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My opinion

Not thing to worry about the fresh air, there is no any house are 100 % "Air Tight", Whenever, outside averment have low wind or strong wind, the air in the house also will be carried away this called "Air Drift", so the air in the house will not be as "old" as you think.
Go around your house, check to see there is always a "hole" at the bottom of the Brick, which is helping the "Air Drift" even it is not design for it, actually the "hole" is for moistures can be escape from house, it doesn’t fezzes up in winter

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / 有谁知道HOUSE是怎么换新鲜空气的呢?冬天呆在屋里开了暖气总觉得空气不新鲜,不知道如何改善通风。有没有类似感觉的?
    • 每小时自己出门待十分钟。。
    • 同问。下班回家一进门一股怪味。几乎每天开抽油烟机(不做饭)半小时,可是浪费呀,不环保。弄那个HVS太贵,旧房不值。。。
      • 请学着用蜡烛吧
    • UVC 灯+ 一个比较好的filter. candiantire 有一种可以用在furnace 管道的uvc 灯, 杀菌消毒。 其实空气不新鲜有很大一部分是各种微生物导致的。我觉得效果很好。当然饭菜的味道是去不掉的。
      • UVC 灯, 就是这名字吗?价钱呢?到那心里知道找的是哪个东西,谢了哦
        • "Swordfish UVC Whole Home Air Purification System", around $ 150, 在卖空气净化器的地方。我觉得这个流感的季节, 建议大家要买一个。
    • try this: AOS 2055D Digital Air Washer
    • 我是每天都把屋里的门,窗打开吹个一小时左右, 前后通风, 这时候可以把暖气的温度开得低一点, 当然多穿些衣服, 好让屋子换换气. 你们不是这样的吗?
      • 跟自个的钱包有仇。。
        • cool.
        • 何出此言? 你是指暖气吗? 不可能一个冬天都不开门开窗通风的, 即使真的有costs, 我觉得也值得.
          • 那是因为你不认可别的方式,并非其他方式不行。
            • 买ventilation fan或什么air filter吗? 那不也要花钱吗? 请教还有其他方法吗?
              • yours is not built-in system, is it?
                • what was to be buit-in? you mean the fan/filter? i don't think so, but we do have the fan in washrooms. Is that what you're talking about?
                  • no. that is diferent matter.
            • 我可没说我不认可其他方法啊
        • 你可能跟自己的健康有仇
          • * 每小时自己出门待十分钟。。 -z24(Quick! Winterizing); 10.25 21:58 (#5633113@0) Reply
      • 我们家也是每天早上前后开窗半小时. 个人感觉虽然 uvc 或 filter, purifier 什么的可以让空气干净些, 但尤其在冬天, 锅炉, 暖气都燃烧的情况下, 开窗透气的最大好处是可以让家里的氧气与co2的比例接近自然.
      • 我也是,不过最冷的那一两个月,开窗时间没那么长,其他方法也许都有用,可只有这个最原始的方法心里感觉最舒服,最安心
      • 我发现南方人就有这个习惯,住北方的我们冬天都把窗户封起来。自己漏风都已经很厉害了。
        • 南方冬天潮湿阴冷。。屋里还没有外面暖和。。
          • 是啊,住南方绝对可以理解,屋里屋外一样温度。问题是我们现在在北方寒冷的天气家里有暖气居然这个习惯还不能改改?冬天的时候不开窗子在窗子旁边一站都觉得风在往里挂。
    • 把柠檬切成片,放在家里不同的地方,异味很快消除。
    • 家里有个ventilation fan switch, turn on 时楼上的一个排风扇就会响,好像是要24小时开着,用来室内换气用的?
      • Yes. When heat is on, always turn on this ventilation fan. Or whenever windows are close, keep this fan on.
      • I believe you have 2 switch and both control the fan in bathroom of master bedroom, the difference is that you can operate in different locations. That is not the ventilation fan.
      • 你的那个FAN在楼上的什么地方啊?我听着这么象ATTIC的换气扇呢?
    • 我也为此烦恼着呢。
    • 可以装一个HRV(Heat exchange ventilator),它的原理是從屋外抽入新鮮空气,利用GAS FURNANCE排放的废气加熱,故进气新鮮又和暖,又不費煤气.价格約兩千,很多做FURNANCE的也做
      • 用室内排出的空气加热,不能用furnace排气加热的
        • 对,我搞錯这一奌
    • HOUSE是怎么换新鲜空气的. mark
    • Getting some green plants inside your house, that's it.
      • 看了这么多帖,没一个答出来。看来房盲不少。进气口在地库,锅炉房旁,或有小窗。出气口在顶层天花板有个有盖出口,一般在主卫生间顶。把盖移开,空气好,费暖气。关上,空气流通慢。
        • 你这回答证明了你是个真正的房盲。
          • 请用事实和科学原理说明之,大家不希望又多一个真正房盲.
    • My opinion
      Not thing to worry about the fresh air, there is no any house are 100 % "Air Tight", Whenever, outside averment have low wind or strong wind, the air in the house also will be carried away this called "Air Drift", so the air in the house will not be as "old" as you think.
      Go around your house, check to see there is always a "hole" at the bottom of the Brick, which is helping the "Air Drift" even it is not design for it, actually the "hole" is for moistures can be escape from house, it doesn’t fezzes up in winter