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Just read the first feedback on thestar.com - Parents decision

Parents have the right to decide their children future especially relating to marriage. They are experienced enough to choose the right partner for their children. It happens in every culture and I don't understand why the author is more concerned about Indian marriages. I don't call it as forced marriage but rather say it as mature, justified decision of parents for their children future. There is a well known Indian saying that it is fine to tell thousand lies to make one marriage work.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 这话说的太好了. BRAVO! The new citizenship guide. 这难道又是保守党政府干的好事?! 对于那些不接受加拿大Value的人,把话说清楚了,还是从哪儿来的回哪儿去对双方都好些。
    "Canada's openness and generosity do not extend to barbaric cultural practices that tolerate spousal abuse, honor killings, female genital mutilation...."

    I can't believe my eyes : BARBARIC + CULTURE. And it is not racism? It is from the federal government booklet?!

    I will vote for Jason Kennedy if he runs for PM next time.
    • Fans following.
      • 割JJ皮算不算野蛮行为?
        • 不算不算
          • 不割算不算?
        • 算。
          • 我不是犹太教也不穆斯林,我的JJP早就割了,OMG,我是不是很野蛮呀,哈哈
            • 来奥嘎则莫 更方便了?
            • 不是你野蛮。是这种行为本身不文明,属于文化糟粕。
              • 要一分为二, 这位童鞋喜爱艺术,所以把它削成了一个罗卜尖儿.
              • 给刚出生的男孩做环切并不比扎耳朵眼更痛苦。从卫生角度讲,是十分必要的。夹层里积存的尿液让孩子自己清理干净是有困难的。
                • 你是女的吧?不了解这个东西的结构。全部割掉,才是你说的卫生。
                  • 不用拿医学抬杠吧,割掉包皮,利益无尽。和强迫女人做的那种陋习,完全两回事。
        • 野蛮否?要看是否符合人性:治病或者增强功能,都是好事。
    • 奇怪,为什么只有 Female genital mutilation,没有 circumcision。两者都是野蛮文化的遗留。
      • 一个增强Orgasm,所以是文明的;一个减弱/伤害奥嘎则莫。所以是野蛮的
    • 你是穆斯林? 不过用词是有点太夸张了,明显贬低的意思,融合是个长期的过程,我想至少在中国都算是很好融合了穆斯林的习俗
      • LOL. 再看看我怎么说的。
        • 哦,你是喝汤之人
    • 说的很好, 加拿大人终于站起来了.
      • Queen takes top role in new Canadian citizenship guide
        • 你是香港人,我能理解你们对女王的感情...
          • This is part of Canadian Citizenship Guide, nothing to do with me or people from Hong Kong.
            • Just a joke, my brother..:-)
              • I know. But to be honest, there is only 1 member of Royal family that I like and she died many years ago. I don't care the rest! But a lot of Canadian have a very strong bonding with Britian.
    • Forced to wed: 'They think they're doing what's best for the child' -Rescue in Punjab shows disturbing tradition is alive in Canada. I kow a boy at KPMG, he was forced to go back to India to get married.
      • just saw that too.. this really is "barbaric". 该 清 算。
        • Just read the first feedback on thestar.com - Parents decision
          Parents have the right to decide their children future especially relating to marriage. They are experienced enough to choose the right partner for their children. It happens in every culture and I don't understand why the author is more concerned about Indian marriages. I don't call it as forced marriage but rather say it as mature, justified decision of parents for their children future. There is a well known Indian saying that it is fine to tell thousand lies to make one marriage work.
    • "barbaric cultural"这个怎么定义啊,刮痧算不算?中医算不算?清算完伊斯兰教的“barbaric cultural ”,下一步是不是就是没有信仰的,佛教,道教了?我是少数民族,不支持这种按Culture划线的做法。
      • I agree.
        • 佛教有这种问题吗? 自焚算barbaric 吗?
          • 这么说吧,一年里老和尚自焚10个,那是个体案件,数自杀类;如果一个地区的年轻妇女一年里自焚5000个,还都是在forced marriage后,就是culture问题了。
            • I would be sorry to see anyone killing himslef / herself but it is their own business. But most of these barbaric culture is force on another person; mainly on girls / women. It is quite different!
            • agree
      • 1) honor killings 2) female genital mutilation 3) forced marriage 这三件事无论发生在那个种族,都是barbaric,其中的一个共同特点,就是针对女人的身体,把女人当商品。
      • 还有三寸金莲,三从四德,三妻四妾,算不算?
        • 楼上是偷换概念。如果是本人是自愿的,别说是刮痧,吃中药了,你就是满身刺满tatoo,天天吃砒霜玩,也没人管你。但是你的culture要是暴力强迫别人刮痧,吃中药,那就是"barbaric cultural"。
          • 一语中的。
          • Gao
        • 三妻四妾 不算. is a minor' Personal Life Problem', not Endanger the Security of our great Chinese society.
      • What do you suggest we should do about genital mutilation and "honour killings."? Close our eyes and pretend they never happened. I know very little about 佛教 and 道教; do they have any barbaric culture?