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I have little confidence in the ability of Bernanke, Gerthner to manage the economy. In Late 2007, Bernanke still gives rosy comments about the US economy, said it's rock solid, in excellent condition.

This is the guy who suppose to foresee the economy situation several years ahead, and have the most advanced tools and knowlege in the world to manage it. And now, he seems totally clueless about what happens. I don't believe the economy could suddenly collapse like World Trade Center did. Now the feeling is we are on a plane that is about to crash but the captain has no idea what to do. And Obama is more ridiculous, throw tens billions on health care, tens billions on infrastructes, trillions on banks, like he is trying to organize a dance party on Titanic when the ship is sinking

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 加拿大五大银行(Royal Bk, BMO, BNS, TD, CIBC )应该没有问题吧?会不会在第二、三轮冲击下倒闭?RRSP和投资分散到各家银行是不是比较安全?谢谢。
    • 现在撤还来得及吗?怕是只能与阵地共存亡了。
    • 护士忧天,不谢。。。
      • 但愿如此。
    • 如果有1M存款的得小心
    • 如果有Cash, 等等看,不着急。这世界变化快。目前不知道,谁也不知道,特别是金融业的漏洞有多大。加拿大银行业,好象好点。不过难说。等等吧。
      • 把钱分散到几家银行会不会比较保险?
    • Why Worry? Obama says "Stock bargains out there". Hurry buy more stocks now
      • 好多投资家都不看好09年,第二此冲击才刚刚开始。我也看跌,也许会跌到5000点左右我觉得。
        • Every time Obama says something, the market plunges. He's scaring investors like you to death.
          And why not, if my family earn $60 K with 0 saving, and I tell my wife we will spend $120 k this year, charge $60 K to the credit card, I'm sure she won't be able to sleep for many nights. Why can't Obama just take a break, like spending another 3 weeks swimming in Hawaii. Things will probably recover a bit.
          • 今天股市涨了,看来相信领袖人物的人大有人在。
            • It is comrade HU not president obama working today
            • 涨总比跌好,有信心总比没信心好。如果都不信,大家都去把钱取回来,别说5大,500大也没有了。
    • 最近这个季度加拿大各大银行都赢利:最少的是CIBC赚$1.34亿,最多的是RBC赚$10.5亿。加拿大对金融业的监管比美,欧严格得多,加国各银行的投资风险管理也更理性保守。这就是为什么很多美,欧金融公司纷纷倒闭时,加拿大没有一间大银行陷入困境。
      • 悲哀,世事难料!花旗银行今天只剩下每股$1了,两年前市值2700亿,现在满打满算剩下54亿!!!
        • 放心,too big to fail.
          • 我只担心他引起连锁反应,导致加拿大的银行也跟着倒塌。
        • 怎么,突然发觉高个子没了?
          • 是没了。想象你要是有$2700,哪天突然丢了$54,这个数目你不会觉得心疼。是不是?:-)
            • 没关系啦,要看你站的高度,加拿大至少没有欧洲高。这个时候要深挖洞,广积粮,莫称王。
      • 放心,美国有近一万家银行,目前倒闭的不到百分之一。。。
        • That is true. But not all the 10,000 banks are as big as Citi.
          • 最大的三百多家都被美国政府包了,现在美国的金融政策是:稳定压倒一切!
    • Don't worry about RRSP. If all banks collapse, money will be of little use anyway. Just wait for the government to ration the food and shelter to you. Prepare some clothing to keep yourself warm, and possibly a gun for self protection.
      • 你会开枪吗?受过军事训练的经验吗?别想得太容易了哦。
        • 你没参加过军训吗?没有学过步枪射击吗?
          • 所以说别想得太容易了。开枪射人是会有心理障碍的,不是所有的人都能轻易完成的。如果你的对手是穷凶极恶的歹徒,你的生死也就一念之间。
      • 你是说当银行全部倒塌了,共-产=主+义就不远啦?:-)
    • I have little confidence in the ability of Bernanke, Gerthner to manage the economy. In Late 2007, Bernanke still gives rosy comments about the US economy, said it's rock solid, in excellent condition.
      This is the guy who suppose to foresee the economy situation several years ahead, and have the most advanced tools and knowlege in the world to manage it. And now, he seems totally clueless about what happens. I don't believe the economy could suddenly collapse like World Trade Center did. Now the feeling is we are on a plane that is about to crash but the captain has no idea what to do. And Obama is more ridiculous, throw tens billions on health care, tens billions on infrastructes, trillions on banks, like he is trying to organize a dance party on Titanic when the ship is sinking
      • 大侠很有思想深度,如果我没有说错,你应该是金融界从业人员,而且位置比较高了。或者是从事财经研究或教学的。:-)
      • 如果有个人突然告诉你这场危机是因为流动性过剩了,你会怎么想?
        • That won't surprise me, but will probably surprise Bernanke. But I don't think he will ever admit his mistake.
          • 所以不用奇怪奥巴马干吗那么拼命的花钱了。贬值掉,还不如事先花掉。这样可是握着美元的人买单。
            • 我觉得美元贬值势在必行,否则那么多的财政赤字怎么平衡。至少要对内贬值,美国全国要过1、2年苦日子。这是经济再度复兴的代价。
              • 然后呢?这个题目太深奥了,还是留给奥巴马和一个个不愿意做财长的人去头疼吧。
            • Yeah. Like my favorite President Ronald Regan said: "This is our money, but your problem".
        • Bernanke is an academic and he believes everything the books say.
          The economic history books say the causes of great depression are 1. The Feb did not aggressively cut rate and increase money supply. 2, The government did not save the banks and businesses from failure 3. Protectionism. And that explains his actions. But as we know, things rarely go according to what the books say. And when you realise it, it's probably too late.
          • 吃一堑长一智,下次改书就是了。