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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛首先介绍一下自己:鄙人来加拿大十多年,靠技术吃饭。无论在中国还是在加国,对政治不感兴趣。除上次大选外,从未投过任何选票。我想我和大部分国移同志们一样,上有老,下有小,工作忙。认为大选与我们无关。



因为在经济部门工作,自然对经济比较关心。上次大选,油价超过150,美元加元汇率过1,对安省的经济是极大的打击。可是Harper 因为代表阿省及石油商的利益,对此不作为(及其有可能还推波助澜)。不仅如此,大家一定还记得Harper那时鼓吹 加固经济没有受金融危机影响,加国不会有赤字。。。让我觉得Harper 实在是一个不顾安省死活的dirty 政治家。

(后来大选 结果揭晓,所有的阿省的席位都归了保守党。实在是不明白保守党在安省还能攻城掠地)

I want my Canada back

Dion 不招人喜欢,但他一句 “I want my Canada back”让我感动。Harper 上台后,改变了加国的国际形象,让加国军队投入对塔利班的直接战斗。。。对内的经济政策严重伤害加国的长远利益。上次大选时我就在rolia 上鼓吹绿色经济而与保守党的支持者争辩 (想必几位rolia 的常客还记得,我可是忘记了我那时的注册名了)。

全世界的国家都在争夺人才及其创造的财富和服务。加拿大却反其道而行。 加国经济越来越依赖石油及其它自然资源。可这一定是一条死胡同!

(这也是为什么我这次对Harper 政府处理Nortel 破产案感到失望的原因。
Harper 为了一党之私,不惜牺牲加国的长远利益。也严重伤害了广大新移民赖以生存的IT 行业。 )

加国极端保守势力抬头及“hidden agenda”

鄙人第一次关心加国政治源于多元文化部长的讲话 (想必中国的新移民都记得)。我觉得其讲话本身到不是特别的offensive,但是让我有机会认识了National Post. National Post 是保守党的喉舌。因为加国的政治正确,文章偏向保守党但也少有“反动言论”。 HOWEVER, 那些文章的跟帖就无此禁忌了。有兴趣了解Harper的保守党及其所代表的利益可以自己去看,尤其pay attention to 那些跟帖。 我想大部分的移民,包括来自中国,印度,东欧。。。,还是很清楚的。这应该是为什么移民多的地方保守党势力小的原因。当然我想保守党也不是铁板一块。我就佩服那位辞去部长职位的华裔保守党议员 (名字不记得了)。

我想我作为安省的新移民,只有在下面两个条件下考虑支持保守党:1)保守党摆脱和石油商同床的嫌疑; 2)保守党和极端保守势力(包括Harper)划清界限。衷心地希望安省的保守党能为安省及安省的新移民谋福利,而不是为阿省及美国石油商服务。

最后大胆展望一下加国政治。目前Harper (保守)意志坚定,手段圆滑,在党内强势。 自由党的Iggy根本不是他的对手。下一轮大选加国人民应该会给Harper 一个多数党的机会的。但是,其执政的结果极有可能和小布什差不多。保守党的那些中世纪的所谓理念一定会给加国带来巨额的赤字,巨大的与经济民生无关的政府开支(比如阿富汗),扩大的贫富差距,等等 (看看如今的美国就知道)。加国经济的崩溃同美国可能不同。加国的制造业和服务业因缺乏竞争力而萎缩。5~10年之内,当各国都极大地发展了绿色经济而对石油依赖和需求下降( 石油变成了一般的commodity 或者too expensive because of regulation to reduce CO2 emission),Harper的神话可能才能结束。到那时加国才会在付出极大的代价后回到我们的funding fathers铺就的道路上来。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 对加国政治及大选的看法
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛首先介绍一下自己:鄙人来加拿大十多年,靠技术吃饭。无论在中国还是在加国,对政治不感兴趣。除上次大选外,从未投过任何选票。我想我和大部分国移同志们一样,上有老,下有小,工作忙。认为大选与我们无关。



    因为在经济部门工作,自然对经济比较关心。上次大选,油价超过150,美元加元汇率过1,对安省的经济是极大的打击。可是Harper 因为代表阿省及石油商的利益,对此不作为(及其有可能还推波助澜)。不仅如此,大家一定还记得Harper那时鼓吹 加固经济没有受金融危机影响,加国不会有赤字。。。让我觉得Harper 实在是一个不顾安省死活的dirty 政治家。

    (后来大选 结果揭晓,所有的阿省的席位都归了保守党。实在是不明白保守党在安省还能攻城掠地)

    I want my Canada back

    Dion 不招人喜欢,但他一句 “I want my Canada back”让我感动。Harper 上台后,改变了加国的国际形象,让加国军队投入对塔利班的直接战斗。。。对内的经济政策严重伤害加国的长远利益。上次大选时我就在rolia 上鼓吹绿色经济而与保守党的支持者争辩 (想必几位rolia 的常客还记得,我可是忘记了我那时的注册名了)。

    全世界的国家都在争夺人才及其创造的财富和服务。加拿大却反其道而行。 加国经济越来越依赖石油及其它自然资源。可这一定是一条死胡同!

    (这也是为什么我这次对Harper 政府处理Nortel 破产案感到失望的原因。
    Harper 为了一党之私,不惜牺牲加国的长远利益。也严重伤害了广大新移民赖以生存的IT 行业。 )

    加国极端保守势力抬头及“hidden agenda”

    鄙人第一次关心加国政治源于多元文化部长的讲话 (想必中国的新移民都记得)。我觉得其讲话本身到不是特别的offensive,但是让我有机会认识了National Post. National Post 是保守党的喉舌。因为加国的政治正确,文章偏向保守党但也少有“反动言论”。 HOWEVER, 那些文章的跟帖就无此禁忌了。有兴趣了解Harper的保守党及其所代表的利益可以自己去看,尤其pay attention to 那些跟帖。 我想大部分的移民,包括来自中国,印度,东欧。。。,还是很清楚的。这应该是为什么移民多的地方保守党势力小的原因。当然我想保守党也不是铁板一块。我就佩服那位辞去部长职位的华裔保守党议员 (名字不记得了)。

    我想我作为安省的新移民,只有在下面两个条件下考虑支持保守党:1)保守党摆脱和石油商同床的嫌疑; 2)保守党和极端保守势力(包括Harper)划清界限。衷心地希望安省的保守党能为安省及安省的新移民谋福利,而不是为阿省及美国石油商服务。

    最后大胆展望一下加国政治。目前Harper (保守)意志坚定,手段圆滑,在党内强势。 自由党的Iggy根本不是他的对手。下一轮大选加国人民应该会给Harper 一个多数党的机会的。但是,其执政的结果极有可能和小布什差不多。保守党的那些中世纪的所谓理念一定会给加国带来巨额的赤字,巨大的与经济民生无关的政府开支(比如阿富汗),扩大的贫富差距,等等 (看看如今的美国就知道)。加国经济的崩溃同美国可能不同。加国的制造业和服务业因缺乏竞争力而萎缩。5~10年之内,当各国都极大地发展了绿色经济而对石油依赖和需求下降( 石油变成了一般的commodity 或者too expensive because of regulation to reduce CO2 emission),Harper的神话可能才能结束。到那时加国才会在付出极大的代价后回到我们的funding fathers铺就的道路上来。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 来加拿大十多年别再腆着脸说是新移民
      • 不是新移民那是啥?
    • sorry, should be founding fathers. Can 版主change it ? Thanks
      • thats ok. they roughly have same meaning....
    • 老林搅了局!
    • 您能告诉大家油价超过150,美元加元汇率过1。政府应如何操控。
      • 政府如何操控油价和汇率是一个太大话题。美元加元汇率和油价的correlation is over 95%. 您觉得是不是有点滑稽。
        • 您既然觉得政府应该干预,那么请说说,哪个政党可以做到,什么方法.
          • 你指控油价超过150,美元加元汇率过1Harper"及其有可能还推波助澜",证据在哪里?那么油价后来跌破40,加元狂跌,又怎么解释?
            • I wish Steve Harper can have such influence but I doubt if he could push the oil price by $10 or manipulate the Canadian currency.
              • 去年油价从高出下落的时候,飓风横扫墨西哥湾钻井平台,石油输出国组织开了两次会限制产量,结果对油价毫无影响。油价高时郎咸平说就是把中国和其他国家绑一块都不见得行,这位同学居然认为加拿大政府可以。
                • If Canada government can control oil price, then we must be a great country with huge power. So far, not even US government can do it. US government has the biggest oil reserve in the world.
            • As you say, oil price is determined by US economy and its globle politics.
              In my personal opinion, there are two major factors. US consumption down a lot and over production of gas. US actually exports gas. Sadly Canada should be one of its destiny. The other factor is the US/Russian relationship.
              • 既然油价不由他定,Then Harper"及其有可能还推波助澜",证据在哪里?你去指责他的道理又何在?
                • Canada yield so much oild interest to the US. However, how sincere do you think Harper push for "buy north America"? I guess you yield more, Canda will lose more dignity and identity in the world.
                  • How do you measure someone sincerity? If Liberal win the election today, what can they do about this "buy north America" policy? How much dignity and identity Canada has lost so far since Conservative in charge?
                    How much dignity and identity Canada gained when Liberal in charge?
                  • What oil interest did Canada yield to the US? Who own Canadian oil? Canadian government? Oil company? Apart from US, what other countries would like to buy oil from Canada and Conservative government said NO.
                    • I sincerely wish we could decide on our own oil. I suggest you do some background check first.
                      • Most if not all Canadian oil companies are US based and nothing Harper or Conservative party or Canadian government can do about it. I also wish Canada has a software company that can compete with Microsoft.
          • Sorry. I did not mean Canadian government here.
            • 你的意思是认为Happer应该个人干预?
              • Honestly, Harper did something to Ontario like Ontario is a "have not" province. BUT it was in 2008!
                • 既然他无法控制油价,又无法控制汇率,如果当时不是他在台上,是迪安在台上,你说他能为安省作什么?记者问他个问题,他愣是没听懂。
                  • According to our assessment on the recent word warning of Bank of Canad on FX, which is tepid. So USD/CAD FX most like reach parity again before the end of this year.
                    • 美元印了这么多,债歉了这么多,连证交所门口卖茶鸡蛋的大娘都会如是告诉你的。
                      • Maybe. But please do not underestimate US. Do you want to bet your own money on this?
                        • Also what if Bank of Canada suddenly lower the interest rate?
                          • Do you know what is the overnight target rate now in Canda? How sudden you want the rate to go further down?
                        • 如果美元跌倒跟草纸一样的价钱,中国政府是最先破产的。所以,为了保证美元的价值及其外汇储备,中国政府不会坐视的,所以加拿大政府一边看着就行了。
                          • 经济若复苏,美元自然会受追捧,只要油价回落到正常水平,加元兑美元自会回到正常水平。
                      • Everyone is printing money! Canada will be looked like an idiot, if we DO NOT.
                        • if Canada keeps printing money, then we may have huge inflation coming very soon and our central bank would have to raise interest rate that would hurt our recovery. US$ is different, it is used in most international trading.
                    • According to YOUR accessment, what actions can Canadaian government do to adjust USD/CAD FX?
          • "对此不作为(及其有可能还推波助澜)" is what I mean. I also wish Harper's government could have the power to control oil price.
        • CAD also has high correlation with Gold and other commodities since Canadian economy is more resource based. I don't think it is "滑稽", it is just how these things work. But, whether this is good or not, it is another topic.
          • The correlation should be justifiable! Not simply running some regression test. I am not sure Canada is the biggest gold producer, although we have the largest gold mining company ?
            • Is the correlation justifiable according to your accessment? What was the invovlement of Conservative government in this correlation?
            • actually it is. First all commodity is settled in USD. So, one reason (may not be the whole reason) that commodity (including GLD) is strong is that USD is weak.
            • Since CAD correlates with commodity more, CAD would be stronger even though we may not be largest GLD producer. Again, this is how these things work.
              • As for why CAD is more correlated with commodity - believe it or not, Canada is a big commodity/ernergy producer in the world.
                • Nobody will disagree with the fact that CAD is highly correlated with commodity. The problem is a "perfect" correlation.
        • Although Harper's government can not do much on oil price, but they can do a lot to allievate the battled economy in Ontario. NOT like by that time, he said Canadian was sound.
          • So finally, you agreed what you wrote "可是Harper 因为代表阿省及石油商的利益,对此不作为" was wrong. Can you please suggest what Harper government should do for Ontario government to help its economy?
        • 政府如何操控油价和汇率是一个太大话题, this does not answer 重在参和's question.
      • 另外加国既然是产油国,安省的gasprice 居然比美国贵?
        • 加拿大西部产油,安省不产油.加拿大也不控制中东的石油.国际市场商品价格基本由一小撮老美和投机商定.
          • 且油砂提炼成本较高,与直接开采的价格有很大差异。如果你把美国投入到中东战争的巨大成本也计算到gas price 里,美国也没便宜多少。
        • And the gas price in Calgary is not much cheaper than other places.
        • Part of this can explained by feul tax. Canada charges much more taxes on gas than US does. Average tax on gas in Canada is around USD1.2/gal, while in the US it is around USD 0.47/gal.
          • Exactly. Doesn't Harper want to lower tax? A lot of oil exporting countries can get very cheap gas price!
            • He did lower GST which benefit everyone not just those who have a car.
            • Lowering tax on gas and energy won't fly in Canada which is more "left leaning". Last time I checked, it was liberal who wanted to charge even more tax on engergy.
        • Did 安省的gasprice 比美国贵 when Liberal party administer our government?
      • I wish Harper's government could have this power. "对此不作为(及其有可能还推波助澜)" is what I mean.
        • so 你认为谁能有所作为?如何作为is my question. 如果没有人能作为,这种空抱怨有什么意义。换了那个自由党领,有用吗。
          • Canadian government can do a lot on USD/CAD FX, tax, stimulus, etc. I remember you. You were one of those who supportted Harper's view on economy at last election?
            • 你一定把加拿大政府和中国政府搞混了。呵呵。我支持哈珀,因为你支持的那个连问题都听不明白一意孤行搞碳税的家伙连他自己党内人士都不看好,劝他别搞了。
            • "Canadian government can do a lot on USD/CAD FX" - Again do you mind to illustrate what our government can do?
            • I would prefer government keep it hands out of those things. If we blame corporation can mess up things, how can we believe g'ment won't mess it up as well? they all run by human beings which can and will make mistakes.
              • This is why I always prefer smaller government.
            • The problem I have with Harper's government right now is that they actually did too much, either willingly or unwillingly.
              • Well, they are minority government and they have to compromise with other parties. Initially Liberal and now NDP. But you are right, they did too much as a government. I don't like the way they injected money to GM and Chrysler.
                Why did they help GM and Chrysler? Why did they spent so much money to help auto industry? Why not other industries? Why not other companies? Why don't we help Nortel? How about me? I am also unemployed. Once this process (help from government) started, every company, everyone would want to get their fair share from our government. So who is going to define the FAIR share and where is all the money come from? Remember, at the end of the days, we as tax payer would have to pay back all the debts.

                So do you want to donate your money to GM, Chrysler or even Nortel? or do you want to buy the corporate bonds that are issued by these companies? If you don't, then why do you want our government to use OUR money to bailout these companies. I don't!
    • 批得人狗血喷头,却没有提出自己的方案,这个俺也会。。。打小就会。。。。
      • and most of his points are not even valid.
    • 让加国军队投入对塔利班的直接战斗 - who sent Canada army to middle east? Liberal? Conservative? When Liberal sent our army to middle east, did our army not directly fight with 塔利班?
      • I don't think all your comments here worth replies at all. If you want to support conservative unconditionally (or due to your ideology belief), it is your right. But don't lie here.
        • It is a very good answer to questions that you cannot answer.
          • Ai. You do not know it was Harper who changed the role of Canadian army, and you also do not know the relationship between the oil giants and Harper, which is an open secret in Canada?
            • Yes, I know our army has take more responsibility since 2006. But Canadian army was sent into Afghanistan by Liberal government and 投入对塔利班的直接战斗 since 2001. Canadian army did not hide behind US army.
              • Then what does "direct combat role" mean in Chinese?
                • Canadian army was in direct combat role since 2001. What did Canadian army did from 2001 - 2005? Hiding behind other armies?
                • Operation Anaconda - Canada's 3rd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry was directly involved.
                  The operation was composed of elements of the United States 10th Mountain Division, 101st Airborne Division, the US Special Forces groups to include elements of forces from USSOCOM, JSOC and CIA's Special Activities Division, TF 11, TF Bowie, and TF Dagger, British Royal Marines, Canada's 3rd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, and Joint Task Force 2, the Afghan National Army, the German KSK, the Norwegian FSK and Marinejegerkommandoen, and elements of the Australian Special Air Service Regiment, the New Zealand Special Air Service and Danish special forces from Jægerkorpset and the Danish Frogman Corps.
          • Then you do not know Harper at all, and you still support him?
            • You may be surprised if I told you personally I didn't like Harper at all but I support the principle of small government and Conservative is the only party that would support this principle.
              And I bring up your discussion becuase I don't think 100% of your discussion reflected the truth, e.g. "让加国军队投入对塔利班的直接战斗".

              If you said you supported Liberalor NDP, I would not say anything.
        • Don't accuse people as LIER! You are the one who said "可是Harper 因为代表阿省及石油商的利益,对此不作为". What did I say? and what did I LIE!!!!
        • When was Canadian army sent to Afghanistan? 2001? What party administered the government at 2001? Why Canadian army was sent to Afghanistan at that time? Did 加国军队initially not投入对塔利班的直接战斗?
          They just went to Afghanistan to do what at 2001?
    • 全世界的国家都在争夺人才及其创造的财富和服务。加拿大却反其道而行。Can you please show us how 加拿大却反其道而行. Canada intake a lot of immigrants every year and this policy has not been changed since Conservative.
    • What do you suggest Harper 政府 should 处理Nortel 破产案?
      • 他可能是希望政府包下来。ndp的作风。
    • Can you please also demonstrate how Nortel 破产严重伤害了广大新移民赖以生存的IT 行?
    • 我是谁都选, 联邦选保守党, 省里选自由党, 市里选NDP.
    • mind to show us the evidence that Harper government's relationsip with 1)保守党摆脱和石油商同床的嫌疑; 2)保守党和极端保守势力. Oh, I forgot my questions are NOT worth to answer.
    • "5~10年之内,当各国都极大地发展了绿色经济而对石油依赖和需求下降", let's all look forward to it.
      • 跑步进入共产主义
        • While you might be right. Predicting anything over 10 years is insane to me. Anyway we should be able to see some dramatic changes in 5 years.
    • Do I need to lie in this forum? I always vote for Conservative in both Federal and Provincial election. I can tell you why when I have more time but I would definitely not accuse other parties unless I have very strong, solid evidence.
      I like small government, I prefer to make my own deicsion rather than letting the government to make the decision for us; especially no matter what party is in administration (including Conservative), they all have a good record of wasting money. We probably have very strong and solid evidences from Audit General on the eHealth scandal that how Liberal government wasted tax money.

      Well, if you prefer our government to use our tax money to rescue Nortel or other falling companies, it is your decision. But when a company falls, there must be a very good reason behind it. And unless the problem is solved, no matter how much tax money our government put in, the result would be the same. The only difference is more tax money would be go down with the falling companies.

      You can continue to point finger to Conservtive party without any evidence but I would keep asking for evidence.
    • Thanks for all the replies. I think I have said what I wanted to say for a long time. I am too busy both at work and at home.
    • It took me several hours to write it. Anyone who wants to re-post it anywhere is very welcome.
      • No wonder! If I want to write an artilce like that it would take me serveral weeks to do R&D and background check to make sure everything I write would be at least correct.