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sick from physical to mental


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 热闹了好几天,今天好像终于平静下来了
    • 你心不甘?
    • sure, you can dig another hole for us...
    • 是啊,这下你思想也彻底转移了,多好
      • well, the best senario will be for the guy to jump out and start a fight with her here...:)
        • be a man, do the right thing!
          • what's the damn right thing?
            • fight 4 her...
              • no one is fighting against her yet
                • LOL, pick one!
    • 呵呵,好像都对我有意见啊。他们打架又不是我挑拨的,我也没跟着煽风点火,只是看看热闹而已,这也错了?
      • 对了美女,你的话题还没完那,花侠哥哥不承认啊
        • 你还挺感兴趣啊?我可没那个闲心陪你们玩
          • 大家一起玩吗,别这么说
          • do you want to know the truth about your stroy?..we talked about it during majiang game this week
            • HOLY,,,,,go ahead~~~
              • no no, not 8 gua stuff...just our impression about her story
                • 早说啊,不能公开,赶紧去PM吧,,挽回美女的爱情最重要
                  • too late, it's in the recycle bin
                • 及时总结经验教训, 调整战略是正确的. You did the right thing lol
                  • oh really?...maybe it's about the strategy on how to chase you..lol
                    • haha, I don't think so
                    • go 神童 go!
                      • LOL, he is running out of gas.
                        • 关键时刻,怎么能掉链子呢,ALICE,就你了,去给神童雪中送汽油~~~(他不开柴油车吧)
                          • he is riding a bicycle.
                            • 关键时刻,怎么能掉链子呢,ALICE,就你了,扛着神童赶紧跑~~
                              • he stinks!
                                • 得!
                      • haha,原来都是我在撺掇他俩,现在看来并非空穴来风,hoho
                        • 亲爱的, 网上还真就是空穴. 你也知道他那个19:1的理论, 我怎么可能?
                          • lol 为什么不可能??那95%里本来就没你,要不他怎么会连出游都问你意见,还开麻将大会共议怎么追你,hoho
                            • 呵呵, 开玩笑的话你也信??
                              • 当然信罗,要不他怎么不问别人哩,hoho
                                • 我问你你也不会理我呀。。呵呵
                                  • 7,你还骂我了怎么算
                                    • 骂是爱
                                      • 那我用那个字骂骂你行不?站着说话不腰疼,破小梨梨
                                        • 我就说我最倒霉吧, 招谁惹谁了? 唉, 你们自己解决, 俺睡觉去了.
                                          • 你们俩终于内讧啦!这就好办了,呵
                                            • 没错, 分而治之。。呵呵
                                              • 你左,我右,我上,你下,我们开路地开路,呵~~~
                                                • "我上,你下"? Geese, you two get a room. 玩G早把这暴露了, 还至于前几天的嘛, 大家肯定都站你这边了.
                                                  • LOL
                                              • 同志们, 晚安了 lol
                                          • 好好, 同睡同睡:)
                                    • 还没打你呢。。呵呵
                                      • 我帮你用脚踹~~
                                        • 先买双安全鞋
                                        • 你敢踹我就踹你。。呵
                                          • 我给你告小梨
                                          • 哈哈,妖怪想第三者插足没得逞
                                            • 唉,他心疼啊
                                              • 酸~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~一股醋味
                                                • 哈哈,我怎么觉得你在吃我的醋呀,不用解释,呵呵,是我自作多情
                                                  • 死妖怪,一点面子也不给留。当着这么多人面说啥子嘛!!!气死我料
                                    • ok, i owe you one...
                          • 大家都相信你是那5%里的
                            • 替我谢谢大家 : )
                              • 等我找到大家,一定替你谢谢他
                  • btw, still didn't find the link for terminator?
                    • I thought you have watched it already. Anyway, the rating is so so, not quite interested. I am gonna watch The Cell 1 and 2, and Friday the 13th. A bit scary
                      • ic..ok, i am really disappointed...:(
                        • Then go to the cinema
                          • i watched it already, just wanted to watch it again...
                            • Alright, I will keep an eye for you
                              • thank you, i owe you one...
                                • umm, sounds really familiar
                                  • 你先记账吧,还是那句话,出来混,迟早是要还的 -anna0416(潇潇);
            • 只要有人听你就讲吧,无论对错,我都不加评论
              • 别死要面子的,不听,我们都不想听
                • 呵呵,我也不想听啊,跟面子有什么关系呢?
                  • actually the comment was about you, not about the guy...
                    • 既然是背地里议论,那就不要拿到大庭广众之下暴光了
                      • that's what i meant, don't wanna cause you more anguish..:)
                        • 看来我还要谢谢你才是啊
                          • looks like you owe me one, how are you gonna repay my kindness?
                            • 你先记账吧,还是那句话,出来混,迟早是要还的
              • nah, it's too mean..i don't wanna be called a mean guy again..:)
                • 都是老江湖了,谁不了解谁啊,装的了一时还能装的了一世啊
                  • oh really?..you know me really well?...:)
                    • 先生贵姓?贵庚?家住那里?在哪工作?有什么爱好?你自己不告诉我,我那里能知道啊
                • there is nothing wrong to be a mean guy, so, take it easy
      • you didn't do nothing wrong...so take it easy
        • confused. what did u mean?
          • 替他改改的功夫,还不如将就着跳过了
            • sick from physical to mental
              • 别较真
                • 网上吵架从来没有赢家,劝架的也容易沾一手泥的. 嘿嘿, 昨晚替你掰了些票.
                  • 掰了些票,是什么?我来举办聚会,你也过来算一个
                    • 就是解释的意思. 呵呵,现在每天有email,还隔三岔五的收到电话, 俺的心得静一静.不好意思了.
                      • 好,慢慢处理私事~~虽然公事也很重要~~
                        • LOL, 给你这么一解释....呵呵
                          • 好,慢慢处理公事~~虽然私事也很重要~~