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The systems, political, business, and law schools are training smart people how to cheat. e. g. US and other government subside farmers and auto makers to keep high food and car prices. Michael Jackson - They Don't Care About Us


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 别斗了,斗是两败俱伤。 笑到最后的是政客,军火商和银行家。咱们学瑞士,逗着玩去吧,天下无敌瑞士军人的军训就是逗着玩。
    是用科学、自然和技术代替宗教、政治和金钱的时候了。 monetary based economy 资本调节的经济制度演变到Resource Based Economy 资源调节的经济制度。

    Resource Based Economy 资源调节的经济制度:是信息社会的经济制度,其经济活动不再靠政府发行的货币来运行,是根据自然界的法则来运行。人是自然界的一个物种,要和其他物种共享资源。 现在还是monetary based economy 资本调节的经济制度,包括资本主义和社会主义(共产主义)社会制度。其经济活动是由政府发行的货币来交换。人和政府都是消费者。政府消费的多就强大,个人消费的多就富有。

    2012 年是社会转型的关键的一年,是工业社会向信息社会转型,是全球竞争演变到全球合作关键的一年。

    时代精神 Zeitgeist: www.thezeitgeistmovement.com

    • ZM: 美国金融危机周年 贪婪的华尔街变得更残忍
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛美国投资银行雷曼兄弟去年9月宣告破产那天,整个纽约华尔街都笼罩在一片恐怖之中。





        高盛银行和摩根大通是利用美国政府数百亿美元的金融救助才得以“生还”。目前,他们再次以纳税者的钱作为担保,重新投入到“高风险、高收益” 的投资之中。对于这些存活下来的银行来说,现在的市场因为少了竞争对手,反倒成了扩大市场份额的“契机”。高盛银行、摩根大通、美商富国银行、花旗银行、美国银行(BOA)等5大大型银行,今年第二季度的收益一共是130亿美元。与去年同期相比,超出一倍以上。国际货币基金组织(IMF)首席研究员出身、麻省理工学院教授西蒙-詹森(Simon Johnson)表示:“随着这些大型银行的市场份额增大,且在华盛顿出现‘后勤部队’之后,其势力变得更加强大起来。”



        倒闭的对冲基金公司也可屈指可数。因此,在金融界甚至出现了意为“道德风险(moral hazard)”的新词“I.B.G.”。这是“I'll be gone”(我要离开)的头一个字母,意思是,用高风险的投资商品吸引投资者后,一旦交易收益变坏,就套取丰厚的报酬以后撤出。乌尼贝尔萨(音)投资公司的投资专家纳西姆-尼克勒斯-塔勒布(音)说:“由于美国政府的大力支援,现在投资者都认为政府可以随时阻止大型银行的崩溃。从这个意义来说,华尔街的金融体系陷入了更加危险的境地。”

        专家的批评说,尽管奥巴马政府拆巨额“拯救”了金融系统,但却没有进行根本性的改革,只是延长了这些银行的寿命。高风险衍生产品仍然处在政府的控制以外,而各家银行却蜂拥而至 。西蒙-詹森警告说:“如果大型银行继续以纳税人的钱袋为担保进行风险投资,就会重新陷入庞大的恶性资产陷阱。”更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • How many more time US government can bail out these greedy financial institutes? "Too big to fail", so these organization make themselves even bigger in the last 12 months.
        • The systems, political, business, and law schools are training smart people how to cheat. e. g. US and other government subside farmers and auto makers to keep high food and car prices. Michael Jackson - They Don't Care About Us
          • "Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. "
            "Doctors destroy health,
            lawyers destroy justice,
            universities destroy knowledge,
            governments destroy freedom,
            the major media destroy information
            and religions destroy spirituality"

            ~ Michael Ellner.
            • agree except the last one. Admire your knowledge.
              • (#5528155@0)
          • this is exactly what moral hazard is about. The smarter you are, the more dangerous you are! I am not smart enough to design or even understand CDS. But someone can and he killed AIG and the global financail system.
            • "Belgian farmers dump milk in mass protest." The governments do not care about farmers, they only care about the price of milk.
            • My partner bought into insurance investment last year. He pay nothing down for 500,000 mutual fund but he has to pay 8% interests every month. This make him bankrupt. He sold his house and will move back to China.
              • Did I misunderstand you? What kind of insurance investment did your partner buy? 8% every month? He needed to pay $480K a year? What did he get in return? What insurance company sold it to him? Soo too many questions but I am very curious!
                • 8% / year.
                  • do you mind to describe the feature of such investment insurance product? what is it?
                    • sorry, I can not. I do not care the detail.
                      • this is fine but the key is I don't think the global financial crisis is over yet, a bigger one is just around the corner.
                        • Agree!The banker made "The Panic of 1837". When Martin Van Buren took over the Presidency from his successor, Andrew Jackson, the nation's financial situation seemed to be going fairly well.
                          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The Onset of America's First Depression

                          When Martin Van Buren took over the Presidency from his successor, Andrew Jackson, the nation's financial situation seemed to be going fairly well. Jackson had successfully lowered the national debt to its lowest point since 1791 (a trifle $33,733.05), and the economy seemed to be growing rapidly.

                          By the time Martin Van Buren came to office in 1837, however, the bubble already seemed to be bursting, and within a few months America would be plunged into a depression which would last nearly eight years.

                          What could have caused such a dramatic downturn?
                          Natural Cycles

                          Like America's previous economic downturn, the Panic of 1817, a certain portion of the blame for this depression can be blamed on a naturally cyclical economy. These cycles are known as boom/bust cycles, where the economy grows naturally to a certain point where any more growth is unsustainable, sending the economy into a decline (the exact mechanism behind this is still debated by economists).

                          While this cycle very well may have played a partin establishing the conditions necessary for a recession to ocurr in 1837, it certainly was not alone.

                          Read more: http://americanhistory.suite101.com/article.cfm/the_panic_of_1837#ixzz0RIQV3RRE更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                          • "As a result of this policy, however, the value of paper money began to deflate rapidly, providing the opposite of the intended effect, leaving many holding nearly worthless money."
                            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Andrew Jackson's Policies

                            Probably the most blame for the panic is placed most often on President Andrew Jackson and his attitude toward the Bank of the United States.

                            Jackson is famous for having opposed the bank, which he not only refused to recharter, but from which he withdrew funds (an act which earned him a congressional censure) in order to promote private banking and a more "free" economy.

                            Jackson viewed soft money (that is, paper currency which holds no value on its own, but "represents" some sort of accepted value) in a highly negative light, much preferring banks doing business in hard money (gold or silver currency).

                            As a result of the new power wielded by state banks, and the lack of regulation from a national banking system, the economy did flourish for a time - bank loans skyrocketed, the economy flourished, and foreign nations began investing heavily in the financial opportunities of America.

                            The boom was short lived, however, as inflation increased dramatically as banks printed exorbitant amounts of paper money. This was exacerbated considerably by one of the most controversial aspects of Jackson's economic policy - the issuance of a "Specie Circular" (or Coinage Act) which was an attempt to protect land speculators in the west from being left with devalued currency in the event of inflation.

                            As a result of this policy, however, the value of paper money began to deflate rapidly, providing the opposite of the intended effect, leaving many holding nearly worthless money.

                            British Investment

                            To add to Jackon's economic policies in creating a national financial panic, there was a decreased investment in America among British banks as a result of the financial situation in England at the time. This lack of monetary influx meant that banks began to call in their loans, which many could not pay with their devalued money.
                            Van Buren's Solutions

                            As a result of these and other reasons, just a few months after Martin Van Buren arrived in office, the panic began in ernest. Banks, responding to the devaluation of soft money and the suddenly limited nature of hard currency reserves, refused to accept soft money for gold or silver.

                            Paper currency became practically worthless, leaving many poor and homeless, having been unable to pay their loans. Unemployment shot up dramatically, and the nation was plunged into the worst financial crisis it had yet faced.

                            Facing this crisis, the Democratic party declared it to have been the result not of Jackson's policies, but of the poor management of banks, which led to the inflation and devaluation of currency.

                            As a result, Van Buren's sole response to the panic (believing, like Jackson, in government staying out of such matters as much as possible) was to call a special session of congress in September of 1837 and propose a national treasury system that would keep banks more accountable.

                            Such a bill would not be passed, however, until 1840, but by then the depression had already last more than three years, and would continue for several more years before finally settling down in 1844.

                            In the end, the panic of 1837 was one of the first real tests for the American economic system, perhaps its sole benefit being as a means of economic reference to future economists, who could look at the mistakes made prior to this period in hopes of preventing such a thing from taking place again.

                            One look at the continuing history of America shows that such study has not been entirely successful, as there are still many mysteries and nuances as to what exactly causes an economy to decline.


                            "Martin Van Buren: Domestic Affairs." American Presidents: An Online Reference Resource.

                            "Panic of 1837." Ohio History Central.

                            The copyright of the article The Panic of 1837 in American History is owned by Isaac M. McPhee. Permission to republish The Panic of 1837 in print or online must be granted by the author in writing.

                            Read more: 更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                            • Warren Buffett says U.S. dollar 'worthless' if account deficit persists
                              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛TORONTO (Dow Jones)--Billionaire Warren Buffett said Wednesday that the U.S. dollar will be "worth less" if the country keeps sending more money abroad than it brings in.

                              "If our current account deficit keeps running at present levels, the dollar I think is almost certain to be worth less five to ten years from now compared to other major currencies," the Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRKA, BRKB) chief executive said, speaking at the opening of Business Wire Canada.

                              He wouldn't say whether he's still betting against the U.S. currency.

                              He did say Berkshire Hathaway would continue to build its position in the bond insurance business if rates are good. Berkshire set up such a business in New York recently at the urging of the state's top insurance regulator.

                              Industry leaders like MBIA Inc. /quotes/comstock/13*!mbi/quotes/nls/mbi (MBI 6.83, +0.02, +0.29%) and Ambac Financial Group Inc. /quotes/comstock/13*!abk/quotes/nls/abk (ABK 1.65, +0.04, +2.55%) face downgrades of their bond insurer ratings, as losses mount on complicated securities they have guaranteed. The New York regulator is working with banks to put together a package for stabilizing Ambac, though its outlook is uncertain.

                              "I don't know that there's going to be a bailout, and I don't know that there should be," Buffett said.

                              Buffett said the Berkshire Hathaway board has three people in mind to replace him as chief executive and four who could take over his role as chief investment officer.

                              Regarding the replacement for President Bush, Buffett said he would support a Democrat, either Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton. "I'm sort of a political bigamist," he said.

                              -By Evelyn Juan, Dow Jones Newswires; 416-306-2025; evelyn.juan@dowjones.com

                              Corrected Feb.7, 2009 08:32 ET (13:32 GMT)

                              (END) Dow Jones Newswires

                              February 06, 2008 18:23 ET (23:23 GMT)

                              Billionaire Warren Buffett said Wednesday that the U.S. dollar will be "worth less" if the country keeps sending more money abroad than it brings in.

                              "If our current account deficit keeps running at present levels, the dollar I think is almost certain to be worth less five to ten years from now compared to other major currencies," the Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRKA, BRKB) chief executive said, speaking at the opening of Business Wire Canada.

                              (The headline and first and second paragraphs of the item "Buffett: Dollar 'Worthless' If Acct Deficit Persists," published at 6:08 p.m. EST Wednesday, misquoted Buffett's comments on the dollar. He said the U.S. currency would be "worth less," not "worthless." The error was repeated in the headlines and text of an update at 6:23 p.m. and a republished version of the story at 7:31 a.m. Thursday.)

                              (END) Dow Jones Newswires

                              February 07, 2008 08:25 ET (13:25 GMT)

                              -Contact: 201-938-5400更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                              • when regular people know that U.S. dollar 'worthless' the Monetary system will collapse.
                              • I am not Warren Buffett but I am very worried that I have to take money from my saving account instead of putting money in it since I started my small business about a year ago. How long did US citiizens, enterprise and government start living on loan?
                                They earn $100 and spend $1,000. You don't have to be an economist to understand this system would fail.

                                Look at Japan, they had their financial crisis 20 years ago and yet they still haven't recovered. And bear in mind, Japanese has the biggest saving in the world. US? They have the biggest loan in the world. How can they recover? You really have to find an economist to answer this question.

                                Mark my words, I think it is a mission impossible to see US recover in 20 years.
                                • That is why we have to work together to build a system after the Monetary system will collapse.
                                  • Please enlight me! They tried to build one after WWII. Can't remember the name but basically it was a system that required each country to control their spending. You couldn't print money unless your country have certain amount of gold.
                                    And other countries could take your money and asked you to give them gold.

                                    Question time, guess what country broke the system and start printing money crazy?
                                    • It is called Bretton Woods system
                                    • Nixon Shock.
                                      • 财产源于债务,债卷源于战争, 股票源于扩张。 #5450817@0)
                                        • "The Ascent of Money." (#5452533@0)