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The amount of OSAP funding you receive is based on your parents' income, unless one of the following applies to you:

You have not been a full-time student at a high school or post secondary institution for at least 12 months in a row on 2 or more occasions, without providing your parents' income, you would only be entitled to Canada Student Loan which is 60% of OSAP funding);
You have been out of high school for at least 4 years;
You have dependent children living with you;
You are separated, divorced or widowed;
You are married (your spouse's income, vehicles, bank balance, GIC's, Mutual Funds and RRSP's are used in calculating the amount of OSAP you receive).

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 请教一个问题:父母的银行存款会影响子女的学生贷款吗?
    • NO
      • thanks
    • If you are considered a dependent student under the Canada Student Loan program, you must attach a copy of both your parents/legal guardians income tax summaries
      or income tax returns from the previous year. If your parents are separated or divorced, attach the required documentation only from the parent you normally live with.
      • 收入和存款是二码事.
        • 那意思是说,只要孩子想贷,就一定能贷到?对吗?谢谢!
          • 不一定,很大程度上取决孩子本身.如孩子参加了工作,有收入,有RESP,有自己的车等资产,就相应会减少可贷款的数额.父母的存款多少是没有多大影响的.(OSAP根本不会问到父母的存款).因此孩子独立的银行户头上最好不要存太多的钱.
            • 这就是为什么许多人根本不买RESP
        • 我觉得你说得怎么不太对呢, 具体我不十分清楚, 但是我知道一个朋友年入十万, 儿子就没代到款
          • 那是因为你朋友愿为他的儿子出钱.
        • 我听他妈说, 要求他们提供不SUPPORT儿子的证明
          • 就提供呗.理由太多了.自己开支大,国内亲友要接济,房贷要付.等等等等.国外很多富裕家庭的子女不都是自己贷款上学吗?OSAP有一栏会问:你父母可为你上学提供多少资金?少填就可以了.父母有多少钱是一回事,愿(能)出多少又是一回事.
            • 我不知道, 我就知道她没贷到, 而且他儿子高中就开宝马, 按常理这样的也贷不到吧? 她是想培养一下儿子的独立意识, 可惜….
              • 宝马是在孩子名下的话算他的财产,当然就贷不到了.
                • 那倒是, 但是好象不是这样的, 如果是这样也就不会有要求提供证明一说了
          • 不光这么一说,还得有实际行动。比如12年级的时候让孩子搬出去自己住、打工挣钱养活自己。要不怎么有足够的说服力?这叫舍不得孩子套不得狼。
            • how to 实话实说?
              • 说实话还用别人教吗?自己真想怎么做就怎么说。去年帮侄子申请OSAP,知道一些。父母有多大的能力support孩子,靠去年报税的assessment就够了;但是要证明有能力的父母不support孩子,是必须做一些事情才能说服别人的。
                • 可税表上看不出Morgage的数目啊?贷10W与贷30W能一样吗?
                  • 对啊,税表上也没有存款数额。没办法,只能说人家不看这些,如果想贷到款,就得投其所好。我认识的西人有贷款给孩子读书的,但并不是OSAP,他们是以房子抵押贷的款,说好孩子工作以后还父母。不知道我见到的是不是特例。
                    • wa,这个rate可是太高了
        • Your financial aid through OSAP is based on a formula that compares your educational costs and expected contributions from your parents and your own income and assets.
          • 关键的2条你没贴出来: There is no parental income amount beyond which you automatically become ineligible for OSAP. If you are in financial need, we strongly encourage you to apply for OSAP financial aid regardless of your parents’ income.
        • The amount of OSAP funding you receive is based on your parents' income, unless one of the following applies to you:
          You have not been a full-time student at a high school or post secondary institution for at least 12 months in a row on 2 or more occasions, without providing your parents' income, you would only be entitled to Canada Student Loan which is 60% of OSAP funding);
          You have been out of high school for at least 4 years;
          You have dependent children living with you;
          You are separated, divorced or widowed;
          You are married (your spouse's income, vehicles, bank balance, GIC's, Mutual Funds and RRSP's are used in calculating the amount of OSAP you receive).
        • More about OSAP
          • 请问楼上有几位真真为自己的孩子读书贷过款的?OSAP有什么公式不妨引见一下.
            • the formula is quite complicated. But you can find some example from the following link
    • 父母的存款不影响子女的学生贷款,但父母的收入(INCOME)和子女自己的银行存款影响他们的学生贷款。
    • 我儿子去年读到多大,申请了OSAP,看了我们的年收入和他自己的银行存款。一开始的时候我们也不知道,所以在他的账户里存了一笔钱,后来一看不行,赶紧把钱取了出来。子女住在外面比住在家里 可以多贷些OSAP。当然住外面我们给他的花销也大得多。主要是房租。
      • 最后代了多少?