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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 靠央行放开膀子,大印钞票就能搞好经济的话,共产主义早100年前就实现了.还是让我们等待社会主义在美国的生根发牙吧
    • 没办法的办法,不印钞票就等死,印了还能半死不活,大家都这样,相比之下美国算是好的了,印几千亿美元还是坚挺硬通货币,那四万亿钞票印起来更恐怖。。。
    • 前天报导说RBC,TD,BANK OF MONTREAL, SCOTIA BANK, 银行进入了北美10大银行名单,金融危机以前加拿大只有RBC是10大之一,嘿嘿,不明白CIBC为什么没有进去
      • 这次加拿大的金融系统风险比美国小,但他的经济比美国会遭。为了摆脱制造加工业低迷(至少4年)的困境恐怕不能只睁眼干等商品价额的回升。政府必须有象中国那样的5年发展规划,目标在资源利用开发上,不是简单的资源出口,当然也包括旅游资源。从去年秋后,有迹象表明
        • IQ挺高啊
    • The idea is to induce big inflation to the economy so everybody will come out to invest, buy houses and consume again because people don't want to see their money depreciate.
    • 印这么多钞票美金不是更不值钱了吗?用这个刺激大家去买美国的东西?
      • 3000亿美国债消息一出,美元对其他货币立即贬值,但今天美元对其它货币全面升值反弹,说明人们冷静思考之后承认,相比其他国家,美国经济现状依旧是最好的,最近的美国经济数据证明这点#5109505@0,大家看好美国未来经济复苏前景,好似矬子里拔将军。。。
        • The Fed is prepared to print money to an unlimited extent, the massive liquidity will flow to all over the world and push up wild inflation.
          Once that happens, people will be in a panic to spend and invest their money which are losing its value everyday. This will pop up housing and other asset prices and solve the financial problem. Let's pray this inflation idea will OK so they don't have to go to their last option -- triggering wars in the rest of world to force the return of capital to the US safe haven, and create jobs by building and selling weapons.
          • What a horrible prospect you described, your judgement based on traditional economy formulas and rules, however, the crisis we are expericing would not repeat routinely, we live in 21st century, not 20th even 19th century。。。
            • It doesn't matter which century we live. Human beings are selfish, greedy, cruel animals, and they don't learn lessons, so history is bound to repeat itself again and again.
              More people died in wars and other disasters in the 20th century than any other previous centuries. And now, the planet can be destroyed by someone simply pressing a nuclear button.
              • Partially agree with your points, in terms of economy related content. I am against other statements you expressed which belongs to non-economy related topic, It's typical 跑题 issue。。。LOL
        • Toyota,honda推出失业免费退车业务,上周美国南方一个丰田dealer受不了了,直接盗卖了一百多辆新车跑路.赔本赚吆呵
    • Spitzer,花儿街杀手貌似要重出江湖,拿放大镜check AIG taxmoney
    • The US government's treasury department is staffed with Wall Street insiders from top to down. Treasury chiefs from Robin, Paulson to Gertner are former executives of Wall Street banks.
      There're tremendous conflicts of interest here. So asking the US government to regulate and punish Wall Street is like cutting off your left hand with right hand, it's just not going to happen. Now it becomes obvious that former US treasury secretary, Goldman Sachs CEO Hank Paulson used his government position to give tens of billions of government bailout money to his bank. Paulson made almost 1 billion $ as CEO of Goldman. The financial system in US is corrupted to the core.