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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 选保守党,就是对加拿大的将来不负责任!
    • 问一句,有哪个党会为加拿大的未来负责任? 他们全都为女王负责任..
      • 都为paystub负责。
    • lz要么受骗上当,要么别有用心
    • 让自由党先擦干净屁股, 抹上粉, 再出来说话.
    • 减税创造就业机会,经济危机中政府采用赤字政策,这两点都是现在这个阶段必须采取的措施,没啥好争议的,无论谁在台上都必须这么做。
    • 什么叫“擅自委任“?你自己去数数参议院里是哪个党的人多。
    • 保守党对公民的态度,连最高法院的传票都不屑一顾, 自由党乱征税, 操纵国营企业大捞钱, NDP左右逢源, 纯属政治流氓. 加拿大要想真正让人民作主:(1)对女王说一路走好不送 (2) 立即解散参议院. (3) 两党政治,其他党不用掺乱. (4) 允许党员发表不同看法.
      • 还两党制,以为美国政治就好?连国会骂个总统就被批斗。至少在加拿大国会骂个总理没啥事。
        • 我最讨厌看到国会内你骂我吵, 一副泼皮, 一群政治人物, 吵吵闹闹, 一点素质也没有, 其实场下推杯换盏你也不知道. 女王威严之下,允许议员像孩子们那样在议会打架淘气, 大家还以为这看着就是民主. 俩字: 幼稚!
          • 但是确实有效。你看共和党历史性的一骂,民主党控制的国会立刻通过要求所有参加医疗保险的人必须证明在美国的合法身份。以前同样的条款两度以侵犯隐私被否决。我看了条款,真的一字不差,为什么现在没人care非法移民的隐私了,因为那句“You lie!".
            • 那个骂街的是从南卡来的. 熟悉美国政治和历史的都知道意味这什么. 他这一骂,丢尽了共和党的脸. 开创了极为恶劣的先例, 这就是为什么两党同声斥责. 在议会无理取闹, 这与美国的政治传统,立国精神格格不入的, 美国有很强的政治人物的道德规范.
              • Joe Wilson Admonished, Accused of Racism on Same Day
                • 这种race牌已经没人care了现在。连白宫都说这个事情和总统的 color of skin没有任何关系。
              • 哪里两党同声斥责了?国会的谴责条款,很清楚,民主党全部赞成,共和党全部反对。这就是美国政治的虚伪的一面。再看看这几天沸沸扬扬ACORN事件。民主党个个都撇清,和我无关,CNN辩论连个民主党都找不到。谁都知道O8在那里出头的,谁敢!
      • Queen Elizabeth II has no real power or authority in England, Canada or other Commonwealth countries. She is just a spiritual leader. I don't see how get rid of her would help Canada.
        • 假如英国开战,你以为加拿大有什么选择? 读读加拿大的历史, 那些Acadian是如何被放逐的. 加拿大这块心口通,永远不会改变, 所以说加拿大有什么民主, 政治经济的高效率, 那是CD.
          • was there even a Canada when Acadian被放逐? QEII does not even has power over England, I don't see how she can order Canadian government to start a war for Britian. But this is beyond our discussion here.
            • 好,那就提提一战,二战, 在谁的召唤下加拿大远俯欧洲? 荷兰王室为什么到这里避难? 去年是谁最后仲裁保守党政府不被推翻? 加拿大的土地根据宪法,属于谁? 加拿大哪有自己的利益? 在关键时刻怎么会从自己的利益出发? 美国先中立发战争财,再参与,加拿大能做到吗?
              • First, Queen Wilhelmina was not part of British Royal family and she stayed in US, Canada and England during WWII. So I don't know what you tried to prove with Queen Wilhelmina.
                And even you asked "在谁的召唤", Canada joined WWI and WWII. So QEII has no authority to order Canada government to partipicate any war. After 911, Canada followed US to fight in Afghanistan war; is Canada part of US? If there is a huge voice among Canadian to withdraw from Afghanistan war or even WWII; do you think our government would date to against all odd and remained in the wars?

                BTW, who 仲裁保守党政府不被推翻? QEII? or a Canadian?
          • In 1982, UK had a war against Argentina for an island. As I remember, no Commonwealth country joined the war.
            • Falklands - QEII's second son was serving marine during the war. Don't know if Canada was involved. But definitely it was not a Canadian war. I would say USA has much bigger influence on Canada tnan Britian.
    • 新华社社论?
    • 快别逗了,连NDP这种天天恨不得把公司全搞跨的社会主义流氓都考虑减税了。还保守党愚蠢的减税政策呢。擅自委任待遇丰厚保守党参仪员,你自己算算参仪员保守党有几个,自由党有几个。给大家说说
    • lz要么受骗上当,要么别有用心 -jacobtour(小舟); 09:48 (#5548431@0) Reply
    • 听到了,不过选谁是每个人自己的事情,自己的看法,否则大家就都选共产党好了。
    • 楼主中学毕业了没有? NDP都要支持政府了,还选个屁? 看看新闻先
    • How much Canadian government need to pay for those newly appointed 参仪员? Compared to 数百亿, what is the percentage? If those 大财团 need to pay more tax, they would let go more employee to compensate their loss on tax.
      And the key thing is no matter federal, liberal or even our Toronto government, they all wasted a lot of money on stupid things. So the lesser tax they collected, the lesser our money got wasted. If I prefer to burn my money in my backyard, it is my business and I don't want our government to waste my tax money.
    • it is so funny
    • My 2 cents.
      1, I agree that the government should control the spending, no matter which party and no matter when. And I agree that the public should open their eyes on what the government is spending on.

      2, Senate appointment is a duty or a right of PM, every PM has to do the same job. It has nothing to do with whether the appointees are Conservatives or Liberals.

      3, Investment brings jobs. Tax is a major factor for investors when they're choosing the place to invest.

      Assume that you are an investor. You are going to set up an IT company hiring 200 people. You need to find a place to start your business.

      Now you narrow down to two cities, all investment factors are the same (education level, transportation, labour cost, etc), except that the tax rates are different. Which city will you choose? I bet the one with lower tax rate. Is that right?
      • If you elect an government which raise corporate tax; those big corporates do not have voting right but they can use their foot to vote and leave Canada.
        Of course, you can argue not all company can move away from Canada but let's say just 5% companies decide to leave Canada, what would be the financial impact? How many Canadian would lost their job? How much EI and subsequent welfare Canadian governement would have to pay out? How much corporate tax and salary tax our government would lost?
      • Agree.
    • 完了完了,加拿大也有五毛党了。
    • 保守党上台、马丁下台那次大选,有华人社区领袖也有类似论调,云不选自由党是千古罪人之类的。呵呵
      • 魁人政团和NDP已经向总理阁下投降了. 柿油党篡国夺权, 颠覆政府的丑剧还未上演就玩完了.
    • 严重同意!实在是不明白一个国移的网站居然有人支持保守白人为权力基础的Harper.
      • How about I tell you it is because I live in Canada and I want to elect a government which would build a better future for Canada. I like Canada and I like to live here for the rest of my life. So I want a better Canada!