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Don't just look at the brands, look at the back of the products, Sony, Nokia, Toshiba, Black Decker, Levys, Nike, can you find anything in the malls that is not made-in-China?

This stupid idea of globalization is killing the economy in the West. If you transfer technologies and capital freely around the world, how can the workers here compete with Chinese workers who earn just 10% of their wages? Eventually all jobs and companies will move out to China, hollow out the economy in the West. Income capability, investment, technical advantages and tax revenues here are all lost. People in West countries thus have to rely on debts and speculating in the stock markets to survive, now the whole thing just collapses and it's too late to rrecover from their mistakes. Once devil comes out of the Pandora's box, you just can't put it back

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 为什么在北美,见不到中国的名牌产品?而杂货店里卖的中国制造的,都是杂牌货?为什么洋人不拿好的东西来卖?专门拿中国的垃圾来骗当地人?是中国货垃圾,还是倒卖中国货的人垃圾?
    • 联想啊!!是垃圾?
    • 成本。其实现在的产品,光看产地是没用的。很多东西内部的元部件来自天南海北,其中就包括中国。中国没有自主品牌是产业发展的致命伤。
    • HAIER
    • 中国的哪些名牌产品?
      • 我买了一个名牌产品“海尔.小小神童”,做工那个粗糙,不过便宜,凑或用了
    • 贸易保护。对中国的中高端产品课以重税使其无法公平竞争。例如大屏幕电视。
      • 我好奇,中国的大屏幕电视机分辨率是什么?接收信号是什么标准?和北美这里兼容吗?要知道普通电视标准不同,中国PAL老美NTSC
        • Prima 是中国品牌。
      • 这个说法有意思。一般都是对倾销的低端货(如鞋,小五金等)才会课以重税,让这里的同类产品享受到价格保护。看来,中国的大屏幕电视在中国是“中高端产品”,但在这里属于低价倾销的低档货。在电子产品中,想找中国自己品牌的高档货是Day dreaming。。。
        • 倾销的低端货 do not compete with products made in North America, so there's no need to tax them. The cheaper they are, the better.
          The government only need to tax imports that directly compete with products and services currently made in North America. And also, levy heavy taxes to companies that outsource jobs to low cost countries and give the money to those companies that choose to invest and hire here
          • Actually, I was on your side, I don't think TV made in China is high end product either, that's why I've said that expecting high end made in China stuff seems to be day dreaming。。。
            • Don't just look at the brands, look at the back of the products, Sony, Nokia, Toshiba, Black Decker, Levys, Nike, can you find anything in the malls that is not made-in-China?
              This stupid idea of globalization is killing the economy in the West. If you transfer technologies and capital freely around the world, how can the workers here compete with Chinese workers who earn just 10% of their wages? Eventually all jobs and companies will move out to China, hollow out the economy in the West. Income capability, investment, technical advantages and tax revenues here are all lost. People in West countries thus have to rely on debts and speculating in the stock markets to survive, now the whole thing just collapses and it's too late to rrecover from their mistakes. Once devil comes out of the Pandora's box, you just can't put it back
              • 这么悲观,看看你以前的帖子,信心哪去了?顺流逆流,都甘之如饴才好。
                • Mood swing, hehe. But my ideas are consistent, globalization, debts and deregulation of the financial market are the main cause of the economic crisis. Whether they can recover, like you said, depends on luck.
                  Even Obama and Gerthner don't have an idea, nor to say you and me
                  • Don't worry, be happier.
              • I am on the manufacturing boat, I know deeply what made in China stuff really means. a well-known product not only needs efficient assemblies, but needs extraordinary ideas, smart design, creative marketing strategy and so on,
                those are soft ribs for Chinese products. After open the door so many years, made in China products are still deemed as low end stuff, it's not someone else problem but troubled by itself. something definitely wrong on this issue。。。
                • 如你所说,全球经济问题就不可能发生。正是因为中国的经济开始产业转型,放弃低端,转而开始竞争高端市场。整个世界的经济平衡被彻底的打破了。一条产业链,建立起来不是一朝一夕的事情;要彻底打破也不容易。
    • 高端品牌需要巨额的广告费来支持,从名模到黄金时段都是钱,中国不保护知识产权,山寨产品泛滥,不可能产生出国际品牌。
    • n年前网上风传奇瑞汽车将于2009年进入北美市场。。。。时间过得真快呀,说着就到了
      • 厂商保修谁来做? 海尔的失败已经说明了一切! 中国的厂商短视, 经理人贪且无能.
    • 纠正一点:这里卖的中国产小商品(除了唐人街店里的半进口半走私的产品之外),绝大多数都不是中国的杂牌货,而是本地品牌。
    • 如果你是BELL的用户,那么你用的3G网络是华为的产品。不过日用品确实不多,中国的品牌目前还在抢国内的市场,还没有那么快有能力出来世界上竞争
      • 我用的rogers的高清电视机顶盒也是中国产的。
    • Canada Tire 有海信液晶电视卖。别着急,慢慢来
    • 首先,北美人已经认同了中国只是廉价劳动力,生产的高端产品不会被人认可,其次,在北美要大量广告,需要大额资金。还有,汇率,美国产品花在中国的广告费和中国花在美国广告费比较一下,考虑汇率就很明白了,还有最总要的一点是从上到下的崇洋媚外风气。