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俺是说,没有傻子,只有呆子-被书愚弄的书呆子。另一个人写的瑞士没受纳粹侵略的历史。Why did Hitler not attack Switzerland? 看你相信谁。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛<本文发表于: 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 www.rolia.net/forum >
During World War II, Switzerland was not actually attacked. Occasional incidents were absolutely insignificant in view of the dimensions of the Second World War. Incidents proceeded more frequently from British and American bombers than from Germany or Italy. Nevertheless German troops were regarded as a really serious threat. Unlike for other nations (for example Sweden), this threat was real, insofar as Hitler did have plans to incorporate all German-speaking regions into his empire (including 70% of Switzerland) and to integrate the rest of Switzerland (french and italian speaking areas) into France and Italy respectively. (see Independent Commission of Experts Switzerland - World War II, final report, p. 87)

The plans for the attack were ready in the drawers of the German army. (final report, p. 84) German broadcast propaganda went "Die Schweiz, das kleine Stachelschwein, nehmen wir auf dem Rückweg ein" ["We'll take Switzerland, the small porcupine, on our way back home!"] (quoted after oral family tradition, consistent with lots of independent other oral sources published in the internet). - and this was taken quite seriously. Nevertheless the attack was never carried out. Why this?
Antitank-Obstacle Switzerland, World War II
Antitank-Obstacle in Switzerland, World War II


Switzerland demonstrated military readiness with the general mobilization in 1939 and border occupation by 430,000 troops (20 % of the employed persons). However, their equipment was not very up to date. Eugen Bircher, a Swiss colonel at the time, probably made a correct assessment of the situation when saying that the Germans would have been able to advance towards the Swiss capital Berne with a single tank regiment easily. (Edgar Bonjour, Neutralität, Bd. IV, 1970, p. 379 quoted after Independent Commission of Experts Switzerland - World War II, final report, German edition, p. 92. Note that the english edition of the final report, p. 89f does not give the important adverb "easily")
This assessment was shared (but not declared publicly) by a broad majority of leading Swiss Army officers. As a consequence Switzerland's commander in chief General Henri Guisan developped his famous "Reduit Concept" in summer 1940, according to which the Swiss Army would have retreated into the alps relatively soon if attacked, but would have kept up resistance based on some sort of guerilla tactics from there.
Consequently the term "Grenzbesetzung" [occupation of the borders] was replaced by "Aktivdienst" [active (military) service, the term "active" was meant as a counterpoint to 3-week military repetition courses that Swiss soldiers have to attend annually.] After the (international) debate on Switzerland's refugee politics and looted jewish assets in the 1990's there is now a new (internal) debate about the Reduit Concept among members of the so-called Aktivdienstgeneration [generation of people that were called to active military service]. It seems, that they are becoming aware only today, how soon General Guisan would have retreated Swiss troops from the borders into the Reduit, trying to prevent useless bloodshed on terrain, where the aggressor could use his tanks and aircraft, but leaving the majority of the population under occupation. The main strategy, however, was deterrence rather than fighting - and this worked out better than a sober external observer would have estimated. Of course, General Guisan did not communicate his detailed plans publicly in 1940 ...

Integrating the German speaking regions (74%) of Switzerland into the Third Reich - as Adolf Hitler did with Austria in 1938 and planned with Switzerland - would have led to civil disobedience and massive "internal" criticism within the Reich, thereby absorbing too many forces of secret police and armed forces and it might even have strengthened the internal resistance in Germany against the Nazi regime. The Swiss concept of Spiritual Defense also had a deterring effect insofar as due to this movement the Swiss population was not at all "demoralized and ready for capitulation", as Adolf Hitler tried to get his victims by massive propaganda.

Switzerland's alpine railways were of central importance for transports between Germany and Italy . In case of an attack on Switzerland, the Swiss Army would have destroyed important bridges and tunnels, and would have paralyzed the connection for years. The Swiss compromise offer to Germany and Italy was, that Switzerland would allow transports between Germany and Italy in sealed box cars without checking the contents - in exchange for the supply of vital raw materials and goods. This obviously was more attractive to Germany than a destroyed railway line. On the other hand, exporting industry products (chemicals, pharmceutics, machinery and electrical equipment) was far more vital for Switzerland as a small country than importing was for Germany and Italy - big nations having together 25 times the Swiss population and being able to use industrial resources all over occupied Europe.

Some historians say, that financial services, especially buying gold from Germany in exchange for convertible currency (Germany's national currency was no longer accepted as a means of payment in the international markets) was also an important factor. The Independent Commission of Experts showed that the Chairman of the Swiss National Bank (SNB) did not use this argument during the Second World War. "It was only after the war ... that the SNB directors claimed that their gold transactions and positive relations with Germany had prevented Germany from seriously considering the option of military operations against Switzerland. ... One might just as well claim that with its «business as usual» approach, the SNB had effectively prevented Switzerland from using the convertibility of its currency as a trump card in the economic negotiations with Germany, thus neutralising the dissuasive potential." (Independent Commission of Experts Switzerland - World War II, final report, p. 247f)

The defense of Switzerland was thus based only on three columns (army, Spiritual Defense and alpine transit), but all of them were quite weak. So it was ever more important to combine them in a most effective way. The international debate on Switzerland's role in World War II has split public opinion into two camps: Swiss traditionalists defend the glorious role of the Swiss Army while leftist critics point to anything that has been done wrong according to moral standards. A sober look at the real balance of power between Germany and Austria vs. tiny Switzerland and the fact that France and Great Britain were not able to prevent Germany from occupying France in 1940 shows that Switzerland's Army (even backed up by Spiritual Defense) had absolutely no chance to withstand an attack and defend its borders.

Therefore an attempt to rely on military deterrence alone would inevitably have ended in being defeated - and thus practically all Swiss citizens of Jewish origin as well as some 100,000 military and some 60,000 civilian refugees admitted by Switzerland would have faced deportation to the concentration and death camps of the Nazis.

I estimate that alpine transportation was the key "joker" of Switzerland. Jokers have no effect, however, if not played out. An alpine transit railway with severe restrictions for use would have been of limited interest for Nazi Germany just as a destroyed one, and it would not have served as an argument to prevent a Nazi attack on Switzerland. Under acute threat it was obviously very difficult to estimate, how many concessions would convince Adolf Hitler to renounce on an attack. Given the weak negotiating position thus no other choice remained for Switzerland than to permit rather too many of the often criticized transports than too few.
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  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 学者预言:美国在2010瓦解成七个小国家。其中一部份州为加拿大所有。来源:华尔街日报。
    * DECEMBER 29, 2008

    As if Things Weren't Bad Enough, Russian Professor Predicts End of U.S.

    In Moscow, Igor Panarin's Forecasts Are All the Rage; America 'Disintegrates' in 2010

    • 应该抓起来, 叛分裂国家和颠覆政府罪.
      • 美国的精华是言论自由。也是骗子的天堂。总统BUSH,州长Blagojevich等政客是能说会道的大骗子,MADOFF,NOTEL 前总裁,雷曼兄弟银行等基金经理和银行家是拙嘴笨腮的小骗子,小心上当。
      • 想起了那个所谓的<反分裂国家法>就搞笑: 人家既然想分裂国家,就是不承认跟你是一个国家,你一国的法律对另一国就没有约束力, 所以说这个<反分裂国家法>就是为FQ们的自慰提供了充分的想象空间
        • <反分裂国家法>无非就是为今后可能发动的战争准备借口罢了
          • 就如那个爱国法一样
          • 更有可能是为将来调动FQ们的爱国热情作准备.
          • 对内就是为压制言论自由准备借口。
    • 一个瓦解的美国,将是美国为促进世界民主及和平事业所能做出的最大贡献。若诉诸地球公民投票公决,将会压倒性多数支持美国分裂。这就是人心所向嘛 。
      • 在就是所以当今世界大部分国家都很贫穷,尤其是贫富差距很大,大部分国家仍处于专制独裁阶段的原因。如果美国更强大,世界就会更民主、更和平以及更有人权。世界上的老百姓才会更有好日子过。
        • 对比一下安详和平的瑞士和贪婪恐惧美国。 最好的武器:瑞士军刀,是用来享受的。美国核武器,是用来毁灭人类的。瑞士没有参与任何近代战争。 美国是近代战争的最大收益者。瑞士穷富差别最小,美国穷富差别最大。瑞士银行信誉最好。美国银行信誉XX。 (#65344@43)
          • 瑞士不是不参与战争, 是没有能力参与. 在批判美国的同时, 我们不应该忘记, 如果当年没有美国参与二战, 欧洲就是纳粹的天下, 如果当年美国不支持中国政府的抗战, 中国就是法西斯日本军国的一部分.
            • 战争是靠人心取胜,越战,朝鲜战争,都是没能力的取胜。阿富汗有能力对抗,美国等国的联军。纳粹怕瑞士,因为瑞士全民皆兵。他们每个成年人都有枪。
              • 瑞士的地理位置对德国不重要吧. 战争中全民皆兵并不是一个优势, 一旦敌人知道对方是全民皆兵, 后果就是见人就杀, 全民皆杀.
                • 瑞士银行的黄金对希特勒非常重要,他们就是为了金钱而战。美国参与二战, 是得人心,是胜利者,阿富汗和伊朗战争不得人心。不得人心的战争必败。
                  • 纳粹啥时候怕过瑞士了?现有的资料倒证明瑞士二战时和纳粹有着千丝万缕的联系。另外,不得人心的战争不一定必败,蒙古征服中国不得人心,胜了;满清征服中国不得人心,胜了;中共征服西藏,不得藏人的人心,不也胜了?别给我说过几十年几百年他们必败,那是自我安慰。
                    • 成吉思汗_伟大的蒙古征服者。蒙古的征服统一了亚洲大部分地区, (中国是一部分)因而使通过该洲的贸易路线比过去更加安全。得人心。
                      • 民族英雄文天祥,张煌言是怎么回事?元朝的等级制度对汉人又是怎么一回事?成吉思汗征服了包括你的祖先在内的多个国家,你不以为耻就罢了,反倒来个斯德哥尔摩情节,BS ing
                        • 国家民族是统治者统治人们的工具,俺移民加拿大就是“卖国贼”。很多朋友都用钱买个“卖国贼”。
                          • “卖国”,你还没有资格,不过根据你的言论,你有这方面的potential。
                            • “卖国”? 什么是“ 国”?我猜你不是印第安人,你的意思加拿大不是你的“国”,要爱“国” ,你很快就离开多伦多。
                      • 高论!高论!东条英机_伟大的大东亚征服者。日本的征服统一了亚洲大部分地区, (中国是一部分)因而使通过该洲的贸易路线比过去更加安全。得人心。 // 当年的蒙古和日本对中国人的大肆屠杀是很得中国人人心的。。。。
                        • 成吉思汗遂颁布了《成吉思汗法典》,是世界上第一套應用範圍最廣泛的成文法典,建立了一套以民主為基礎的共和政體制度。成吉思汗和东条英机不同。前者为当地百姓流血牺牲,建立民主共和政体,后者是为日本天皇增加领土奴隶而战。
                          • 成吉思汗建立了一套以民主為基礎的共和政體制度???在讲笑话吧!
                            • 《成吉思汗法典》不信?买本研究研究。
                    • 满清征服中国:明朝政府对内欺压百姓,朝政腐败,大臣皇帝生活淫乱,李自成起义失败后。满清顺民心,灭了腐败无德的明朝,得民心。
                      • 扬州十日,嘉定三屠是怎么回事? 留头不留发,留发不留头又是怎么一回事?你这和日本右派为日本二战时侵略中国翻案的言论很接近嘛
                        • 统治者争权夺利,牺牲百姓。如果政府都像瑞士政府一样,把相信民众,把武器发到每个成人手中,以百姓的利益主,就不会发生那种事。
                          • 面对点现实吧,好好了解一下二战时瑞士政府及银行与纳粹德国的关系再来发言
                            • 是这些“猫腻” 历史吗?历史,不同的人可以写出不同的历史。历史书是为写书人服务的。别上当
                              • 既然你把链接都给出来了,你还嘴硬什么?
                                • 瑞士用的是"Spiritual defense" 战胜侵略者的。
                                  The term "Geistige Landesverteidigung" [spiritual national defense] stands for the strong and widespread political will of the Swiss population to defend Switzerlands independence and democratic constitution against the Nazis. This common goal united entrepreneurs and socialists that had waged bitter conflicts during all of the 1920's. It was Switzerland's answer to Nazi propaganda warfare.
                      • "满清顺民心" - wo ri
                        • 大多中国开国皇帝是开明顺民心的。未代皇帝昏庸无能。
                          • 疯狂屠杀几千万的满清开国屠夫居然能顺应民心?不过也对,把稍有骨气的中国人都杀光了,留下了一些奴隶,倒是顺了奴隶的民心。
                            • 明朝怕内乱,对内镇压李自成的起义上,对外软弱无能。 如果明朝皇帝相信他们子民,像瑞士政府一样,藏副与民,把武器发到每个成人手中,以百姓的利益本,看满清有多大本事。现代史,英国从清朝政府租赁香港后,香港成了世界最繁荣富足的城市,顺香港民心。
                              • 你的满清更厉害,非但不让老百姓拥有武器,还把有可能对他们的弓马骑射造成威胁的火器完全禁止,尽一切可能的愚弄,奴化中国老百姓,造成了中国近代的贫困和愚昧,到现在还没有缓过劲来。“
                                明朝怕内乱,对内镇压李自成的起义上,对外软弱无能”- 这一点大清国有过之而无不及。
                                • 开国皇帝得民心,不受明朝统治阶层的欢迎,百姓得益:康熙帝注意恢复和发展生产,采取了一系列有利于社会经济恢复和发展的措施。
                                  • 当然,人都杀光了,当然荒地多了。
                                  • 仁兄要是早生300多年,估计是贵县第一个剃发易服,留起猪尾巴的得益的百姓。
                                    • 剃发易服只是表面现象,是新旧统治者之间的较量。 对大多数百姓来说,安居乐业最重要。咱们移民加拿大不就图个安居乐业吗?你在胡拿中国护照还是拿加拿大护照吗?
                                      • "剃发易服"不是亡国是亡天下,是满清为了奴化你们这些汉人,效果很明显,奴化以后,当然他们做的每一件事情从奴隶眼中看来都是"顺应民心"的。
                                        如果我生在当年,满人强迫我"剃发易服",我一定不会跟您一样顺从的,我会用鲜血捍卫做人的权力, 从你的发言,我了解为什么秦桧,孙之懈,吴三桂是民族英雄,而岳飞,文天祥,阎应元,史可法之流终将被钉在历史的耻辱柱上被万人唾骂,因为他们阻挡了百姓民意。
                                        • 俺在陪基金经理们玩股票呢,从他们那儿赚点钞票, 再来赔给你耍。 :)
                                          • 不耍了不耍了,你忙你的,我也得上班赚口粮呢。
                    • 中共征服西藏,不得把藏人当牛马,用人皮做鼓乐喇嘛们的人心,得到的是被喇嘛把皮抽筋藏人的人心。 得人心。
                      • 班禅的七万言书是怎么回事?
                        • 骗人。
                          • 真是个傻孩子,连面对现实的胆量都没有,只会自我欺骗的喊“骗人”
                            • 班禅是喇嘛的领袖。 “班禅”的七万言书, 是用人皮写的吗?是为被喇嘛把皮抽筋藏人说话的吗?
                              • 哈哈,原来真是个啥都不知道的傻小子啊。得,你继续表演你的无知,我乐于观看
                                • 俺不是傻小子!俺是大呆子,被书愚弄的书大呆子。
                    • 瑞士二战时的银行和任何大银行一样,以盈利为目的,不是慈善机构,中立, 为任何国家政府服务。
                      • 傻孩子,多读点书,多做点 literature search, 你就知道瑞士银行和纳粹的关系了。最后,劝你静下心来好好提高自己,别再丢人现眼了。
                        • 丢人不受愚弄,不同的人,看同的一本书, 理解不一样。没有傻子,只有被愚弄子。
                          • 语无伦次,不知所云,但看到这些话是出自你的口,我表示非常理解
                            • 俺是说,没有傻子,只有呆子-被书愚弄的书呆子。另一个人写的瑞士没受纳粹侵略的历史。Why did Hitler not attack Switzerland? 看你相信谁。
                              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛<本文发表于: 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 www.rolia.net/forum >
                              During World War II, Switzerland was not actually attacked. Occasional incidents were absolutely insignificant in view of the dimensions of the Second World War. Incidents proceeded more frequently from British and American bombers than from Germany or Italy. Nevertheless German troops were regarded as a really serious threat. Unlike for other nations (for example Sweden), this threat was real, insofar as Hitler did have plans to incorporate all German-speaking regions into his empire (including 70% of Switzerland) and to integrate the rest of Switzerland (french and italian speaking areas) into France and Italy respectively. (see Independent Commission of Experts Switzerland - World War II, final report, p. 87)

                              The plans for the attack were ready in the drawers of the German army. (final report, p. 84) German broadcast propaganda went "Die Schweiz, das kleine Stachelschwein, nehmen wir auf dem Rückweg ein" ["We'll take Switzerland, the small porcupine, on our way back home!"] (quoted after oral family tradition, consistent with lots of independent other oral sources published in the internet). - and this was taken quite seriously. Nevertheless the attack was never carried out. Why this?
                              Antitank-Obstacle Switzerland, World War II
                              Antitank-Obstacle in Switzerland, World War II


                              Switzerland demonstrated military readiness with the general mobilization in 1939 and border occupation by 430,000 troops (20 % of the employed persons). However, their equipment was not very up to date. Eugen Bircher, a Swiss colonel at the time, probably made a correct assessment of the situation when saying that the Germans would have been able to advance towards the Swiss capital Berne with a single tank regiment easily. (Edgar Bonjour, Neutralit&#228;t, Bd. IV, 1970, p. 379 quoted after Independent Commission of Experts Switzerland - World War II, final report, German edition, p. 92. Note that the english edition of the final report, p. 89f does not give the important adverb "easily")
                              This assessment was shared (but not declared publicly) by a broad majority of leading Swiss Army officers. As a consequence Switzerland's commander in chief General Henri Guisan developped his famous "Reduit Concept" in summer 1940, according to which the Swiss Army would have retreated into the alps relatively soon if attacked, but would have kept up resistance based on some sort of guerilla tactics from there.
                              Consequently the term "Grenzbesetzung" [occupation of the borders] was replaced by "Aktivdienst" [active (military) service, the term "active" was meant as a counterpoint to 3-week military repetition courses that Swiss soldiers have to attend annually.] After the (international) debate on Switzerland's refugee politics and looted jewish assets in the 1990's there is now a new (internal) debate about the Reduit Concept among members of the so-called Aktivdienstgeneration [generation of people that were called to active military service]. It seems, that they are becoming aware only today, how soon General Guisan would have retreated Swiss troops from the borders into the Reduit, trying to prevent useless bloodshed on terrain, where the aggressor could use his tanks and aircraft, but leaving the majority of the population under occupation. The main strategy, however, was deterrence rather than fighting - and this worked out better than a sober external observer would have estimated. Of course, General Guisan did not communicate his detailed plans publicly in 1940 ...

                              Integrating the German speaking regions (74%) of Switzerland into the Third Reich - as Adolf Hitler did with Austria in 1938 and planned with Switzerland - would have led to civil disobedience and massive "internal" criticism within the Reich, thereby absorbing too many forces of secret police and armed forces and it might even have strengthened the internal resistance in Germany against the Nazi regime. The Swiss concept of Spiritual Defense also had a deterring effect insofar as due to this movement the Swiss population was not at all "demoralized and ready for capitulation", as Adolf Hitler tried to get his victims by massive propaganda.

                              Switzerland's alpine railways were of central importance for transports between Germany and Italy . In case of an attack on Switzerland, the Swiss Army would have destroyed important bridges and tunnels, and would have paralyzed the connection for years. The Swiss compromise offer to Germany and Italy was, that Switzerland would allow transports between Germany and Italy in sealed box cars without checking the contents - in exchange for the supply of vital raw materials and goods. This obviously was more attractive to Germany than a destroyed railway line. On the other hand, exporting industry products (chemicals, pharmceutics, machinery and electrical equipment) was far more vital for Switzerland as a small country than importing was for Germany and Italy - big nations having together 25 times the Swiss population and being able to use industrial resources all over occupied Europe.

                              Some historians say, that financial services, especially buying gold from Germany in exchange for convertible currency (Germany's national currency was no longer accepted as a means of payment in the international markets) was also an important factor. The Independent Commission of Experts showed that the Chairman of the Swiss National Bank (SNB) did not use this argument during the Second World War. "It was only after the war ... that the SNB directors claimed that their gold transactions and positive relations with Germany had prevented Germany from seriously considering the option of military operations against Switzerland. ... One might just as well claim that with its &#171;business as usual&#187; approach, the SNB had effectively prevented Switzerland from using the convertibility of its currency as a trump card in the economic negotiations with Germany, thus neutralising the dissuasive potential." (Independent Commission of Experts Switzerland - World War II, final report, p. 247f)

                              The defense of Switzerland was thus based only on three columns (army, Spiritual Defense and alpine transit), but all of them were quite weak. So it was ever more important to combine them in a most effective way. The international debate on Switzerland's role in World War II has split public opinion into two camps: Swiss traditionalists defend the glorious role of the Swiss Army while leftist critics point to anything that has been done wrong according to moral standards. A sober look at the real balance of power between Germany and Austria vs. tiny Switzerland and the fact that France and Great Britain were not able to prevent Germany from occupying France in 1940 shows that Switzerland's Army (even backed up by Spiritual Defense) had absolutely no chance to withstand an attack and defend its borders.

                              Therefore an attempt to rely on military deterrence alone would inevitably have ended in being defeated - and thus practically all Swiss citizens of Jewish origin as well as some 100,000 military and some 60,000 civilian refugees admitted by Switzerland would have faced deportation to the concentration and death camps of the Nazis.

                              I estimate that alpine transportation was the key "joker" of Switzerland. Jokers have no effect, however, if not played out. An alpine transit railway with severe restrictions for use would have been of limited interest for Nazi Germany just as a destroyed one, and it would not have served as an argument to prevent a Nazi attack on Switzerland. Under acute threat it was obviously very difficult to estimate, how many concessions would convince Adolf Hitler to renounce on an attack. Given the weak negotiating position thus no other choice remained for Switzerland than to permit rather too many of the often criticized transports than too few.
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              • 人心不是战争胜负的决定性因素. 举一个例子, 伊拉克打下了科威特, 难道是科威特人民的人心向着萨达姆?
                • 了解中东历史吗?科威特是伊拉克的台湾,大陆打台湾得人心吗?看看战争真正的原因吧。链接〉〉〉〉〉
              • "战争是靠人心取胜" -- 我们的教育真厉害啊!
                • 美国军对阿富汗的塔利班,除了民心以外,美国占绝对优势,应该一个月就能解决问题,他们花了N年,几个强国帮忙,阿富汗的领土大部分还是在塔利班控制下。 如何解释?
                  • 别跟民主人士讲道理,他们都被洗脑了
                    • 民主和宗教一样,被西方列强用来欺压其他国家的借口。
                  • 您的论据证明了"战争是靠人心取胜"是不一定的.
                    • 例如?
                      • "美国军对阿富汗的塔利班,除了民心以外,美国占绝对优势.,应该一个月就能解决问题,他们花了N年,几个强国帮忙,阿富汗的领土大部分还是在塔利班控制下。"
              • 是不是还应该加一句“人民,只有人民,才是创造历史的动力” ?
    • 作者涉嫌严重抄袭以前的“中国七块论"