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Try this one, they are very good. They are in Oakville/Burlington area, but will do Mississauga, Brampton and Milton areas too. None Chinese. $2.**/sqft.

Many of my friends, co-workers have used them, are very satisfied with their job, and highly recommended them.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / 密市,11月中旬找人装laminate地板。本来打算自己做的,但是老公工作比较忙。请大家推荐个好的装地板公司。有业余人士自认技术过关的也欢迎。谢谢大家。
    • 难道真的要自己动手么...
      • 还是自己装吧。这又不像国内,讲奉献,加班到半夜。大把业余时间。
        • 本来想自己动手的,工具都选好了,最后还是放弃了。 我最近身体不大好,他一个人平时还要加班,实在是忙不过来。这个房子是新买的,到11月中旬closing,地毯一塌糊涂的,不换不行了。大家有好的安装工人请劳烦给我推荐一下,感激不尽。
    • 帮你推荐一位师付吧
      • you are soooo nice! thanks a lot!
    • 保重保重. 如果收到你的窗帘,请给我们反馈下质量如何.:)
      • 嘻嘻,还惦记着窗帘啊,下周应该就到了,到手后feedback一下,我都好期待呢
        • 是啊是啊,如果可以, 等你搬来密市我还想看看窗帘装起来的样子呢. :))
    • 借楼主的帖子,请大家给推荐一位多市的装修地板和油漆师傅,多谢!
      • 这位师付吧
        416-312-9438(Jack Shi)做地板和漆活儿很棒的,请提我的名字(就说是李梅的朋友)他会提前一些时间帮您弄的,祝您好运!!!
    • Let me go home to find the one who did it for my home, very nich person, I recommened them to my friends, they are happy with them, I will PM you after I find the business card.
      • Could you PM me too? Thanks!
      • Could you PM me too? Thank you very much!
      • could you please give me the number?thanks
      • All PMed, please check your PM, sorry for the delay ,I couldn't find the business card, my hubby got it for me.
        • could you pm me too? thansk!
        • could you also pm me please ,thank you
          • Could you please PM me, thank you.
      • 打电话过去问了一下推荐的李师傅,装复合地板加人工要5.5块一sqf,硬木地板12块一sqf,有点不敢相信,问了两遍,人家态度坚决。又问了一句怎么价钱这么贵啊,人家就挂了电话。到现在还心有余悸,我承认我被吓到了。
        • 网上的东西你也信
          • 其实网上很多好东西,好人的。既然这么高的价钱还有这么多人请这个师傅装地板,说明他技术确实不错。只是我承受不起这个价钱而已。怪自己......
        • 既然是闲人,就自己搞吧。
          • 嘻嘻,自己做的话就不闲了
        • Try this one, they are very good. They are in Oakville/Burlington area, but will do Mississauga, Brampton and Milton areas too. None Chinese. $2.**/sqft.
          Many of my friends, co-workers have used them, are very satisfied with their job, and highly recommended them.
          • 收藏了,谢谢!
        • Their homestar reviews.
        • 一分钱一分货,我用过复合地板人工 1元/sqf 的,就是不打钉,你自己打扫卫生。
          • 一分钱一分货,我懂的。没有要求最便宜的,想找信誉好的,价钱不离谱的。HD的装硬木地板的人工也就是3块左右吧,这个李师傅装复合地板不包料单人工就3块了,是不是有点过了?
        • "又问了一句怎么价钱这么贵啊,人家就挂了电话。" my god... :-(
        • That's crazy. Maybe he doesn't want to do if it is small project.
          • i don't think 700sqf floor and 13 hardwood steps are small project
        • 他报价太高也许是因为看你的贴子感觉你在这方面比较外行,行情也不太了解,所以就给你来一下,而且他估计你不大会曝光他的
          • 晕,我没有曝光任何人啊,我只是说说事实。我相信给我推荐这个师傅的人是好心的,TA只是没有想到我没法接受这个价位吧。也许这个师傅当时心情不好吧,就匆匆的给我报了这个价后就把电话挂了
            • We did install floor ourself. if you want to try, you can call 4166629122
              • my floor already done, thanks
          • 你想的太多了,那个师傅50多岁了,上网不是很灵光,我当时还说有好多人在网上做广告,他说不会弄,而且他的客户很多,老外占多数,
        • OMG! I haven't come here for a while after I sent the contrator information to you guys. I didn't expect this kind of feedback.
          This is the first time I gave recommendation on rolia, I know sometimes when you try to help, you may get blame, but I am really not be ready for this just because we got very good service from this contractor, and he is really with lots of experience. I don't know why you got this kind of answer from him. We got the floor installation around July was $2.5/Sq for the labour. I thought it was good since my friend used their service and said it was very good. I wouldn't recommend if I knew this is the result. Sorry for this. I will ask my husband to call and find it out what's going on there if that contractor remembers us and your conversation.
    • 我家刚换了地板,800sqf两天搞掂,收费也很合理,师傅手艺和为人都很不错,我去他推荐的地板公司买的地板12mm的laminate只要$1.19/sqf, 这次事情做得既快又满意,我愿意向大家推荐。