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Obama's plan is unlikely to work. He is throwing (borrowed) money at whatever problems his nation faces.

Simply put, he tries to solve the debt problem by incurring more debts, like solve the drug problem by taking more heroin, solve the drinking problem by drinking more wine. How could this work? The problem is people can not afford to borrow any more, and banks can not afford to lend because they are afraid the borrowers can't repay them, and rightfully so. In such a situation, you can't 'unfreeze' credit by asking people to borrow more. People want income, not debts. The more money Obama borrows, the more it crowds out private investment and jobs, resulting in an inefficient allocation of wealth

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 美国社会问题原来已经这么严重!若不是出自OBAMA总统的口,我还很难相信。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛奥巴马首次国会演讲 痛陈美国经济衰退三病因

    文章来源: 中国时报 于 2009-02-25 21:57:15










    --文学城 www.wenxuecity.com--更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Obama sees the problems but doesn't mention the cause of these problems (or he does not understand).
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛He blames Americans for not wanting education, but who want education if they can't find better jobs after getting the degrees? American Companies outsource millions of good-paying jobs to China and India every year to take advantage of cheaper work forces, so the only jobs left for American are either flipping burgers at McDonalds or speculating in the stock market. How much education do you need for that? No matter how much education they get, American can't compete with workers in poorer countries who have access to the same education and technologies, but only earn 10% of their wages.
      He blames Americans for wanting a high living standard that they can not afford. But don't forget the living standard in America has little improved in the past 30 years. 30-40 years ago, a typical American family had only one father working, and can comfortably support husband, wife, two children, two dogs a house and two cars.
      Now very few people can afford this lifestyle even with both husband and wife working, and the only way for people to live as well as their parents is to borrow mountains of debts. This is the real cause of crash, Mr Obama, globalization, outsourcing, debts, and uncontrolled, relentless risk- taking of Wall Street更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 谢谢你这么精辟的观点!这样看来,美国的经济要保持原来的超级大国地位挺难的,因为如果问题是出在教育和生活方式上,不是一下子能够扭转过来的,而且在你扭转的时候别人已经正在超赶了。
        • Here's what they need to do: 1. Admit America is broke and tough time is coming
          Here's what they need to do:
          1. Admit America is broke and tough time is coming
          2. Close down most military bases overseas (except those of vital interest). Withdraw troops from other countries including Iraq. In the future, stop intervening in other countries unless getting paid with cash or oil immediately
          3. Cancel most foreign aid, including United Nation fees
          4. Establish temporary protection measure to preserve domestic industries and jobs by limiting imports, allowing domestic companies time to retool and resturcture
          5. Reward companies that invest and hire in America, and punish those outsourcing ones with higher taxes
          6. Lacking investment and export opportunies, many other countries will plunge into chaos and conflicts. As a result, money will flow back to America, and there will be more sales of American weapons.
          7. Only after 1-6, more stimulus plan and tax cuts start to make sense
          • 其它的我有同感,只是第4&5条涉及到经济全球化问题。现在是穷国都在为美国为首的少数富国生产廉价商品,供他们享用,他们暂且没有钱购买而导致危机,如果都改由美国自己生产的话,那不造成商品物价飞涨?
            • No one expects US to start making buttons and shoes again. Only the industries that still remain in Ameirca need to be protected (Auto, aviation, steel, chips, other advances manufacturing) at least temporarily.
              Reagan did it in the 80's, limiting Japanese imports, forcing Japan to float the Yen exchange rate in the Tokyo Plaza deal, these measures allow US auto and electronic companies time to regain their footing through restructure and innovation. This is not protectionism, this is self-preserving, the rest of world would understand.
              • mission impossible
          • 看起来有些道理,能不能对你的方案和obama的在可行性上和副作用上再说说。个人认为任何方案计划(包括Obama的方案),都会有副作用,而且在实施过程中会有一些关键点很容易出现偏差,进而带来严重不良后果。
            • Obama's plan is unlikely to work. He is throwing (borrowed) money at whatever problems his nation faces.
              Simply put, he tries to solve the debt problem by incurring more debts, like solve the drug problem by taking more heroin, solve the drinking problem by drinking more wine. How could this work? The problem is people can not afford to borrow any more, and banks can not afford to lend because they are afraid the borrowers can't repay them, and rightfully so. In such a situation, you can't 'unfreeze' credit by asking people to borrow more. People want income, not debts. The more money Obama borrows, the more it crowds out private investment and jobs, resulting in an inefficient allocation of wealth
              • 那么你的6点方案中的可行性和风险呢?
          • 这种方案看似不错,但副作用巨大,典型的纸上谈兵。
            • 我觉得除了第4、5难以操作之外,其它条还是有效的呀。:-)
              • 如果 OBAMA 实施了 第一条 (1. Admit America is broke and tough time is coming ), 不出一个月,美国的银行都要破产了。
      • 一个国家要总统出来告诉家长, 说“孩子做作业的时候,关掉电视,关掉电子游戏,和孩子一起读本书。”。这什么国家?这什么玩意儿的人民?大概舒服日子过的太好了吧?很惊讶美国如此沉沦。
        • 美国人几十年来养成了不良的生活习惯,教育只是一个方面。危机意识离他们很远了。
      • 其实,我觉得你这个人挺右派的。不过看起来,你这些方法其实都是左派的。资本的发言权太大了。这个世界是中产阶级沉沦太久,生活水平下降太多。不知道你看过那个Youtube上的“TheComingCollapseOfAmercianMiddleClass"没有?
        • 同意.很左,和NDP一个观点.按这个来就死路一条
    • Obama到目前为止还是做得不错的,大体上和我的思路差不太多。
      • The only thing I agree with Obama is taking actions against the Wall Street banks, although I believe much stronger actions need to follow to take back the money those banks have stolen in the past few years.
        This is not about release of anger like Obama said, this is about restoring basic fairness and accountablity to the financial system. Who want to invest again if they know their money will be stolen by the people who suppose to manage their wealth? For other parts like the stimulus plan and health care reform, I highly doubt his plan will work since it does not attack the root cause of the financial crisis. In the best case, his plan will buy him some time, but the whole thing is likely to crash again soon, and crash much harder.
        • 非常敬佩大侠的独到见解,现在关键是投资者的信心丧失,大家已经不再信任委托人包括银行等金融机构。如果金融运作的体制不改变,政府的支持最终还是肉包子打狗有去无回。
          • 实际上不管观点如何,美国银行的国有化已经不可逆转。今天美国政府获取36%的citi股份,估计最多到明年,美国政府会控股citi。应该说存资本主义已经走到尽头,现在世界流行Hybrid。
            • 政府不可能长期控股银行,将来经济好了都能给卖出去。直觉上,大概是投100个亿,救活之后,50亿卖掉。政府机构臃肿迟缓,根本就没能力运营现代企业,从普通纳税人到国会议员总统都对此很清楚的。
              • 控股和运营根本是两个概念,第二轮的经济衰退必然从股市开始,损失的是投资者的利益,上市公司的高管照样拿钱。最后一轮必然是货币。
          • 就算不信任金融机构,你也还是要把钱存在银行,然后由银行去投资
            • 不,要购买较为保值的黄金。房地产在低谷时适当买入也是一个不错的办法。个人看法呀。
              • 黄金现在已经涨了很多,现在买一定套牢
              • 地产投资远期看非常合算,但是你必须是经济独立的一群,即不是靠工资还贷的人。否则你就是风险大于机遇。黄金可以保值,但是不可能暴涨,如果发生暴涨,那整个世界经济就是崩溃了。最多用你的1/10的资产做黄金投资。
                • 购买黄金主要是为了保值,并不图他暴涨盈利呀。除了黄金还有什么其它更好的东西可买呢?
                  • 豪宅,地产,文物,高技术企业,资源都是现在有钱人争夺的焦点。亏得是一般的投资人,什么mutual fund,RRSP。
                    • 恩,我现在就等房价再跌一些,然后入市买来投资。其它的我是做不到了。
                      • 总之,自己均衡自己的财务安全。危机中幸存最重要。如果你是狼,就要敢于虎口分食;如果是只兔子,就要深挖洞保护好自己。至于羊,当然只有被吃掉。
                        • 有一点你没想到:羊的出路也许是傍一个剽悍的主人,有枪,虎狼奈何它不得!呵呵。
                          • 那就不是羊了。是披着狼皮的羊。这个世界最大的悖论是很多羊认为自己是狼。
    • 这些都是现象,根本不是问题,根本看不到实质。比如医疗“即使没有保险,医院也不能拒收“,即使每个人都保险,这些钱也省不了,最后终归有人要出钱,不是医院出,就是保险公司,或者是国家。转一圈又回到中产这儿来了。美国是义务教育人均教育经费最高的,难道还不重视?
      • 教育经费是很高了,只能说效率低下。
      • 看到现象不难,难在找出根源, 最难莫过于改变的实施
        • 根源就是美国(包括加拿大)认为自己是developed country,不,美国已经是一个developing country。就像上面omega说的,如果从developing country角度出发,这些都是自然而然,没有争议的。
          • So the first step is to admit the seriousness of the problem
            1. Admit that America is broke, and it needs to start rebuild again, as a developing nation
            2. Admit that it can no longer afford to act as a world police without getting paid
            3. Admit that it can no longer give industries, jobs and money away to other developing nations.
            4. Admit that it has to take actions to produce more and import less. Shield domestic industries from foreign competitions to allow them time to restructure and grow again.
            • another mission impossible.
            • 先舆论宣传美国是发展中国家,然后向世贸,UN申请享受发展中国家待遇。然后你说的这些都顺理成章了。
    • 哪个国家的问题列举起来不吓人?能说出来比那些皇帝的新衣强多了,当然奥巴马有他自己的考虑,美国的现状越不堪,他越好做。
      • 生于忧患,死于安乐。
      • 好做也未必,在美国这样一个利益社会中,只要自身的利益没有受到切实的侵害,居中观望的还是居多。奥巴马用个人魅力凝聚的人气,在现实面前还是必须低头的。问题发生了,必然有人受害,奥巴马必须选择立场保护一方,打击一方。
        • 对总统而言,所谓的好做,是指做了事能被较大比例的民众认可,起点越低当然越好。
          • 利益不可能均得,那好做和难做就两可了。最终必然是一些人的利益获得保护,一些人失败。放在一国内是这样。在全球范围内亦然。要不美国的利益受损,要不获益。
            • 老祖宗早就看透了。。。。 所以我们都是 打太极的一族,那些拳击一派的鬼佬 怎能体会 其中奥秘
              • 可是老祖宗没赢,绝对的力量前,技巧都是虚的。
                • 一时的输赢不算
                  • 目前的胜负同样难分。国家当以保护国民利益优先,这一点美国做的比中国好。政治玩得再好,最后还是实力说话。
      • 嗯,就像 没进公司前的interview 说什么都会做, 进公司之后,说自己什么都不会做。。。。
    • 俺一直认为现代的所谓跨国企业制度尤其是信借贷制度的宗旨就是两个字” 抢钱”, 去抢本来不该花出去的钱, 去抢落后地区的钱, 然后自己最好少付出多收入, TAKE 别人的ADVANTAGE, 这个给美国人抢到不少钱, 不过抢得太多以后, 太舒服了自己就退化了
      • 不自己搞好自己的事情,发展壮大本土的制造业,结果就是毛之不附 皮将焉存。
        • 你就是抢不来, 抢得来你也不”壮大”
          • 中国和美国是互相抢得最欢的国家,你抢我的市场,我抢你的国债,最后都不如加拿大日子稳当。初中时候班长是老干部孙女,把个最优秀的男生当玩具,大学又弃之抢了个更好的,现在婚姻最上当。老家百姓的口头禅,抢孝帽子(就是父亲出殡时候,儿子们表演谁更孝顺的道具)。
            • 你怎么能体会 过程中的快感
              • 反正到手的都是上当的机会。too simple. sometime...攀高枝的人只看到高枝的光彩,但其中的滋味可以最后自己反复咀嚼的结果。
            • 一看你就啥也没抢上, 说酸话
              • 不懂得说酸话,就不算是加拿大人
    • 美国的问题,是美国太贪得无厌。至于教育,倒不是主要的,但总统说得也很对,美国教育出来的都是垃圾和蠢货。
      • 少数精英,多数尚可,但笨蛋也不少。中学语文老师常说,秀士出寒门。现在看,就是凤凰男。
    • 能不能请大家谈谈RRSP的事情?现在把钱投入RRSP,让现在老的人先用,到我们老的时候钱那个数目还管用吗?事关重大。谢谢啊!
      • rrsp还是cpp? rrsp在你名下,就是你的. cpp是大锅饭.
      • 老了,无所谓了。。
        • 兮兮,我有所谓的。你是否买RRSP呢?
      • 你的RRSP让现在的老人用?早有人造反了。
        • 其实是这样的。银行那你的RRSP去投资,先支付正在领用RRSP的现在的老人。银行在非常时期投资收益很有限。再说,过几十年以后,等我们退休了,那个RRSP数目(连本带利)到底顶多少用处,还是个问题。
          • 这个故事和忽悠人的经济让人借钱投资免税一样。适用一些人,却未必适用大多数。没有人对于自己RRSP的急剧缩水无动于衷,也许只能说Baby Booming的那代人运气实在太好了。一直顺风顺水。他们二战中的先辈和现在的我们就没有那样的运气了。
            • 我见过一个跟你所说得差不多的JJ,似乎有说水成油的本领,可惜碰到我这种“精明的”家庭主妇,被我三言两语问跑了。呵呵。
              • 蛮奇怪的,一个家庭主妇喜欢研究飞机大炮的,什么理财投资的
                • 昨天去renew PR,一个35岁左右的女士在我前面,和另外一对夫妻在说话,就听见她高谈阔论,谈加拿大政治经济,谈中加的贸易和优劣,那对夫妇没有很多话,基本她一个人开讲,我也就旁听。
                  • 谢谢你为我证明,但那个人肯定不是我。呵呵。
                • 我喜欢飞行器,更喜欢业余“研究”它们的powerplants,但至今还没喜欢上枪炮。:-)
          • 银行还是政府?RRSP还是CPP?
            • 说得RRSP呀,就是自由购买抵税的RRSP。
              • 豆豆,继续给护士上课,不要逃跑
    • The problem is that the American elite who run the country are too complacent, too arrogant.
      Always think they are undefeatable even when the foundation of their economy getting hollowed out. Give electronics, auto production to Japan, no problem, give IT to India, no problem, everything else to China, no problem. We will always have something new, something better. Manufacturing leaves, we have high-tech, high-tech leaves we have finance, finance explodes, oops, nothing left. I have one better idea, why not switching the American and Chinese leadership for a few years. Running America the CCP style, and China the American style, This will balance things out pretty soon.
      • 那这个世界就更加混乱了。幸好你的提议没有实现的可能,否则我真的要找处深山隐居了。先学分五谷,后学种地...男耕女织。
      • 天才呀!:“I have one better idea, why not switching the American and Chinese leadership for a few years. ” 人需要奇思异想。:-)
        • too much saving offset too much debts. too much surplus offset too much deficit, too much freedom offset too much control, too much arrogance offset too much humility, too much consumerism offset too much thrifty. The world will get balanced again.