只在WINDSOR城边停一下,你到了WINDSOR还要找车。
      • 看来有比我更专业的。
        • 因为俺坐过它去DETROIT :)
          • 还是你行,我查过了greyhound 和train 的费用和时间表,不知道这几种方式对于一个人拿比较多行李来说,那种方便些呢?
            • 你一个人两件行李叫多?我们送过三个人九件行李的都没问题。
              • 可是你们人多呀,你们可以一个人看行李,两个人搬行李:) 我就不行了,一次得拿两个呀,还头一次来,人生地不熟地说。
                • 这不就遇上好人了吗?
                  • 是说你吗,嘻嘻。很感激地说。我在MIT BBS已经跳了两天了,没什么人理我,后来碰见一位大侠介绍我来这里,果然很热心地说。
                    • 我可不是说我啊,要是我们为你提供这项服务我们可是要收费的,不象楼上的好心人,他可能意思要免费帮你忙吧?这个忙帮的可不小。
                      • 找房子收费吗?没有问题。要是没有你们帮忙还要去住店什么的呢。把钱拿给人家去赚还不如给自己人,感激不尽地说。
                      • 是呀,240mile,得开四五个小时呢。
                      • 机场有行李车,你不用担心行李问题。
                      • “你们”,是一个组织吗?嘻嘻。土土的问一句,Windsor是不是一个很大的town呀,地理知识极度贫乏的说。
                        • 温莎是一个很小的城市,但是很清洁干净。我们可做机场接送,旅游用车服务等,比如你要想去大瀑布的话,可以找我们。
                          • 好呀好呀,我喜欢小城市,农村住惯了的说。我讨厌detroit那样的城市。那要是用车的话,怎样和你们联系呢?谢了先。
                            • 你可EMAIL我,就在ROLIA 上,或者你到了多伦多的话可打我电话416-4692356。totobox_cn@yahoo.com
      • http://www.robertq.com/Airbus/index.html
      • 没有飞机直接到windsor吗?
        • 倒,do you know how big is windsor?
          • (摇头。。)那如果不能坐飞机过去的话不是很麻烦吗?我可不想拎着两个大箱子在多伦多找火车站:(
            • 你哪天到呀?看看能不能搭上个伴.
        • http://www.windsorairport.net/schedule-1.cfm
    • 好啊,又多了一个到温莎大学读书的战友
      • 嘻嘻,那你也是那里的了.那边中国学生有没有什么组织呀?怎样和他们联系呀?
        • 是呀,是呀。你是弟弟还是妹妹啊?我在学校的网站上查了半天,也没找到中国学生的组织,等我们去了成立一个吧。
          • 我也查了,没有什么中国人在windsor的网站,都不知道怎么找房子呢。
            • 现在在windsor大学附近出租的房子很多,来了就可以找到。U windsor 有CSSA, 你可以写信给cssa@uwindsor.ca 这样他们就可以给你发一些消息。附上今天刚收到的一条租房信息:
              1) Room Offered

              There is one BIG room available from JULY 1st on the MAIN floor of 564
              Randolph Ave.
              Two minutes walk to University; All Chinese students (girls and boy): Clean,
              Quiet, Gentle, and Friendly;
              $275/month between August and April, $200/month from May to July, all
              included; Washing machine, dryer, parking lot and simple furniture including
              bed. Rent is due at the beginning of the month, no lease needed!
              A nice gentleman, non-smoker, is welcome to join in.
              Please phone (519)971-2994 or email to xia@uwindsor.ca to make an
              • 谢谢你,你真好,总算找到点有价值的信息了:)
                • 无聊小猫-家有小熊, 你在哪里,去看过房子了吗?嘻嘻,一起找吧,如果方便的话. 注:我是弟弟
                  • 我要7月底才搬过去呢,听说9月之前房子都不难找的,你找到之后把经验post出来啊,哈哈,我可以用嘛。
                    • 好吧,算你狠.
                      • bump
                        • 干嘛?>+<
              • 谢谢你,不知道等六月底来了还有没有.
                • 应该有。
                  • 那跟谁联系呢?是不是直接跟CSSA联系?
                    • bump
                      • yes
            • Room information from CSSA news (U of Windsor)
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛2) Room Offered
              There is a one-bedroom apartment available to
              sharing with a female, rent is $300,
              everything(furniture, TV, washer&dryer etc)included,
              if you interested, please call 256-4503 or email me at

              (4) Room Offered
              hello everyone:
              i have a big bedroom in two bedroom apartment, and the
              room can live two people, very big and clear, sunshine,and
              it is in university tower, it is near university, the price
              is about 650, everything include there, and internet cable
              is already, if some one interesting ,please send me email
              gaoj@uwindsor.ca, or call me 5195666708. thank you, have
              nice day!

              (5) Room Offered
              There is a one bedroom apartment (Bachelor Apartment) available from JULY
              1st on the Mill Street.
              5 minutes to school.
              clean and very suitable for single person
              charge $200 per month including utility.
              contact bill_bin_ye@yahoo.com
              or call 519-2568271
              (6) Room Offered
              There is a room in a two-bedroom apartment on University &
              Askin, 3 Min walk to the campus. It is very clean, quiet
              and good view, including everything. The price is $400 per
              month and can be negotiated, utility included. For detail
              please call: (519) 258-1037.

              (7) Room Offered
              One bedroom in the upper floor of a two-storey
              townhouse, clean, quiet. Located at Union street, 2
              minutes to university, 1 minute to St. Denis center.
              $250 for single in July and August.
              Phone number: 253-2574, leave message.
              Email: w95w@hotmail.com更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 我是在帮一个新来的弟弟发帖子,他现在人还在法国,抱怨说看不了中文,只好我帮他上来问一下.:)