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“理财赚家” 说:Too Much Debt? Please. We Need MORE Debt, Says Ken Fisher。钱在忽悠他,他在忽悠人。 

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Too Much Debt? Please. We Need MORE Debt, Says Ken Fisher
Posted Sep 17, 2009 09:00am EDT by Henry Blodget in Investing, Newsmakers, Recession
Related: tlt, tbt, spy, dia, ^gspc, udn, uup

The conventional wisdom is that Americans are struggling to crawl out from under a mountain of debt that will restrain growth and weigh down the economy for decades.

As this chart shows, the US debt-to-GDP ratio recently soared to an all time high of 370%, meaning that for every $1 of output we produce, we have borrowed $3.70. This compares to a long-term debt-to-GDP average of about 150%.

Last time we went on a massive debt binge, in the 1920s, our debt-to-GDP ratio hit a relatively mild 250%, and we spent the better part of two decades (and the Great Depression) working it off. Many economists think the same thing will happen this time around.

But they're wrong, says Ken Fisher, CEO of Fisher Investments ($35 billion under management), in a wildly contrarian view.

The U.S. has too little debt, not too much, Fisher says. The U.S.'s return on assets is high and interest rates are low, so our borrowing capacity is much higher than our current debt levels.

Also, Fisher says, you have to look at the U.S. in the context of the world, because the U.S. is only 25% of world GDP. The world is way under-leveraged, so one country's particular debt-to-GDP ratio doesn't matter.

To say Fisher's view is unusual is an understatement: I, for one, haven't heard it since before the crash, when everyone from Fed Chairmen to fund managers to Wall Street economists were seeing no evil and projecting blue skies into the hereafter. Fisher was making the same argument then, too, by the way--before the housing sector crashed and triggered a foreclosure crisis among millions of Americans whose debt burden had become way more than they could manage.

This is not to say that, in a perfect world, in which every borrower knew his or her exact debt capacity and never exceeded it, in which no borrower ever made a stupid investment (think those who lent money to banks) or used debt to fund consumption (think using houses as ATMs), we could not safely boost total debt far beyond today's levels. It is also not to say that the U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio won't keep charging upwards to 500%+ of GDP and stay there forever.

It is to say that Fisher's view is startling and provocative. I, for one, know a lot of folks who would love to borrow a lot more, and it would be nice to think that doing so was smart, not irresponsible (so 2007!). So I'll definitely explore this theory further.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭理财 / 财产源于债务,债卷源于战争, 股票源于扩张。Money As Debt, The Ascent of Money
    • 货币源于债务比较贴切,而这种债务货币的模式源自美国。
      • 货币源于开销?
        • “理财赚家” 说:Too Much Debt? Please. We Need MORE Debt, Says Ken Fisher。钱在忽悠他,他在忽悠人。 
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Too Much Debt? Please. We Need MORE Debt, Says Ken Fisher
          Posted Sep 17, 2009 09:00am EDT by Henry Blodget in Investing, Newsmakers, Recession
          Related: tlt, tbt, spy, dia, ^gspc, udn, uup

          The conventional wisdom is that Americans are struggling to crawl out from under a mountain of debt that will restrain growth and weigh down the economy for decades.

          As this chart shows, the US debt-to-GDP ratio recently soared to an all time high of 370%, meaning that for every $1 of output we produce, we have borrowed $3.70. This compares to a long-term debt-to-GDP average of about 150%.

          Last time we went on a massive debt binge, in the 1920s, our debt-to-GDP ratio hit a relatively mild 250%, and we spent the better part of two decades (and the Great Depression) working it off. Many economists think the same thing will happen this time around.

          But they're wrong, says Ken Fisher, CEO of Fisher Investments ($35 billion under management), in a wildly contrarian view.

          The U.S. has too little debt, not too much, Fisher says. The U.S.'s return on assets is high and interest rates are low, so our borrowing capacity is much higher than our current debt levels.

          Also, Fisher says, you have to look at the U.S. in the context of the world, because the U.S. is only 25% of world GDP. The world is way under-leveraged, so one country's particular debt-to-GDP ratio doesn't matter.

          To say Fisher's view is unusual is an understatement: I, for one, haven't heard it since before the crash, when everyone from Fed Chairmen to fund managers to Wall Street economists were seeing no evil and projecting blue skies into the hereafter. Fisher was making the same argument then, too, by the way--before the housing sector crashed and triggered a foreclosure crisis among millions of Americans whose debt burden had become way more than they could manage.

          This is not to say that, in a perfect world, in which every borrower knew his or her exact debt capacity and never exceeded it, in which no borrower ever made a stupid investment (think those who lent money to banks) or used debt to fund consumption (think using houses as ATMs), we could not safely boost total debt far beyond today's levels. It is also not to say that the U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio won't keep charging upwards to 500%+ of GDP and stay there forever.

          It is to say that Fisher's view is startling and provocative. I, for one, know a lot of folks who would love to borrow a lot more, and it would be nice to think that doing so was smart, not irresponsible (so 2007!). So I'll definitely explore this theory further.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 历史上很多人反对过金钱统治,但都失败了。 其中包括美国第七任总统andrew jackson。是时机不到。 信息时代,纸里包不住火了。 
            • 问个问题,货币取消后,什么来替代?
              • 金钱给人类带来的灾难比幸福多。 人类是地球上唯一用金钱的动物。其他动物离开金钱可以生存,人类离开金钱会生活的更幸福。 
                • 把你的钱给我,这样你幸福了,我也很开心。
                  • (#5533357@0)
              • 你还没有正面的回答问题,抛弃金钱后社会如何运作?共产主义?各取所需?
                • 美国人民公社─双橡村 近百人共耕共食
                  本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛编译夏嘉玲 联合报 2009年09月05日  



                  村民像住宿舍一样,每10到20人住同一屋檐下。每人每周至少劳动42 小时,村内就会供应生活一切所需,不但样样免费,有健保,每个月还有75美元零用钱。






                  虽然双橡村的生活本质如同共产社会,但住了25年的达科塔说,离开村子的人后来大多成了企业家,有人经营平价商店、开豆腐店,有些甚至成为股票经纪人,「这个共享社会居然成了未来资本家的训练所」,十分讽刺。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                  • 所以你的目标就是社会主义,转而共产主义?
                    • 人们共的不是财产,是信息。没有了金钱,人们工作是爱好。 (#5554363@0) 没有了金钱,就没有国防开支,人类更富足。 
                      • 先去读写书吧,比如资本论
                        • 资本论是利用阶级斗争争夺财产, Zeitgeist 是用甘地和路德金的精神,从工业社会和平过渡到信息社会。(#5452703@0)
                          我们希望通过科学、自然和技术(而不是宗教、政治和金钱)来回答我们是谁,我们为什么,恢复人作为物种之一的基本需求和环境意识。这样做不仅是为了人类成长,更是为了文明的进步,它包括结构层面,也包括精神层面。 Page Link -go4nature(zeitgeist 时代精神); 7.30 09:24 (#5452703@0)
                          • 《资本论》是工业社会的思维方式,还是为了争夺金钱和财产。现在是工业社会向信息社会过渡阶段,人们的思维方式也改变了。 “为什么?” . #5550769@0 “我有一个梦想” #5554205@0
      • 美国已经是没宣布的破产,他们每生产1美元的产品,要借3.70美元的债务。 (#5554942@0)