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That makes sense. People in developed countries can keep their jobs and living standard only if their governments shut out competition from China, India and other developing countries.

One of the biggest mistake US made is to think through globalization it can lift up the living standard of poorer countries, and people in those countries would become consumers of American ponducts. This never happens. All we see is developed countries keep losing jobs and capital to developing countries, and become increasing in debt to them. It turns out poorer countries dragged US living standard down instead. It's time to quit this naive idea of globalization and cancel all foreign aid. The world is a place of brutal competition, it does not have enough resource to make everybody as rich as American. If the developed countries want to keep its leading position, they must keep other nations backward by denying them technologies, investment and market access. Free trade should only be allowed between countries with similar living standard and wages, US, Europe and Japan

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 无耻美国救市计划中没有它最大债主中国产品采购为什么中国还继续买美国国债呢
    • 经济不好了就是这样。债主给欠债的更多的钱,希望欠债的不会破产,债主血本无归。美国给车厂发钱,给问题房主发钱。中国给美国钱。如果美国玩完了,估计中国一内乱,变成五代十国也说不准。最坏的还没开始,很快美国会要求refinance,把以前7%-10%的国债将息到4%。
    • 中国借不借对美国无所谓。我倒是更倾向于美国到美联储里去借,这样利息也不会给外人。反正中国的钱是死钱,永远都不会流通到市场中去,在通货膨胀的效果看,二者没有区别。
      • Yes, The US does not have to borrow money from China, it can just print money. It has hoped China and other developing countries can use the money to buy products and services from America. But that will not happen in a million years.
      • 你倒是向OBM建议啊。自己和自己的中央银行借,这么赤裸裸的流氓金融手法,是美国这个标榜道德公义的国家应该做的吗?



        • 中国贫富分化的状况不改变,外汇储备永远都花不掉,那就是死钱,根本就不会进入流通领域。通货膨胀也是经济危机的一种解法,趁早做未必是坏事。你自己当奴才惯了,不要老是一张嘴就主子主子的,大家和你不一样。
          • 通货膨胀也是经济危机的一种解法 -- You got it. Once inflation is up, housing stock prices will be up, and people will spend and invest again because if they don't, their money will depreciate due to the inflation. That's the only way out.
            • 好像找到了灵丹妙药。联储千方百计的长年累月的防止通胀,到了你这里,就是解药了。那是没有办法的办法。
          • 中国手里的美元已经买了俄罗斯和委内瑞拉和巴西的石油,非洲的原材料,澳大利亚的铁矿,英国的汽车公司。有人要美元。中国手里没有钱,有人说。有了钱,也有人说。反正你就是没有中国一句好话。
    • That makes sense. People in developed countries can keep their jobs and living standard only if their governments shut out competition from China, India and other developing countries.
      One of the biggest mistake US made is to think through globalization it can lift up the living standard of poorer countries, and people in those countries would become consumers of American ponducts. This never happens. All we see is developed countries keep losing jobs and capital to developing countries, and become increasing in debt to them. It turns out poorer countries dragged US living standard down instead. It's time to quit this naive idea of globalization and cancel all foreign aid. The world is a place of brutal competition, it does not have enough resource to make everybody as rich as American. If the developed countries want to keep its leading position, they must keep other nations backward by denying them technologies, investment and market access. Free trade should only be allowed between countries with similar living standard and wages, US, Europe and Japan
    • 美国的计划里面的内容对于加拿大和中国来说一点都不新鲜。 因为这些国家嘴上不 说,底下就是这么做的。 看看中国的“家电下乡”有没有有任何国外制造的东西。 法国最近给自己的汽车商钱的条件就是只能买法国货。
      加拿大嚷的很凶, 因为自己的ASS快COVER不了了。 HARPER去年为了上台说了太多的大话。
      • 我早就说过,贸易保护是唯一的解法。世界上没有任何国家能够承受13亿人口的中国,漠视人权,贫富分化造成的生产和消费的失衡。这是一个消费的黑洞,每年以两位数在增长,很快就会把全球的经济拖下水。
        • The Wall street bankers are in the same boat as the corrupted officials in China. For many years, they force companies to outsource jobs, move capital and technologies to China in order to maximize their personal profits.
          Now after causing such a big mess, their glorious days are over and people are starting to discard their ideas like globalization and outsourcing, and rightfully so.
          • 你这话跟新华社的评论一模一样。 建议去中宣部找份工作。 WALL STREET等于美国 政府? 政府用自己的钱要求买国货==贸易保护?
        • 还贸易保护主义呢。贸易保护主义的唯一受害者就是西方生活水平的下降。没有Wal-Mart, 你让美国人民自己伺候自己?美国人民不是用中国人民的便宜货,就是让墨西哥人民偷渡来伺候他们。站着说话不腰疼。
          • 完全错误。 对于生活水平,高质量的制造业业工作机会比Wal-Mart更重要。但贸易保护会使跨国公司投资利润下降,这些利益集团是贸易保护政策难以逾越的障隘。
            • 这些辨来辨去的谁也说服不了谁。贸易保护主义伤害的就是西方的人民。不要说制造业工作已经转移了,跨国资本根本就不会答应。再说,我还没有看见那个政治领导人在主张贸易保护主义。
              • 贸易保护主义伤害的是跨国资本,所以跨国资本根本就不会答应。贸易保护保护的是西方的人民,法国人否决欧盟条约就是这个道理。主张贸易保护主义政治领导人,在米国国会州府市府里面还少吗?米国历史上曾长期实行贸易保护。目前虽不是国策,但讲实用的米国人不会被理念框住
                • Protectionism has already started, money in the stimulus plan are either given to State governments which do not abide by WTO, NAFTA and any other trade agreements, or spent on infrastructure projects which can not be done overseas.
                  There's a widely shared consensus among populations in Western countries that globalization are benefiting people in China and India and multi-national corporations but hurting people in the West. Think about it, the living standard in the Western countries have improved very little in the last 30 years of free trade era, but living standard in China and India have improved dramatically. Yes the made-in-China stuff at WalMart are cheaper, but the gains are more than wiped
                  out by higher housing prices and inflation in other areas of the economy. Now, many people in the West have waken up to reality and start to demand changes.
    • 美国的国债外国的持有率是25%。 中国政府的持有率是个位数。 中国政府不买影响 不了大局。 实际上现在的国债短期利率是负的, 仍然有很多人买, 就说明聪明人 看好美元。
    • 中国这样做是不得已而为之的上策。1. 因为就目前和未来的形式看,美元依旧是最完美的硬通货币,2. 人们在痛恨美国把大家拖下水的同时,理智上都清楚,只有美国才能把大家救上岸。3. 保有美元而少持RMB的风险,比RMB将来爆贬的风险要小得多。治国要靠理智而不能靠感情。。。
    • 因为中国官员的孙子都是美国人。
      • 说到点子上了。如果我党不出卖人民利益给美国人,怎么拿回扣呢?
      • 你太伟大的,一针见血,恰到好处。你是世界上比本.拉登还要伟大的人。不是忽悠你,你是最伟大的。。