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今天,G&M大标题”经济大跌3.4%”,仔细一看,原来是2008年第四季度下降了0.8%,换算成全年就成了3.4%.而2008年加拿大经济实际增长0.5%, 媒体宣传和实际有四个百分点之差. 为什么媒体要人为制造经济危机?

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛2008年第四季度加拿大受油价暴跌,米国金融危机,安省和魁省制造业受挫和消费者圣诞节减少支出等多重打击下, 经济只收缩了0.8%.本来当是算不错的表现,但G&M等媒体却大喊”太惨了”. 不知是何用心.

这次经济危机有点怪的是媒体和大众的感觉MS不同, 从去年开始, 媒体就在说天要塌了,而大众的生活却没有多大影响.到了二月尤其明显.而且不光是卡城.在那篇G&M的报道的评论中,很多读者提出了同样的问提. 其中一个是安省的机械推销员:
Carl Sterritt from Canada writes: I'm an industrial products sales rep covering Southern Ontario. My projections were increased vs. last year and I'm exceeding them so far. The cities with growing industries have offset the automotive decline. Smart people are still spending money and making money. Stupid and uninformed people believe that it's as bad as the G&M tells them. Either that or they believe the CAW. I think they've outlived their value and we could do without them.

当前的经济和历史上经济危机很不同, 米加的失业率都在较低水平,通涨更是低.多数公司的困难是资金周转的问题而不是经营的问题.裁员多是为了省钱而不是岗位多余,过了资金周转困难时期还会再把人雇回来.

而受打击最大的股市和Wall Street则是泡沫太大,早就该收缩了.要防止的左派们趁火打劫,把损失转嫁给普通老百姓.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 今天,G&M大标题”经济大跌3.4%”,仔细一看,原来是2008年第四季度下降了0.8%,换算成全年就成了3.4%.而2008年加拿大经济实际增长0.5%, 媒体宣传和实际有四个百分点之差. 为什么媒体要人为制造经济危机?
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛2008年第四季度加拿大受油价暴跌,米国金融危机,安省和魁省制造业受挫和消费者圣诞节减少支出等多重打击下, 经济只收缩了0.8%.本来当是算不错的表现,但G&M等媒体却大喊”太惨了”. 不知是何用心.

    这次经济危机有点怪的是媒体和大众的感觉MS不同, 从去年开始, 媒体就在说天要塌了,而大众的生活却没有多大影响.到了二月尤其明显.而且不光是卡城.在那篇G&M的报道的评论中,很多读者提出了同样的问提. 其中一个是安省的机械推销员:
    Carl Sterritt from Canada writes: I'm an industrial products sales rep covering Southern Ontario. My projections were increased vs. last year and I'm exceeding them so far. The cities with growing industries have offset the automotive decline. Smart people are still spending money and making money. Stupid and uninformed people believe that it's as bad as the G&M tells them. Either that or they believe the CAW. I think they've outlived their value and we could do without them.

    当前的经济和历史上经济危机很不同, 米加的失业率都在较低水平,通涨更是低.多数公司的困难是资金周转的问题而不是经营的问题.裁员多是为了省钱而不是岗位多余,过了资金周转困难时期还会再把人雇回来.

    而受打击最大的股市和Wall Street则是泡沫太大,早就该收缩了.要防止的左派们趁火打劫,把损失转嫁给普通老百姓.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 这场mild危机也有变成大衰退的可能.O8和左派们趁火打劫,进行银行国有化,上千亿地增加支出.让米国经济从感冒变成肺炎. 世界各国明智的作法是摆脱对米国的依赖.日中欧加对美出口下降是件好事,其出口工业能被迫调整.
    • You always talk about annualized rate, no matter it's an increase or decrease. It's the standard for any economic and financial comparison. You should get used to it.
      • It is fine to use anual rate. But the title is misleading. It sounds like Canadian economy took 3.4% dive in 2008, when in fact, it expended 0.5%.
    • 保守也有保守的好,加拿大银行稳定,各个赚钱。只是现在大环境不好,不得已先抽紧,未必不是坏事
      • 加拿大走运是没有两房. 不过如果加拿大房市也像米国一样,加拿大银行就不行了.
        • 06年出的 No Money Down Mortgage,如果没了稳定收入,一样破产,拍卖。只是数量多少的差别。
    • 第四季度GDP变化,换算成年率-3.4%。一般就是说第四季度GDP -3.4%。 整个全年的工业产出是下降-8.0%。