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什么是Architect? 应该是技术专家吗? 绝对不是。Architect 应该掌握的是方法,而不是技术。所以Architect 要想干成事离不开 SME.

An IT Architect 应该是:
- A consensus builder
- A generalist

An IT Architect 不应该是
- A “top-level”software designer
- The project manager
- A technology expert
- A product expert
- A lone scientist

Analyzing the requirements
Creating modelsat the right level of abstraction
Creating viewsthat satisfy the concernsof different stakeholders
Providing a decisiontrail

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 什么是Architect? 应该是技术专家吗? 绝对不是。Architect 应该掌握的是方法,而不是技术。所以Architect 要想干成事离不开 SME.
    An IT Architect 应该是:
    - A consensus builder
    - A generalist

    An IT Architect 不应该是
    - A “top-level”software designer
    - The project manager
    - A technology expert
    - A product expert
    - A lone scientist

    Analyzing the requirements
    Creating modelsat the right level of abstraction
    Creating viewsthat satisfy the concernsof different stakeholders
    Providing a decisiontrail
    • 比较多见的是Data Architect
      • Scope of Work of Architect on Canada
        1. Design outlook of building layout, plan and elevation
        2. Confirm Building Code
        3. Apply Building Permit
        4. Design Fire protection
        5. Check building dimension.
        6. Dimension Expert.
    • Architect must be a 技术专家 at first hand. No question about it.
      • by definition, an architect does not need to know any particular product or technology. A product expert, or a top level software designer are not architects.
        Architects build consensus from different stake holders, understand the functional and non functional requirements, leave arhcitectural decision trace, externalize the thinking process, utilize experts in the right area, and produce work products by reuse assests and /or by creative thinking following carefully selected methodology, patterns, reference architectures, frameworks - but not the implementation of the solution.
        • 你所描述的是大IT公司的系统架构师,在很多企业,系统架构并不是一个非常偏向business的职位,他一般是由在公司工作了十年以上的senior, 对公司的系统发展,现状了如指掌,集数据库,软件开发及管理,操作平台各种知识于一身。
          • 牛哥就是牛啊。。。。
            • 不牛不牛,我说的是本公司一牛大佬,哈哈。
        • Interesting.请教几个问题:Analyzing the requirements-需要输出什么文档?Creating models at the right level of abstraction-通常用什么方法?Providing a decision trail-需要给客户做presentation吗?这跟Sales Engineer的区别是什么?
          • some times it is confusing. I have been puzzled by the definition forever. There are overlaps of consultant, architect, specialist or developer. They are job function definitions.
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛One person could work in different job roles at the same time. an SE can be either one, or a combination of the three. The objective of an SE is to sell the right solution to the production level, including hardware, software, professional services, maintenance configurations and provide cost case/ROI. An architect may or may not go down to the product level. Many times, it is required that the architect to stay at a high level and maintain vendor neutral to avoid possible conflict of interest to exclude the company he/she represents from participating the bidding process later on.

            Analyzing the requirements-需要输出什么文档?
            A: Functional aspects can be represented in use cases and/or component module. Non functional requirement document and/or operational module can be used to list all the operational aspects of the requirement. i am quite flexible in terms of format - some times i just create a WORD document and name it as customer requirements.

            Creating models at the right level of abstraction-通常用什么方法?
            A: depending if this is a infrastructure project, or an application development project, or both. I am in infrastructure area, so I can easily adopt existing reference architectures for my project. How different can it be between two IP Telephony solutions in terms of moduling? LOL. I guess for software engineering, it involves much more work effort.

            Providing a decision trail-需要给客户做presentation
            A: i always present my solution with all important architectural decisions documented and rationalized - including the description, justification, alternatives, constraints, dependancy, risks by doing or not doing, associated cost, impact to business etc etc. The reason is that, after a year or so when I left the project, someone will always ask who the dummy senior architect made that laughable decision at that time and made all their life miserable. LOL.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • very useful. I can see the gap to be an architect now. Many thanks.
              • any time. i put those definitions there, but not necessarily I agree with all the terms or approaches.
    • 这不是那谁说过的,架狗师嘛,,,
      • have seen too many paper based so called "architects". but there are a few good ones out there too.
    • My Definition: Half SA+Half DBA=Data Architect
    • 不知道猫哥公司有多大。在我呆的公司,有Infrastructure Architect, Communication Architect, Data Architect, Application Architect. 各有专攻.
      • similar thing...
      • 还有senior architect or chief architect,能够考虑所有这些之间的接口。
    • 你说的这种一般叫 solution architect or business analyst, 不太需要技术, 本地人做得多, 另一种technical architect 技术则一定要超强, 印度人做得多, 同胞也不少.
    • 恕直言,the architect you mention is 纸上谈兵,kind of like a BA role...I don't think I would hire such an architect
      • depends on the job - for cross discipline complex solution that includes application, server storage, network/voice/video, contact center, security, management, business process enhancement, no one would know it all.
    • haha..... a consensus builder .... that is a requirement to be a manager in a japanese corporate ......... :-)
      • 糟糕,忘了一点,要对老猫同学提出批评。怎么可以忘记这么重要的一个条件,architect 一定要会打架。
        • Absolutely. thats part of the job description - to achieve "consensus", you can either win people over, or scare them off, depending on the siutation. LOL.
          • hehe... :-) I know you are an expert to win them over......as long as you have enough time..........
            • just there is no way I can find to scare people off
        • 养那么多架构师其实是IT机构臃肿的表现! 在很多情况下,一个架构师,和各部门的BA,, SA, PM, Senior Eng凑到一起就行了.
    • It seems that a lot of Architects are talking now. May I ask a question for which I have been seeking answer for a long time?
      What is the difference between logical Architecture and Solution Architecture?
      • A solution architecture can have many layers, including system context, functional requirement, NFRs, component module(the "what" question), operational module, architecture overview, architectual decisions,viability assessment ....
        in operational module (which addresses the "how" question), it can have application level operational module, logical or specified operational module - this may be what you referred to as logical architecture, and physical or node operational module - this is usually what people will see and understand outside the "architect" community.
        • Solution Architecture and Logical Architecture both adress "how".
          the "how" is in Zachman framework termology; however, Solution Architecture I mentioned here is a concept coming from other methodology, not from Zachman. My real quesiton is, how to compare the two architecture designs? and what is the difference?
          • I guess different methods have different terms. The method (UMF) I was using could be quite different than yours in mind.
    • 偶不喜欢在大公司里做,偶喜欢在小公司里,管他 co-operation buyer, network/UNIX admin, DBA , technical support, developer, BA, architect,auditing什么都一起做。。。。哦,当然还要做 project manger。。。。最好外加个 sales manager 。。。。。
      • i was always confused by what a product manager would do
        • 不同行,弱弱回你。我们这是 Product Line Manager 出 Product Requirement Document,Project Manager 出 Release Functional Specification。PLM 根据市场/用户提要求,PM回应能否做到,俩人商量好,System Architect 出 System Architectural Description,然后
          硬件/软件/测试的 Architects 分别出 Hardware Specification, Software Definition, Testing and Verification Plan....
          • 老猫家只烤一种Cookie,pretty straight forward.
            • yes, I have a simple mind.
        • hehe..... cisco's and ms' product managers are very powerful.....i do not know for sure, but i would imagine that he is the key person to drive the product such as planning and delivery and testing and road map..... i could be wrong
    • Architect被擂后能找什么工作? 我看到的是接着干programmer.
      • programmer被layoff,能做architect吗?
        • 当然能阿,architect也是从programmer过来的
      • 能上能下啊,有什么不好的。但programmer被layoff以后找到architect工作,那是幸运因素占了大半,因此这种例子会少的可怜,呵呵。
        • developer要的可是硬技术, 不懂技术行吗? 您这可是自相矛盾啊.
          • 我没有说developer不需要懂技术。只是architect要更全面些,视野更远一些,实际动手更少一点。你的意思是architect不需要懂技术?
          • architect回去做develope,只是做回以前自己做过的工作,除了开始可能有点手生,并需要学一点新的细节以外,加上architect工作期间培养的视野及考虑问题的思路,胜任工作是没有问题的。
            而developer去做architect的话,architect需要一堆其他的skills, 这些skills对于developer不是必须的,当然不否认有的developer已经具备了,但毕竟是极少数。
    • what I talked about here is a professional, not a job title or job role. someone may call themselves architects or whatever, in reality they may be performing as a consultant, a senior developer, a product manager or a PM, or vice versa.
    • 同意80%,另外20%同意牛X说的,Architect首先是技术专家,否则,你只能做Business Analyst (BA)的工作,而不是Architect的工作,呵呵。
    • 给你们看看一个活生生的ARCHITECT的例子。 听说过XP 方法论的发明人Kent Beck吗? ?
      "Kent Beck is an American software engineer who was the project leader for the Chrysler Comprehensive Compensation (C3) system, a long-term project for employee payroll. C3 overran its cost and time schedules while delivering no functions and was canceled just under 4 years after it was started."

      So there you go man!
    • 但你这个帖子很有意义。因为很多人误解,以为Architect等同于技术专家。而实际Architect应该是懂Business,了解Business业务模式,发展趋势,精通相关领域的现有技术,了解技术发展趋势的复合人才。
    • 一个好的architect, 首先应该是长得很活力四射, 很帅气. 让每一个场合的听众,不管是一屋子SMEs, 还是一屋子executives, 都撑着腮梆子听着着迷.
      而且是上得了厅堂, 下得了厨房. 上架子能布得一手好线, 下到board能包圆最老谋深算, 最tricky的问题. 而且穿衣服总是很得体.

      而且自己从不把自己当成architect, 说话不把自己都酸倒了 :)
      • 你这不是说牛哥吗?
    • 哈,俺公司就俺一个人,一边架构,一边写代码。俺觉得架构就是写一大堆的Interface
      • 俺也差不多。有时候也选选framework.
    • 偶是chief architect, 找我有事吗?
      • 有事,有事。chief architect 一般都太忙,不上这网。难得有个chief architect 来这里溜达溜达,俺们都是没事闲的。那咱就讨论讨论architect 有没有用的问题吧
        • architect就是一放哪都能忽悠的position. 一个部门即使个个都是SME牛人, 没有一个能对内对外对上对下都能讲得头头是道的architect也是没用.
          • sorry, what does SME stand for here?:)
            • I assume 楼主指的是Senior Manager Executive.
              • 记得N年前搞项目开会,经常一屋子10几口子人,有 principal, project manager, Nx project coordinators, project executive, account manager, opportunity owner, presales, team lead, Nx architects 然后再加上一个干活的,还就数我没话可说。
                • so what's the title of SME usually? who is responsible for the project/solution implementation?
                  • SME 一般是真正干活的人,什么Title 都有, i.e. specialist, etc.
                    • True, they can be CEO of Canadian Tire, a professor, a salesman, or a farmer.
            • subject matter expert
    • 上面列位大侠说的都差不多对,但不完全是这样,因为ARCHITECT这个职位前面一般都有一个名词,所以具体要求就不太一样。一个好的ARCHITECT至少曾经是某方面的EXPERT。酱紫。
      • chief architect 就是美食专家?
        • 美食家可是我的梦想啊!做什么家都不如做美食家来得爽!:)))
        • 我在国内被很多朋友称谓美食家。只可惜是业余的,没有那些职业的白吃白喝还有钱拿这等好事。
    • 俺们公司一个年纪轻轻的中国女孩做architect., 还是senior
    • 俺觉得Architect都是大牛,判断好多问题都凭第六感。