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What's your alternative? What to do when Al Qaeda killed 4000 of innocent people? Call Bin Laden and say we want peace no war, would he listen to you?

If you were here in 2001, 2002, you know how nervous everybody was every time Bin Laden announced his next target, next plan? After 911, Al Qaeda bombed London subways, then Spanish railway, and then for more than 5 years, they have not been able to strike anywhere outside of middle east, because they have been seriously weakened and neutralized as a terrorist force. Now few people pay any attention when Bin Laden speaks because people believe he no longer has the power to threaten us. We thank the soldiers for keeping us safe.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 国殇!
    • 加拿大还是撤军吧。这种吃力不讨好的事情,还是少参加。
      • 应该派新移民去
        • 比如你?
    • 敬礼!
      • +1, for soldier
      • +1
    • 作为加国的一员,我一点都没有觉得“殇”(请不要强加到我头上)。这不过是一群政治人物出于政治目的(不要拿民主自由那个美丽的谎言作借口),让国家的“孩子”到外面干一件不怎么道德的事, 而这些“孩子”实则是炮灰而已。
      • 顶!这叫做活该!
        • You have right to anti the war, however, you are not supposed to loss your conscience to those sacrificed heroes。。。
          • Well said, anti-war and anti-soldier are totally different matter. It's shameful for mjia to say such thing.
          • 最可贵的其实是他们自己也从来没想过当英雄,死的人也不是傻大兵,他们像我们一样,也不是没有牢骚,都是活生生的。
            在军营里,他们很多也都是自己主动sign up for the tour的,一句话,国家需要,这些人就上去了。可以说他们是炮灰,不过这样的炮灰还是值得尊敬的
        • 不敢苟同。不是活该,是不值。
        • to: 大闸蟹, omega, and 密西洒家。o O。


          omega你认为“For that they deserve our respect”,但是我认为即使假设,仅仅是假设,有一天人们发现那个that不成立了,那些死去的士兵仍然值得纪念,那个that不应该成为先决条件。不应该把对战争的立场和对士兵的生命的态度联系起来。
      • Freedom is not free. Bin Laden and Al-Queda will not leave you alone even if you leave them alone. We are safe, free and prosperous here because of the sacrifice of our brave soldiers. For that they deserve our respect.
        • Agree Freedom is not free,but not the one of Laden. Known US told story of massive weapon to turn down Sadam regime.If you believe Laden will attack you if no such war & soldiers sacrifice,sorry I don't.I believe without war, world will be more peaceful
          • Yes I agree that without wars the world will be peaceful. I also agree that without criminals, I don't need to lock my doors, without traffic accidents I don't need to wear seat belt.
            There's only one small problem to these assumptions: they ain't gonna happen
    • 阿富汗是反恐的前线而已。从前线撤军,并不意味着战争会自动消失。相反,塔利班会训练数以万计的士兵来,在所有他们力所能及的范围内打击我们。
      • 你的见识比上面那几位拍手称快的要高100倍.
      • 世上没有无缘的狠。战争是否真能解决问题?
        • What's your alternative? What to do when Al Qaeda killed 4000 of innocent people? Call Bin Laden and say we want peace no war, would he listen to you?
          If you were here in 2001, 2002, you know how nervous everybody was every time Bin Laden announced his next target, next plan? After 911, Al Qaeda bombed London subways, then Spanish railway, and then for more than 5 years, they have not been able to strike anywhere outside of middle east, because they have been seriously weakened and neutralized as a terrorist force. Now few people pay any attention when Bin Laden speaks because people believe he no longer has the power to threaten us. We thank the soldiers for keeping us safe.
        • 那请问当初日本人侵略中国,屠杀中国人是怎么“缘”的“恨”???把日本鬼子赶走除了靠战争,您还有什么高招吗?
          • 把加拿大鬼子赶走除了靠战争,您还有什么高招吗?
            • 嘿嘿,你最好先看看塔利班到底是什么东西,那套邪恶思想是和现代文明及西方价值观所不容的。这也就是为什么当初加拿大主流社会支持出兵阿富汗的原因。// 另外,想让加拿大鬼子快离开阿富汗太容易了,跟本不用高招。放弃恐怖,民主选举......
              • 2月15日,加拿大全国几十座城市成千上万的市民冒着摄氏零下20多度的严寒,走上街头。席卷加拿大全国的反战示威游行,与世界五大洲60个国家600多座城市的1000多万民众的反战游行遥相呼应,形成了有史以来最大的的反战浪潮。
                • 左派以及反战人士哪都有,当初加拿大出兵以及后来常驻难道是国会100%通过吗?我要说的是因为塔利班的邪恶,所以当初加拿大主流社会大部分人支持出兵。加拿大主流中认识到塔利班的邪恶但反对出兵的也不少,但不知道他们邪恶的可不多。
                  • 2月15日那次游行是反伊战。
      • 打仗美国人在行,加拿大装备落后,不在行。阿富汗一定要打,但是各个国家应该发挥自己的长处参与这场反恐战争。据说加拿大的狙击手很了得,可以负责打冷枪。加拿大也可以在后勤,医疗,情报方面发挥作用。但是地面巡逻,直接对抗还是交给美军,英军比较合适。
        • 想得到美!
    • just came back from Ottawa and paid respect in the peace tower. you can debate the war, you can not bring back the lost life and deny their sacrifice to this country - for us.
    • 昨天的 送葬车 堵了 那整段 401,每个高速的桥上都站着举国旗的人
    • 华盛顿举行反战游行纪念伊战爆发六周年
      • 美国人最自私了。当年他们从越南撤军,后果是几十万越南人死亡。坐大木船出逃的,平均两个就要死掉一个。46年他们从中国华北撤军,导致大陆沦陷,中国人数以千万计死于暴政。美国大兵的命值钱,中国越南伊拉克人的命就不值钱?
        • 日本国人更自私。要不是他们战败回国,中国早就属于大东亚共荣圈了。
          • 日本人是战败回国,不是自愿撤军,你根本就是概念不清。
        • 感情大家都在指望救世主呢,难怪美元还没跌到底
          • 明明是美元兑加元比去年同期上涨了20%还多,为什么说美元还没跌到底?