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老兄,不 work 啊、、、、、、、、、、see below.......

Send Private Message

The Group PM function enable you to send a private message to a group of Rolians in one single batch. It is only open to Rolia members who are the organizers of Rolia events.

If you are organizing a Rolia event and need the function, please contact the administrator.

Please provide the following information when you send the request:

* Your full name
* Your Rolia userid
* Your phone number
* Your address
* Your email address
* Brief introduction of the Rolia event you are organizing

Please note that NOT ALL requests are replied. Only qualified requests will be replied or approved.

Thank you!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 山贼求助:如何群发 PM ??? 如何群复 PM? 告知者将赠送山贼照数张。
    • 只有斑竹才行吧?先发给我吧,我帮忙转发。
      • 啊啊啊啊?????????? 哭啊。。。。。。。怎么办?
        • 哈哈,看到你了~~~~
          • 啊啊??????????好,那个驴车帮主,你就等着吧。。。
      • 阿苏我PM你了 。看完帮我扔掉就好。。。
      • BS你说假话。只有小草才行,哼!
    • 方法见内:(别忘了给我相片呦)
    • 谁要山贼照片? 因清理房间,免费赠送。 PM着赠送鸭子签名照片一张(珍藏版)
      • 你敢!俺就把你驴车砸了
        • 晚了 我已经群发了。。。 大家都想看看你的风采 ;)
          • 咳咳
      • here///
      • 路上,我检查了我所有的马甲,没有收到任何艳照、、、、、、怒!
        • 系统出问题了。。版主吧群发的PM权限限制到只有她先检查的地方。BTW 你是谁的MJ刀刀的照片虽然不值钱,但还是之限于诗社内部传阅
          • yahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
      • 师侄儿,有没有双心子与歪歪的美人照?
        • opps, 有勇气、、、、、、
      • 俺要看
    • 点击右上角 UserID旁边的 M,进入“私信服务”,在点击右上角的“群发私信”,会看到两个大空格。上面那个填写所有收信人ID,中间用英语逗号隔开。在下面的大空格填写私心内容。然后发送。
      • 好人啊,义人啊。。。。比起那些借此来敲诈欺负俺山贼的热门,境界差别咋就这么大呢
        • 注意到rollor拒绝要你的照片~
      • you sure???
        • 给他开后门呢~
      • 老兄,不 work 啊、、、、、、、、、、see below.......
        Send Private Message

        The Group PM function enable you to send a private message to a group of Rolians in one single batch. It is only open to Rolia members who are the organizers of Rolia events.

        If you are organizing a Rolia event and need the function, please contact the administrator.

        Please provide the following information when you send the request:

        * Your full name
        * Your Rolia userid
        * Your phone number
        * Your address
        * Your email address
        * Brief introduction of the Rolia event you are organizing

        Please note that NOT ALL requests are replied. Only qualified requests will be replied or approved.

        Thank you!
        • 这样啊,你先给小草发一个试一下~
    • 我脸红了~
      • 我脸白了、、、
        • 我脸不红不白
    • 拜托驴公子把山贼照片发张来先啦。感觉怎么象山寨入口贴的通缉布告一样。完了,刀兄犯事太多, YOU ARE WANTED
      • 我也要
      • 妹妹,咱们是一伙的啊
        • 小声点说,俺是看兄长有难,提个醒啦。江湖险恶。自家人,兄长直接PM个玉照先?
      • 我也要 -blue_bird(piggy)
    • 贴照片了,山贼的照片。。。。

      • 这张倒更象另外一个人、、、、、、
        • 知道你说的是 我