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税我可没少交。但你看看美国吧,税低,但是国家负债几乎逼近12 trillion ($11.8T at this moment),平摊到每个美国人身上为$38,402 each (www.usdebtclock.org)。“羊毛出在养身上”,让哈珀政府再执政几年,我们加拿大人也就快赶上他们了。

Canada's $1-trillion debt baby

Terence Corcoran, Financial Post
Published: Saturday, September 12, 2009

For instance, the federal deficit for this year, originally estimated at $50-billion, is now a modest 10% higher at $55-billion. Going forward, Mr. Flaherty laid out a slightly revised series of deficits that would still, under the best of circumstances, run the national debt up by $170-billion by 2015. That would bring Ottawa's total net debt to $628-billion, a record in nominal dollars and about $19,000 per capita...

At the end of 2008, the net debt of all the provinces stood at $274-billion. If they collectively add $100-billion over the next five years, as seems more than possible, total provincial net debt will rise to about $375-billion by the end of 2015. Add that number to the projected federal net debt of $628-billion by 2015, and Canada is suddenly looking at $1-trillion in debt, or about $30,000 per man, woman and child.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 当猪会飞时:蛤泼的550亿元赤字财长还在瞎吹(译文)附标题:让数字来说话,让大家看清楚保守党所谓的“小政府,低税收”
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛渥太华-去年10月,财政部长费海提预计无赤字,无衰退。今年1月,他改口预测340亿元的赤字。今年5月,该赤字预测激增至创纪录的500亿元。




    2。总理办公室。上周哈珀总理被揭露在自己的办公室开支上一年内猛增了14%到2000万元之巨。 (加西新闻社,2009年9月4日)。

    3。参议院任命。在不到一年内,哈珀就任命了27名保守党参议员,超过历史上任何一位总理的纪录。成本:每年花加拿大人346万元 。

    4。广告。在2007-2008年,哈珀政府的各种宣传活动共计花费8410万元,比上届自由党政府多花出一倍有余(自由党2005-2006年:4130万元 )。仅在2009-10年度的第一季度,哈珀政府就挪出6500万元用于宣传活动,其中4000万元是专门用来宣传保守党的。



    7。民意调查。 2007年,哈珀政府平均每天委托两个以上的民意调查,共计花费3100万元。

    (铁人中英文水平都有限,若翻译有误,请参照原文:“When pigs fly: More huffing and puffing from Harper’s $55 billion man”)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Did Liberal suggest how much deficit Canada would have if they take charge of our government? smaller? bigger? And when can Liberal balance the budget? 2011? 2021?
    • 很有趣,过去两界自由党政府总共任命了92名Senate,其中84名自由党参议员,现在他们觉得保守党的27名保守党参议员很多.
    • 另恕我孤陋寡闻,这政府经济危机刺激经济的支出,包括基建,挽救制造业的支出都算政府开支(expenditures)吧,难道这三年的预算不是自由党举手通过的,难道机刺激经济的支出不是自由党要求的?
      • This is why I suggest we should vote for Conservative and let see what Conservative can when there is a majority government. It is funny to see Liberal to force Conversative to reform EI, i.e. better benefits and on the other hand,
        it challenged Conservative spend too much money. My understanding is that Conservative only have had a minority government for the last 4 years and without Liberal support, Canadian government could not pass any bill.
      • 对了,四川地震加拿大政府的援助应该也算政府开支(expenditures)吧?
        • 就别跟我提这事了,加拿大政府在地震三天后才提出给与一百万的经济资助(和match personal donations)。
          自由党议员Jim Karygiannis (Scarborough Agincourt)在地震后第二天(May 13th)便敦促哈珀政府给中国提供一千万的资助。

          Karygiannis urged the federal government to:

          - Commit $10 million immediately for rescue recovery and relief effort;
          - Match dollar for dollar money raised by Canadian non-governmental organizations for victims of the earthquake;
          - Expedite family class sponsorship cases from southwest China already being processed; Issue visitor visas to immediate family members of the Canadian Chinese community from southwest China, so they can join their relatives in Canada.



          (说个题外话,不管你投谁的票,支持哪个党,当有你觉得需要联邦政府为你或你关心的人做些什么的时候,都应该毫不犹豫地同你的议员联系,哪怕你上次并没有投他/她的票。如果他们(议员)听不见我们(华人)的声音,便更容易忽略或忘记我们。wwzhong (弄舟) 在这方面是个很好的榜样。)
          • 我不知道还有多少像你一样的中国人心甘情愿的让人耍,对真正帮助你的憎恨,对耍嘴皮子的阿谀。我给你许一千亿的愿,但我不管给你钱。你要好好感谢我啊。哈哈。
            • 她耍耍嘴皮子,最后钱是Haper给的.结果最后你不计Haper的好,却把她当好人.然后最后再说Haper政府支出太多. 看你是怎么这么让人耍的.
              • “钱是Haper给的”?搞笑,你还真当他是你的衣食父母呀?还是那句话:“羊毛出在养身上”,这些钱都是我们纳税人出的。对了,你先把你党魁的名字拼写弄清楚了再发言。
                • 当然是他给的,而不是你的自由党朋友给的。他完全可以不给,如果他像某些中国人所声称那样“反华”,他一分都不需要给。
    • 再过几个月, 赤字会到达800亿了...一点都不奇怪...这班啥都不知道怎么管理一个国家和发展经济的政府,居然还有很多人为他们辩护, 感觉这个世界真的很有趣啊....有时候觉得真的很无奈.
      • 不当家不知道柴米贵,不过利益当头,哪个政党不想当家?
    • 放这里了。铁人同学有意见请告诉我。
    • 加税可以快速减赤,这可是自由佬的拿手好戏
    • 萧条的时候,如果政府再削减开支,大家就一块玩完。
    • 不是反对党逼政府救市,至于有这么大赤字么? 不知阁下纳不纳税.一般规律,支持增税者都是不纳税的.
      • 税我可没少交。但你看看美国吧,税低,但是国家负债几乎逼近12 trillion ($11.8T at this moment),平摊到每个美国人身上为$38,402 each (www.usdebtclock.org)。“羊毛出在养身上”,让哈珀政府再执政几年,我们加拿大人也就快赶上他们了。

        Canada's $1-trillion debt baby

        Terence Corcoran, Financial Post
        Published: Saturday, September 12, 2009

        For instance, the federal deficit for this year, originally estimated at $50-billion, is now a modest 10% higher at $55-billion. Going forward, Mr. Flaherty laid out a slightly revised series of deficits that would still, under the best of circumstances, run the national debt up by $170-billion by 2015. That would bring Ottawa's total net debt to $628-billion, a record in nominal dollars and about $19,000 per capita...

        At the end of 2008, the net debt of all the provinces stood at $274-billion. If they collectively add $100-billion over the next five years, as seems more than possible, total provincial net debt will rise to about $375-billion by the end of 2015. Add that number to the projected federal net debt of $628-billion by 2015, and Canada is suddenly looking at $1-trillion in debt, or about $30,000 per man, woman and child.

        • 知道最近黑8花了多少钱吗?
          • 如果你愿意用你的血汗钱让政府乱花,我没意见。不过不要指望会有很多象你这样的人。
            • 黑8是民主党的,和自由佬是同一个理念:tax and spend(或者spend and tax)
          • +1
    • 反对保守党也没有必要在人名译名上做文章。如此素质的人所支持的党,想必也好不到哪里去。
      • "蛤泼","哈珀" 都只是个音译而已,没有全文用“蛤泼”就算是对他很尊重了。您就别费心思在我的素质上做文章了,我不是个人物,没人会care。