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漏掉的那20 分钟对故事的理解可能很重要,因为这20 分钟会讲述一对青年男女怎么fall in love, believe that they are special.......till they got married with kids, and the love turns sour. ...

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我个人的感觉,趋向于这个评论。

Love, it's a curious thing. When it's fresh it is new, it is exciting and you wake up every morning just aching to spend another day with the person you love. Then you get married, have kids perhaps and things change. You fight. You fight over NOTHING. You grow to loathe the person you used to love to wake up next to. The world closes in on you and things don't seem the same anymore. You daydream about what life used to be like, how much love you used to be in and ask yourself - what happened??? Frank and April Wheeler meet and fall in love at a party. They talk about how their lives are going to be extraordinary and they are going to be different. They are going to live in Paris. They are never going to be "those people" in the suburbs. That isn't what life has in store for them. However life happens, April gets pregnant and they have to settle for a life more ordinary than they had planned for with the promise that someday, they will return to their dreams and complete them.

The Wheeler's dreams do not ever become reality and as the bleak expanse of life stretches out ahead of April she decides to reach out for her personal brass ring and convince Frank that they are better than their home on Revolutionary Road and Frank's job with his father's company and are meant for the greatness that they once talked about having in Paris. April quickly begins to hope again that not only will her life change to what it should have been but that her and Frank will fall back in love again. Frank falls in love with the idea and agrees to go, but has reservations about leaving the job he hates but that gives him a purpose in life. The plans are only a temporary band-aid as their glass house of dreams tumble around them and become a shattered illusion of what it used to be.

This movie is not one that you will send your entire family to see - or even your good friends. It isn't one that everyone will get or even WANT to get. However, this movie will tear out the heart of the people that have been in a relationship that has gone sour and were powerless to stop it. You try everything to stop the inevitable train wreck you see coming but yet, it still ends in a fiery crash and you stand and wonder how your life could end up this way. That's Frank and April and you will come to love and hate them by the end of this movie.

The acting in this movie is beyond amazing because it's simple and not overdone by the lead actors. Many things are not ever said - nor needed to be said - and were played with a flick of emotion across the face. I watched this movie expecting Kate to be the one to blow me away as usual and was shocked when it was Leo that knocked my socks off. I felt little sympathy for Frank in the novel but in the movie he plays him so well you can't help but feel sorry for him. I must mention that the supporting roles in this movie are nothing to sneeze at as well.

If you are looking for a wholesome family movie that will melt your heart, this isn't it. However, if you are willing to deal with a bit of stark reality - this is the movie for you. It rocked me harder than American Beauty ever did.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 白天不懂夜的黑

    看电影没要钱,趴车没要钱,连吃饭都没要钱,本该喜得合不拢嘴,从《REVOLUTIONARY ROAD》黑暗中出来,满脑子只有一句话:男人永远不懂女人。

    因为去得晚,得以大摇大摆溜进放映厅,也错过了20分钟的恩爱和美的场面,一进去看到的就是两个人商量着要MOVING TO PARIS。小温准备去那边找做
    会SO RELEASED?看情形她好象是高兴的样。幸好她的HUSBAND也和我一样,搞不懂,莫非这个妻子第6感,早知道她的HUSBAND以后会和小温来那么一下?

    面对一个MILLION DOLLAR的机会,一个LIFETIME CHANCE,哪个男人会不动心?只是,动心的理由,说出来的都是“为家庭赚钱,一如每天10个小时的工作,

    女人的雷达真是TMD太HIGH-TECH了,男人的一点点心动,还只是一个OPTION,也躲不过女人的眼睛和耳朵。男人除了下水COOL DOWN外,毫无招架。
    让怀孕这个事成了一个蓄意的阴谋。事情就是这么糟糕。当小温咬牙切齿地问小卡:“DO YOU REALLY WANT THIS CHILD”,我就知道,小卡要开讲道理了,



    狂暴之后,平静一夜,天亮了,生活还是要继续。男人仍如计划好的一样去签那个MILLION OFFER,女人却已下决心说再见。只是让男人看到的,却是那么的贤惠,
    那么温婉的GOOD MORNING,那么贴心的问水果汁怎么做,甚至那么关心的问将要去的工作内容是什么。男人还兴致勃勃讲哪个比500还棒的计算机时,女人却已经没
    盘子,忍了很久的眼泪,轰然而出,一如那开着的水龙头,止都止不住。悲剧就要发生,可怜的男人去接受一个MILLION OFFER。为家庭?为自己?还是为爱情?



    电影是生活,生活是电影。还是回到那个高雅的理由吧。小温演得真好,象极了,真该得奖。小卡还是SG,人见人爱,花见花开,就是OVER ACTING,很冲击,

    • 哎呀,喜欢这样的落笔呀.
    • 不错,有时间去看看~~
    • 漏掉的那20 分钟对故事的理解可能很重要,因为这20 分钟会讲述一对青年男女怎么fall in love, believe that they are special.......till they got married with kids, and the love turns sour. ...
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我个人的感觉,趋向于这个评论。

      Love, it's a curious thing. When it's fresh it is new, it is exciting and you wake up every morning just aching to spend another day with the person you love. Then you get married, have kids perhaps and things change. You fight. You fight over NOTHING. You grow to loathe the person you used to love to wake up next to. The world closes in on you and things don't seem the same anymore. You daydream about what life used to be like, how much love you used to be in and ask yourself - what happened??? Frank and April Wheeler meet and fall in love at a party. They talk about how their lives are going to be extraordinary and they are going to be different. They are going to live in Paris. They are never going to be "those people" in the suburbs. That isn't what life has in store for them. However life happens, April gets pregnant and they have to settle for a life more ordinary than they had planned for with the promise that someday, they will return to their dreams and complete them.

      The Wheeler's dreams do not ever become reality and as the bleak expanse of life stretches out ahead of April she decides to reach out for her personal brass ring and convince Frank that they are better than their home on Revolutionary Road and Frank's job with his father's company and are meant for the greatness that they once talked about having in Paris. April quickly begins to hope again that not only will her life change to what it should have been but that her and Frank will fall back in love again. Frank falls in love with the idea and agrees to go, but has reservations about leaving the job he hates but that gives him a purpose in life. The plans are only a temporary band-aid as their glass house of dreams tumble around them and become a shattered illusion of what it used to be.

      This movie is not one that you will send your entire family to see - or even your good friends. It isn't one that everyone will get or even WANT to get. However, this movie will tear out the heart of the people that have been in a relationship that has gone sour and were powerless to stop it. You try everything to stop the inevitable train wreck you see coming but yet, it still ends in a fiery crash and you stand and wonder how your life could end up this way. That's Frank and April and you will come to love and hate them by the end of this movie.

      The acting in this movie is beyond amazing because it's simple and not overdone by the lead actors. Many things are not ever said - nor needed to be said - and were played with a flick of emotion across the face. I watched this movie expecting Kate to be the one to blow me away as usual and was shocked when it was Leo that knocked my socks off. I felt little sympathy for Frank in the novel but in the movie he plays him so well you can't help but feel sorry for him. I must mention that the supporting roles in this movie are nothing to sneeze at as well.

      If you are looking for a wholesome family movie that will melt your heart, this isn't it. However, if you are willing to deal with a bit of stark reality - this is the movie for you. It rocked me harder than American Beauty ever did.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 顶!这样写很抓人,看了很冲击,不看很遗憾。辛苦了,谢谢!
    • 你说话是为了让人明白,而有些人写字是为了让人糊涂
    • 写得有趣。不过关于那个设备。
      那应该是从地下医生那里拿的非法堕胎东东,长久以来堕胎在美国都是非法的。。。。你应该看一下有一部电影叫<abortion>, Demmi More, Cher 都在里面。
      • 你是对的, 这个设备最后还用上了. 明白了为什么小温不告诉小卡怀孕的事? 想自己弄掉. SEX的后果这么可怕, 这个片子实在是应该定为"未婚不宜".
        • 7. lol.