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Today's news say the Christmas airline bomber pleads not guily at court. This trial is going to take a long long time. What is Obama thinking?

Those are Al-Qaeda fighters, soldiers of enemy troops whose goal is to kill as many Americans as they can and bring the country to her knees. They are NOT ordinary criminals, why trial them at civil courts?When the Al-Qaeda are out to kill the Americans, Westeners, they don't care about political correctness, Geneva convention, They don't care about hire you a defense lawyer, have a trial, read you your rights, avoid racial profiling, no torture, and all these sxxt Mr Obama wants to give to the terrorists. They just want to blow you up or chop your heads off. The American and other Westerners must treat the terrorists the same way or they can not win this war.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 机场针对穆斯林的racial profiling我觉得很common sense. 但一些自由党的左派觉得这是对人分三六九等,炮轰哈博政府。 肉连的左派们,发表下意见吧。
    • 不管你内心有多白,老猫那张脸,如果是国产,一定还是容易分辨。所以,别人遭遇不幸,移民的屁股,总还是应该紧紧地连在一起。
      • say that to the airport security waiting line, please.
        • 老猫的犬儒主义,原来很精进。前两天的度假航班,9位加拿大乘客,询问Sunwing机师security方面的问题,立刻被轰下班机。恐怖主义战争,拉登说得很对,那是西方没落的开始。
    • 很正常, 不是所有的穆斯林都是恐怖份子, 但是现在发现的所有恐怖份子都是穆斯林, 如果没有针对他们的racial profiling, 那就是忽视非穆斯林的人权
    • 人是分三六九等的吧?
    • 自由党的左派就是一群搅屎棍子,恐怖份子的盟友.
    • In the radio a guy was introducing how Israel Airines works. I myself was searched THOROUGHLY. Not a nice experience although I understood. +2290353@0 That's the reality of the world.
      • 以色列很小,就那么几个机场,很容易防堵。美国太大,完全像以色列那样行不通。以前以色列竭尽全力搞安全,Bus爆炸、夜总会爆炸还是连绵不绝,最后没有办法修建了隔离墙,从物理上巴以完全隔离,就再也没出过爆炸事件
      • 极端分子用极少的人力物力(十几个人、七八kg炸药),制造恐怖,让西方惊恐万状。西方世界所花费的人力物力以及更重要的心理消耗是极端恐怖组织的千万倍。这场斗争,目前恐怖方先赢2局。。。:(
        • agree with your points.
    • Today's news say the Christmas airline bomber pleads not guily at court. This trial is going to take a long long time. What is Obama thinking?
      Those are Al-Qaeda fighters, soldiers of enemy troops whose goal is to kill as many Americans as they can and bring the country to her knees. They are NOT ordinary criminals, why trial them at civil courts?When the Al-Qaeda are out to kill the Americans, Westeners, they don't care about political correctness, Geneva convention, They don't care about hire you a defense lawyer, have a trial, read you your rights, avoid racial profiling, no torture, and all these sxxt Mr Obama wants to give to the terrorists. They just want to blow you up or chop your heads off. The American and other Westerners must treat the terrorists the same way or they can not win this war.
      • This is extreme, way too right. There is no sense to win a war if we are morally on the same ground with our enemies. We have to be better, follow international standard,otherwise we failed from the beginning.
      • have it every occurred to you why it is "FIRST 穆斯林" now?
    • racial profiling不是件好事,但要看是不是justified. 很多事都不是什么好事,可相反的选择结果更差。两害相权取其轻而已。
    • 人本来就分三六九等, 假装不分本来就是虚伪. 圣经里讲人人平等也只是讲人的灵魂是平等的-----而已
      • hmm... man is born equal. it is this material world that let us down. lets revolutionarize and make it a better world for our next generations to come, if there is one.
    • 对,racial profile应该在生活中被广泛应用,比如因为某些人喜欢钻空子不排队,那么其所在的整个族裔也应该都被列为特别关注对象。下一步,被profile的要戴上特别标记以便区分。等等,印象里好像20世纪30年代有个欧洲国家这么干过,就是一时想不起名字了。
      • 知道你是在说反话, 呵呵. 现在的做法是National Profiling, 和RACIAL PROFILING不是一回事.
        • 我刚才还问他是不是说希特勒,想想这个问题很愚蠢,呵呵。
        • 首帖中“针对穆斯林的racial profiling我觉得很common sense”中说的穆斯林,原来是国家的意思,唉,看来我太缺乏common sense了。
          • 呵呵, 不是你缺乏common sense, 我觉得是老猫用这个说法不准确. 穆斯林是一个宗教称呼, 没有哪个国家现在敢实行religious profiling 的.
      • Regarding the news in your link, 1, The officer who left his post should be disciplined; 2, Jiang is absolutely wrong; 3, IMHO there's no link between this case and racial profiling.
    • 准确地说, 国籍和race是两个不同的概念. 针对国籍的歧视不是racial profiling. 对种族的歧视是非法的, 没有哪个国家敢宣布对阿拉伯种族的人进行特别关照. 对国籍的歧视是合法的, 所以出入境时不同国籍有不同的通道, 机场的新措施也是针对国籍而言.