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I have free condom to deliver

Hi,guys, why don't you find free condom with flavor, It’s simple, just call me: 416-963-4300 ex57.or e-mail: shirleyc23@hotmail.com. This is my job. I am a new immigrate from mainland China, My job now is sexual health education with Chinese women in Asian Community funded by city of Toronto, but I’d like to talk this topic with all you guys and deliver free condom to prevent STDs and birth control. By the way I want you know there are male and female condom. All information is confidential. Call me if you really need it. Help yourself enjoy your life.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 请问加拿大的避孕套贵吗?质量怎么样?
    • 比国内略贵,但质量绝对好,不干,不破,不漏。
    • 主要看零售还是批发。价格不一样的。
      • 报告,wjiang家楼下就有专卖店
        • boy, it's available in any convenience store.
          • woman, 我说的是专卖店
            • boy, you were spreading rumor about poor wjiang, hehe
    • 我在国内用的30元一盒的,就破过好几次,差点弄得她怀孕,在这儿我用7.8加元的,从没破过。
      • 那也不一定,我就用破过。
        • 发现破了后怎么办了?
          • 赶紧吃药。
            • 不,打官司,索赔。 :-)
            • 吃药不管用巴。。得用吸尘器。。
              • Ah?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, &^%&^%&^%
              • How?
              • 请LUMLUM谈谈体会吧,感受如何?
        • That is TOO SCARY! Which brand, can you tell us? The girl can take morning after pill in 72 hrs to avoid pregnancy, but it works like birth control pills for one month use.
      • 恐怕和产品质量没有关系.有研究显示: 避孕套破裂事故发生在婚外情的比例远远高于婚内.情侣的高于夫妻.盖因前者更有激情. *_^
        • 猫也用避孕套么?
        • 具体统计报告在哪里?别告诉我是从言情小说得出的结论。
    • 一般是$1.69-$3.99/盒, 3个/盒。 有各种颜色和各种风味儿的(草莓味儿,巧克力。冰激凌.......哈哈...),根据用途有: 颗粒星(使女伴感觉更好), 超薄型,耐用性,敏感皮肤性......。如果用国产的容易坡,那就用2 个吧。嘿嘿....
      • You cannot find special flavored condoms at supermarkets. So it's from condom shack?
      • 呵喝,建议不要使用颗粒星类的,用多了会降低敏感度。
    • 避孕套口径太大,请问有小号的吗?
      • it's one size. but you know clinics always provide free condoms, so I tried it for once and felt it's tighter than what I bought from supermarket. And I don't prefer this feeling.
    • 推荐使用最新型的,可自动释放润滑油;自动伸缩;自动引导方向;快破时自动报警;万一破了也会自动爆炸以防怀孕。
      • 哈哈~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        • COOL。。。HEHE
    • 为什么在这个讨论里都是guest?
      • 也许是怕有人会当面请教吧:)
      • 中国人这方面还是挺保守的,不愿将自己的性公开,这也是可以理解的嘛!
        • 哦,是这样:不愿公开,又想参与。明白了。
    • 还是在国内多带点来较好。
    • I have free condom to deliver
      Hi,guys, why don't you find free condom with flavor, It’s simple, just call me: 416-963-4300 ex57.or e-mail: shirleyc23@hotmail.com. This is my job. I am a new immigrate from mainland China, My job now is sexual health education with Chinese women in Asian Community funded by city of Toronto, but I’d like to talk this topic with all you guys and deliver free condom to prevent STDs and birth control. By the way I want you know there are male and female condom. All information is confidential. Call me if you really need it. Help yourself enjoy your life.
      • what is female condom?
        • 想一想啦。我的印象里女用的三个就十块,男用的一打五块半,还是男用合算,嘿嘿。
    • 为什么不用避孕药呢?
      • 心疼老婆的话怎么会用避孕药!
      • 是药三分毒,没有副作用的药物是不存在的
        • 那倒不一定。有的药物在整个代谢过程中的所有中间产物对人都没有毒害。
      • 偶而忘服,前功尽弃。
      • 用避孕药, 有些女性会有呕吐等不适反应。要都是有一定毒性的,一般要在停药6个月后才可以怀孕,有些文章说:长期服用避孕药有副作用。
        • and it says it decreases female's sensitivity and increases weight.