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翻译:“时代精神认为社会需要变革。这是一项没有领导者运动,每个人各负其责,利用来自世界各地志愿人员智慧,大家一起努力了,建立一个更美好的明天。 对吗?

Zeitgeist movement: It regards the need for societies reform. It is a movement with no leader, where the individual is their own leader. Collectively, the Zeitgeist Movement and its volunteers strive together from all over the world to works towards a better tomorrow.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 翻译:“时代精神认为社会需要变革。这是一项没有领导者运动,每个人各负其责,利用来自世界各地志愿人员智慧,大家一起努力了,建立一个更美好的明天。 对吗?
    Zeitgeist movement: It regards the need for societies reform. It is a movement with no leader, where the individual is their own leader. Collectively, the Zeitgeist Movement and its volunteers strive together from all over the world to works towards a better tomorrow.
    • 维基百科是时代精神的先驱。
      • 维基百科里......你的这个教主和助教(助理教主)都挺帅的啊,今年多大年纪了?
        • Jacque Fresco 93 岁,他不是领袖,和我们一样是个思考者。维基百科中的描述。
          • 给了连接就明了了:References to Zeitgeist in the mainstream media are relatively few and mostly negative. Commonly the film’s factual accuracy was challenged. A review in the Irish Times entitled “Zeitgeist: the Nonsense”
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Senior lecturer in Ancient History Chris Forbes of Macquarie University has severely criticised part I of the movie as having no basis in serious scholarship or ancient sources, relying on amateur sources that "borrow ideas from each other, and who recycle the same silly stuff" and "not a single serious source" can be found in official reference lists attached to the movie. [25]. He notes that Ra, not Horus, is the Egyptian sun god, and that there is no evidence in Egyptian sources saying that Horus' mother Isis was a virgin. Similarly, neither Krishna (the eighth son), Dionysus (whose mother had slept with Zeus) nor Attis were ever supposed born of virgins. He points out that the pun between "son" and "sun" does not work in either Latin, Ancient Egyptian, or Greek, and that the December 25th birth is not part of any of the myths - including that of Jesus, for whom Christmas Day was appointed as a festival day in open knowledge that the real date was not known. He also criticises the movie's use of Roman sources to suggest that Jesus didn't exist, noting that a long list flashed across the screen of supposed contemporary historians that did not mention Jesus is actually comprised of geographers, gardening writers, poets and philosophers, who should not be expected to mention him. The allegation that Josephus' mention of Jesus was added later is criticised as misleading. Josephus actually mentions Jesus twice, with only one reference believed by scholars to have been doctored in the Middle Ages, but to change an already existing mention of him. He also argues that the film misrepresents Constantine when it presents him as making Christianity compulsory (when he only legalised it) and inventing the historical Jesus (when early church records show that the historicity of Jesus had been a key element of faith from early on). Of the film he says "It is extraordinary how many claims it makes which are simply not true." [25]

            以上拷贝粘贴,有时间可以翻译一下更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 这是一个世界性的讨论话题,任何社会在变革过程中,都有保守的势力为其原有的社会结构辩护。 工业社会是资本主义强盛时期, 信息社会是时代精神兴起,壮大,强盛时期。历史潮流谁能阻挡?
              • 我看还强盛不过李宏志老师。都93了,知其者还relatively few and mostly negative,弄了几个网页,教义就是说不清楚,我看你翻译这翻译那,也没搞清这个时代精神是个啥,哪像大法,就仨字儿,齐了,响应者众,学员数量大概是你这运动的几十上百倍吧。
                • 李大师的大法那是神功,一般人练不了, 俺的时代精神是每个老百姓的运动, 人人参与,自己掌握自己的命运。看看GOOGLE上近期最流行的视频 New World Order Documentary 2,236 Ratings 就是时代精神的视频之一。
                  • 你这个“时代精神”目前都有哪些活动/作为?
                    • 时代精神没啥领导和领袖,我们每个人每天都在活动,多伦多也有。Zeitgeist Toronto will be meeting this Thursday, August 13th, at 7:00pm Location: Victory Cafe (581 Markham St. Toronto – 416.516.5787)
                      • 后天Thursday, August 13th, at 7:00pm 有活动, 在Victory Cafe (581 Markham St. Toronto ) 电话: 416.516.5787
                  • 你什么时候把 monetary based economy和resource-based economy翻译出来,算是你对这个Zei滴贴点边,这玩艺不是什么“只要人人献出一点爱世界将变成美好的明天”的春晚标语,它要反对的是以钱为本位的资本主义,提出的解决办法是不要钱的乌托邦共产主义(虽然弗雷斯扣矢口否
                    • 后天去了解一下,再下定义不迟。 Thursday, August 13th, at 7:00pm 有活动, 在Victory Cafe (581 Markham St. Toronto ) 电话: 416.516.5787
                      • 呵呵。The meetings were talking about building the first Resource Based Economy research centre/test city. 怎么没见你提及?说说什么叫做 Resource Based Economy 也好。
                        • 洗洗睡吧,身体要紧。 明天再讨论。
                        • Resource Based Economy 资源制约的经济制度:是信息社会的经济制度,其经济活动不再靠政府发行的货币来运行,是根据自然界的法则来运行。 人是自然界的一个物种,要和其他物种共享资源。
                    • monetary based economy 货币制约的经济制度,包括资本主义和社会主义(共产主义)社会制度。 其经济活动是由政府发行的货币来交换。 人和政府都是消费者。政府消费的多就强大,个人消费的多就富有。

                      资本主义和社会主义区别在于,前者法律保护私有财产。 后者认为财产应该公有。在monetary based economy 经济制度下,财产公有是不可能的,所以共产主义很难实现。其经济制度鼓励占有浪费资源,国与国,人与人之间的关系是用金钱来实现的。 这不但浪费资源,也是国与国之间发动战争的借口。也是人与人之间产生矛盾根源。