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So far, all I heard is biased subjective opinion; showed no evidence what so ever. I wonder how they can read politicians' heart or complained Conservative government that they didn't do anything to speed up foregin qualification recognition

or the number of immigrants have been dropping when Conservative government is spending $68 million to speed up the foregin qualification recognition processes and number provided by Statistics Canada proved that there was increase in immigrants from 2005 - 2008 compared to 2002 - 2004.

I know the unemployment rate is high and I am also a victim who can't get a job. Did Conservative government cause this global financial crisis? Can Liberal / NDP do anything better? Let's be rational and discuss based on facts and evidence rather than just BS.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 看到回流的移民朋友越来越多,这何尝不也是保守党政府继续执政的一种反映?保守党政策对移民历来就不友善。
    • Need data point to support ur statement of "回流的移民朋友越来越多". 应该这么说 200x-2000x, L Government, 回流xxx per year;200x-2000x, C Government, 回流xxx per year.
      And if you can find fact to back up the statement of "回流的移民朋友越来越多". The next step would be to find the relationship with the C party.
    • 看到回流的移民朋友越来越多,这何尝不也是对保守党少数政府执政的一种反映?移民朋友们强烈希望有一个保守党多数政府.
      • what r u talking??
        • what did epochtime talk about?
          • epochtime talked about the disappointted immigrants move back their 1st orginal country. It is LOGIC that they don't like here, including the current government here.
            • How can someone jump to conclusion that immigrants left Canada becausethey didn't like the current government. If I couldn't get a job in Canada because I can't speak English well enough and there is a job offered in China.
              I would go back to China but this is nothing to go with current government. I don't like or dislike it.
              • From their heart, the conservatives is well known that they don't like immigrants here. The government counts, so is their policies. Do you like to live a place that doesn't like visible minorities?
                • I can't read their heart and I can only see what they did. Can you please show me what they did to support your argument? No, I don't like to live in a place that don't like visible minorities. But I don't have such impression in Canada.
                  I would say 95% Canadians (both local or immigrant) I know are friendly to immigrants. I have lived in Canada for nealy 20 years.
                  • See their heart, not their faces. That's what exactly what I say. Go deeper. Not just their "hello" or "nice to meet you" on the surface. We are not kids.
                    • I am too old to be a kid and this is why I asked you to provide evidence to support your argument because I really can't read their mind nor yours.
    • 大浪淘沙,把那些不合格的移民清回原籍,有什么不妥呢
      • 移民来,需给一定相关优惠政策,这你不懂?
        • Giving new immigrants special treatment is unfair to the other residents here. Everybody should be treated equally.
          • Historically, "everybody should be equal" has never been the conservative philosophy or policy. You have something to do for learning your conservative party's past. "Everybody should be equal" is pitched by the liberal,
            especially for the left-leaning parties.
            • Don't just listen to what they say but see what they do! Can you please provide some solid examples how Liberal government helped immigrant when they were in power? Yes, I forgot! Were they the one who raise the application fee?
        • 我也觉得不需要特殊政策,政府要做的是好好搞经济,而不是搞救济。创造更多的工作机会,这样才能留住对国家有利的人。靠福利使国家成为受欢迎的移民目的地,有能力的人来了也很快会失望。
          • 举个移民学历认证的例子,议员们来自新民党和自由党还一再提这个事,保守党就是反对。搞经济谁都搞嘛,常常是自由党经济搞得非常好,财政有盈余,保守一上台就砸,喜爱动武的就花大银子,往往克扣穷人与中下层人民的钱。
            • 办理学历认证的机构一直有,也一直在提供服务。真的需要政府去管学历认证吗?大概除了医生那些垄断行业,其他职业没有什么必要。不承认外国学历,那不过是个借口而已。还是因为没有工作机会。加拿大自己学校毕业的都找不到工作。
              • I would also like to know what Liberal Federal government did for immigrants to gain their qualifications while they had the power?
              • The process is slow and should be sped up and put in real practice of any organization's hiring. Need to see a real progress on this.
                • what process is slow? what would you suggest our government to do to help immigrants to get a job?
                  • foreign qualifications's certification process. Remove the clause of "Canadian Experience" in job hiring --there is no such clause even in the most advanced U.S. system.
                    • Can you please tell me what professional organization requires "Canadian experience" during the foreign qualifications's certification process and you think it does not made sense?
                    • NY CPA experience requirements - they also requires US experience. Experience must be attested to by a CPA licensed in a division of the United States or by a public accountant licensed in New York,
                      provided such individual supervised the applicant in the employing organization.
                      • "there is no such clause even in the most advanced U.S. system"
                    • If I have an Ontario Chartered Accountant qualification, do you think I can become a qualified accountant in China without any Chinese expereince? Do you think I should say Chinese government does not welcome foreigner?
                      how about family doctor? lawyer? dentist? engineer? architect? Can you please show me 1 Ontario professional qualification would automatically qualified in China without any local experience.
            • "财政有盈余,保守一上台就砸" Can you please tell us when 保守上台? and when did 财政stopped有盈余? Can you please also tell us how other parties like Liberal / NDP can make 财政有盈余 under this global financial crisis?
            • Can you please also tell us how Liberal government in Ontario help new immigrants to gain their qualifications in accounting, engineering, legal, and medical?
              • You have too many questions.
                Sorry, I am busy and don't have time to find all the answers.
                • Apparently, you had time to respond to my post!
            • BTW, do you think an Ontario CA can go down to NY and automatically become a CA in NY? Why Ontario CA assocaition would accept similar accountant qualifcation from China? Do they have the same accounting principle?
              same legal system? same taxation law? And do you think Chines proferssional accouting bodies would also automatically grant an Ontario CA a Chinese qualification?
            • 说反了吧?我看到的都是保守党当政,政府才有盈余,自由党、新民主党当政,全是赤字。这一点不奇怪,保守党提倡小政府,花销小。自由党提倡大政府,高福利,当然花销大。
              • What is 盈余? Income > expense! If a government charges 80% tax and has a lot of 盈余 and a government charges 18% tax but has small deflicit; what government do you vote for?
          • the more 福利, the more taxes, the lesser job opportunity.
            • That's simply not true. See the sucess how the democrats or liberal fixed the mess left over from the republicans or conservatives.
              • Mind to tell me how democrate successful fixed the mess? What is the unemployment rate in US now? Which part of my statement is not true? More benefit -> more tax? or more tax -> less job opportunity?
                • The latter one. If you can get rid of the conservative doctrin of your mind.
                  • You may want to study the following article.
              • "See the sucess how the democrats fixed the mess left over from the republicans" - U.S. Deficit for 2009 Totals $1.4 Trillion, Budget Office Says. Very successful to break the record since 1945.
        • Are you telling us that Canada goverment did not have any service / support to new immigrant? Federal? Provincial? Municipal? What 优惠政策 do you have in mind?
          • You have too many questions. Give out your answers /ideas out first.
            • I have no answer nor idea. I just don't understand how epochtime jumped to his conclusion, so I asked my questions.
    • 需要数据支持。个人感觉,这几年回流的越来越少了。
      • It's close to impossible. Nobody from the main stream care about the chinese. They will not spend money on this.
        • If what you said is true that nobody from main stream cared about Chinese immigrants. I wonder any party would dare to against the main stream and spend money to help Chinese immigrants or any immigrants.
          But is that true that our government did not spend any money to help immigrant?
    • 回流和保守党执政有什么关系?回流在保守党执政之前就开始了,加拿大无论哪个党执政,该回流的就是回流。。
      • 回流与执政当然有关系。苛政猛于虎啊。
        • Can you please give us some examples of 苛政 that 保守党 put down to drive immigrants to go back to China?
    • 我儿子班里唯二的两个阿拉伯同学,上学期都回流了,这跟整个西方世界对伊斯兰的态度有关。
    • 如果把国界去掉,你就知道回流的多还是移来的多
      • If I knew who I would become in Canada in the rest of my life, I would definitely not come to this place.
        • Take my word, you always have a choice. If you are sure that you can get a better life in China than Canada, you should really go back to China.
    • Did you do any survey on why immigrants decide to leave Canada and go back to their home country? Otherwise, your comment is just a biased, subjective, personal opinion!
      • You don't need others to answer for you. Ask youself this question and you'll find why.
        • I really don't have the answer but since you are the one who make such comment; so you must have the answer. Do you mind to share with us? and support yourself!
          • 你说移民为什么要回去?如果这里好,他们要回去吗?这么简单的问题也要求答。
            • I don't know why they want to go back? What is good? Bad? I know people who was VP and making 200K a year and still leave Canada. I don't have any income and I still stay here! I also know people give up their senior position
              and come to Canada to take a job that only earn 1/3 of their origin salary in HK. Is that a simple question?

              How many immigrants come to Canada every year? over 200K! How many people were interview in DVD's video? What is the percentage? Do you want to talk to some immigrants who enjoy Canada so much and never consider to go back to their home country?

              If it is a simple question, then it should be difficult to show your evidence to us. I have asked for your evidence all these time and I still don't see any.

              And even if some immigrants find Canada is so tough to survive; what does Conservative government do?
            • So you must be able to give us a simple answer. Why do they leave? Canada is not good? If this is the case, why there are so many people do want to come to Canada? And how many of them decide to stay? Any answer?
    • I would give my great respect to the immigrants who have made extraordinary ordeal and sarcrifice when they immigrant to this country and immigrant back to their 1st original country. The sarcrifice of them are huge --beyond any word description.
      • We should respect their choice and decision.
    • Newcomers get vouchers for language classes - this cannot be offered by 守党政府 which don't like immigrants.
      • That's rear from the conservative government, except language training programs. Most conservative members don't like immigrants here and they want to limit it.
        • Can you please give me some examples that conservative members do not like immigrants and limit them?
          • You can find abundance of these during their election conversation and talks.
            • I spend the last few hours google about Convservative government's immigration policies but I really can't find any evidence to support your point that Conservative government is against immigrants. Please tell us your evidence.
        • Did Conservtive government cut any immigrant services that setup by previous Liberal government?
        • Do you have the number of new immigrants that came to Canada in the last 10 years? We may be able to tell if Conservative government actually limited immigrant since they took over the government.
          • You can those numbers in CIC website. The immigrants have been dropping down from China and other countries.
            • Yes, I got the link and the information proved that you were wrong. Since 2004 when Conservtive government was in control, the number of immigrant in any years is more than 2002, 2003 and 2004.
              2002 229,049
              2003 221,348
              2004 235,825
              2005 262,241
              2006 251,643
              2007 236,754
              2008 247,243
              • In China, it's different.
                • Can you please provide the number?
              • It is just a joke but based on the number (at least I have the proof), there are more immigrants came to Canada since Conservative government so immigrants must love Conservative government; right?

                Compared to the original statement by epochtime. I have at least provided some number; rather the number is relevant is another question. epochtime didn't even show any number to support his comment.
    • Not Canada
      • 人们说来加拿大是蹲移民监,这可不是随便说的。
        • It is a prison that you can leave anytime you want! You said so many people left Canada. I don't know why but I beleive they are always free to go!
          • 移民在这受得千辛万苦,在你那里就是轻声一句:你回去吧!不过这也是保守党的经典作法。
            • Canada is a free country so no matter what party is in control, Canadian citizen is free to go anywhere. We don't live in a prison! I can go back anytime I want! I didn't ask anyone to go back! So don't put words into my mouth!
              I don't represent Conservative party! I am not even their member!

              BTW, have you got time to answer any of my question!
            • Don't put words into my mouth! I never asked anyone to leave Canada! But Canada is not a prison so anyone is free to leave. No one force anyone to stay in Canada. I can always go home anytime I want!
              And I don't represent Conservative party! I am not even their member!
            • BTW, still waiting to see your evidence! Where is it? How about my questions? Are you still to tired to answer any of them? Tired? Very good excuse! But you have time and energy to add your comment to my post!
    • Thanks DVD to collect supported document for us - Ottawa is spending $68 million over five years to speed up the recognition of foreign credentials in order to get educated immigrants into the workforce faster.
      Recognition of foreign credentials involves professional orders, like doctors' and engineers' associations, and is generally handled at the provincial level.

      Current federal governemtn is Conservative government and DVD just proved that the point about Conservative government is not immigrant friendly is NOT correct. They are speding $68 million to help immigrants to speed up the recognition of foreign credentials which is generally handled at the provincial level.

      How much money did Liberal government spend to speed up the recognition of foreign credentials? Can anyone against Conservative government comment on it?
      • You defend about everything the conservatives stand or do, you make me tired.
        • I just asked for information and evidence that supports your comment! I am also tired to see people just make irresponsible comment and criticize things, people, government without any just ground!
          Although I voted for Conservative party but there are a lot of things that I don't agree with them but at least the thing that I don't like them, I have my proof and support. Where is yours?
        • Can you point out anything I said is not correct?
        • BTW, so far all my discussions were about immigrants. So immigrants is everything that conservative stands for? Great to hear you said that!
          • 不讲移民,讲两个移民外保守党或共和党支持stand for的例子吧:大雪天将老奶奶断供应推出门外;医院里停止经费让重病人早死。不要又不承认这些。
            • I am not going to find proof for what you said! You should provide proof! Otherwise, it is just another...... "看到回流的移民朋友越来越多,这何尝不也是保守党政府继续执政的一种反映?" Can you please support your evidence?
    • So far, all I heard is biased subjective opinion; showed no evidence what so ever. I wonder how they can read politicians' heart or complained Conservative government that they didn't do anything to speed up foregin qualification recognition
      or the number of immigrants have been dropping when Conservative government is spending $68 million to speed up the foregin qualification recognition processes and number provided by Statistics Canada proved that there was increase in immigrants from 2005 - 2008 compared to 2002 - 2004.

      I know the unemployment rate is high and I am also a victim who can't get a job. Did Conservative government cause this global financial crisis? Can Liberal / NDP do anything better? Let's be rational and discuss based on facts and evidence rather than just BS.
    • 说保守党对移民不友善的,来看看保守党的老巢:阿省。 在我看来,卡城各色人等,操着蹩脚的英语,拿着10万+的工资,自信而满足。省政府还专门出台了外劳政策和宽松的省亲属移民政策。 说到底还是经济决定一切。保守党是最务实的党。经济好时保守党是最欢迎移民的。
      • Why Clinton's eight years have much better economy than Bush Jr. 's eight years? Why Jean Chrétien's 13 years economy much better than Harper's three years economy?
        Sound like the liberal or democrats not moving tthings on economy or helping economy.
        • The economy is often affected by external events such as 911, oil embargo, etc. Neither Conservative nor Liberal government can do much about these.
          Regarding the Clinton years, we know at least two things now: he started the deregulation of Wall Street banks which allows them the gamble freely, this gave a temporary boost to the economy during Clinton years but now we know a lot of profits they generate are fake and is a direct cause of today's financial crisis. Also, it was Clinton who made enemy with Al-Qaeda, when 911 happened, Bush was merely 7 months in office, so the attack was clearly planned during the Clinton years.
          • Those are excuses. Just say the conservatives or republicans are incompetent in economy. In every year, many camilties or diasters happens in the world. The global economic crisis is due to Bush's eight years, how can you blame this on Clinton??
            • We are Canadian! I vote for Conservative but not Reoublicans! Can we please stay focus on the original post "看到回流的移民朋友越来越多,这何尝不也是保守党政府继续执政的一种反映?保守党政策对移民历来就不友善。"
              And if you want to argue about the responsibility of global financial crisis, you may want to ask what the root cause of this crisie is and what Bush did that casued it. Just pointing finger would not add any credit to your personal opinion!
            • How do you explain Reagan's 8 years were much better than Carter's 4 years? And who can argue that the US enjoyed its best economic boom during the Eisenhower years in the 50's, and he was also a Republican.
            • I am not saying Bush does not share his responsibilities for the financial crisis. But if you remember, it was Alan Greenspan during the Clinton years who started the bank deregulation
              Since then, a lot of things that were previously illegal and prohibitive for the banks to do are allowed and even encouraged. This is the root cause of the crisis. We are all paying the prices for this costly mistake. The biggest mistake for Bush was that he didn't stop this madness, but he was not the one who caused it.
              • What administration pushed to let people with poor credit rating to get sub prime rate mortgage from financial institutes?
        • Do you mind to tell us how do you measure economy?
        • Do you know the root casue of the current global financial crisis? A lot of economists suggested it was due to the sub prime rate mortgage, do you agree with them?
        • The Only reason: 13-year is not long enough. Why US is better than Canada?
        • Do you know what Clinton did to make the economy so good in his 8 years of administration?
      • By the way, the conservatives or republicans always live in backward states or provinces. In US, these are absolutely true. In Canada, it is also very true since Albert is not as good as Canadian powerhouses Ontario and Quebec.
        • So what is the problem of Alberta?
        • 井底之蛙,来保守党的阿省看看,这才是梦想中的加拿大
    • 不管什么党执政,加拿大都留不住移民。加拿大适合吃福利的人呆。
      • 那是因为 NDP 和 Liberal 长期执政。换极右保守党把福利全砍掉试试?
    • 最近保守党政府对难民申请,包括以XX功为由申请难民的审批严格了不少。也难怪你对保守党政府有怨气。
      • Immigrant and refugee are 2 different group. I always support to allow more immigrants to come to Canada but control the # of refugee.