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On board the U.S.S Titanic -- Icebergs Ahead

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I can’t help but compare our country’s situation to the maiden voyage of the Titanic. Everyone has seen the movie, so can relate to the story. The captain (Alan Greenspan) has been handed the greatest ship (United States) ever made. It is unsinkable. The initial voyage across the Atlantic Ocean has drawn the rich elite ruling class (financers & bankers) onboard. But, the lower decks are filled with lowly peasants (Working Class) who are sneered at by those in the upper decks. A maiden voyage should always be taken slowly. A prudent captain would not take undue risks. Our captain (Alan Greenspan) wants to make his mark on history. He declares full steam ahead (reducing interest rates to 1%). Midway through the voyage, the captain is handed a telegram warning of icebergs (potential financial catastrophe) ahead. If he slows down the ship, he will not set the speed record. He ignores the warning and steams on to his rendezvous (eternal disgrace) with history.

In the middle of the night, the lookouts (Ron Paul, among others) scream iceberg!!! But, it is too late. The great ship (United States) has struck an enormous iceberg (banking crisis). At first, it seemed like everything is OK. There are no visible problems. But, below the waterline the great ship (United States) is taking on water (massive mortgage write downs). The engine room (Federal Reserve printing presses) works frantically to stem the damage. The captain believes that the compartmentalization of the ship will save it. The expert on the design of the ship (Nouriel Roubini) explains that the ship will surely sink. The captain orders the band (Hank Paulson) on deck to distract the masses from their imminent fate. The owners of the ship (U.S. government) never thought it could sink, so they didn’t provide nearly enough lifeboats.

To avoid mass panic, the crew (government bureaucrats) has locked the lowly peasants (Working Class) below deck. They will surely go down with the ship. But, here is where our story starts to deviate. The band (Hank Paulson) decides that the women and children (Middle Class) should not be saved first. The ruling elite (financers and bankers) are piling into the boats to escape their fate. The captain (Alan Greenspan) does not go down with the ship. In a cowardly act, he leaped onto the 1st lifeboat to be launched. So, this is where we stand today. The great ship (United States) is sinking. Should we let the band (Hank Paulson) dictate those who get onto the lifeboats first? If we do, we will all face the fate of Jack as he slowly freezes to death in the icy Atlantic.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 美国现在的经济危机,主要是产业结构的不合理造成的。现在的美国,一点实业都没有,就靠那些虚业来到处骗人。这样的经济不危机才怪呢。自古以来,财富都是靠双手干出来的,不是靠嘴皮子耍出来的,美国应该好好理解这句话。
    • One of my American co-worker always says this. He studied a lot about money and economics. He said some brilliant people predicted what's happening now 20 years ago, but nobody wanted to listen.
    • 抹杀所有第三产业的价值,认为所有精神财富是worthless是很可笑的。
    • 100%支持你见解
    • 加关税,把制造业工作从发展中国家搬回来。婴儿潮退出历史舞台后,那种只为资本家服务的政策行不通了。毕竟中年人都失业了,资本家的房子,股票,基金,退休金也缩水了。
    • A lot of Americans have actually realized this problem for many years. Unfortunately, the Wall Street gangs have firmly taken over control of the government, treasury and media.
      After outsourcing all production to developing countries, they rely on financial speculation to maintain growth, profits and satisfy their greed. It's sad to see a once democratic, prosperous, self-dependent, strong country literally being destroyed by those selfish, immoral, reckless bastxxx.
    • 100%理解你,我父母那一代几乎都持类似的观点,等于某大国外长说过,没饿过肚子不懂人权。同样,看不到烟囱不知有实业,见不到高楼大厦不知多伦多是城市。
    • 楼上有一批裸泳者
    • Of course those people at top understand those profits are illusionary, fake. But guess what? they don't care, because those people themselves are getting REAL bonuses in the millions after they create the illusionary profits that damage the economy.
      Ordinary Americans can also see this problem. But they don't have power to do anything about it. Yes, it's a land of free, you have the freedom to be a man or woman, but you don't have the freedom when it comes money and power, they all belong to someone else, the elite class with the connections.
    • On board the U.S.S Titanic -- Icebergs Ahead
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I can’t help but compare our country’s situation to the maiden voyage of the Titanic. Everyone has seen the movie, so can relate to the story. The captain (Alan Greenspan) has been handed the greatest ship (United States) ever made. It is unsinkable. The initial voyage across the Atlantic Ocean has drawn the rich elite ruling class (financers & bankers) onboard. But, the lower decks are filled with lowly peasants (Working Class) who are sneered at by those in the upper decks. A maiden voyage should always be taken slowly. A prudent captain would not take undue risks. Our captain (Alan Greenspan) wants to make his mark on history. He declares full steam ahead (reducing interest rates to 1%). Midway through the voyage, the captain is handed a telegram warning of icebergs (potential financial catastrophe) ahead. If he slows down the ship, he will not set the speed record. He ignores the warning and steams on to his rendezvous (eternal disgrace) with history.

      In the middle of the night, the lookouts (Ron Paul, among others) scream iceberg!!! But, it is too late. The great ship (United States) has struck an enormous iceberg (banking crisis). At first, it seemed like everything is OK. There are no visible problems. But, below the waterline the great ship (United States) is taking on water (massive mortgage write downs). The engine room (Federal Reserve printing presses) works frantically to stem the damage. The captain believes that the compartmentalization of the ship will save it. The expert on the design of the ship (Nouriel Roubini) explains that the ship will surely sink. The captain orders the band (Hank Paulson) on deck to distract the masses from their imminent fate. The owners of the ship (U.S. government) never thought it could sink, so they didn’t provide nearly enough lifeboats.

      To avoid mass panic, the crew (government bureaucrats) has locked the lowly peasants (Working Class) below deck. They will surely go down with the ship. But, here is where our story starts to deviate. The band (Hank Paulson) decides that the women and children (Middle Class) should not be saved first. The ruling elite (financers and bankers) are piling into the boats to escape their fate. The captain (Alan Greenspan) does not go down with the ship. In a cowardly act, he leaped onto the 1st lifeboat to be launched. So, this is where we stand today. The great ship (United States) is sinking. Should we let the band (Hank Paulson) dictate those who get onto the lifeboats first? If we do, we will all face the fate of Jack as he slowly freezes to death in the icy Atlantic.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 财富是靠嘴(销售)+脑(技术) "合法" 地赚取的, 穷人的钱才是靠双手干出来的, 自己留下很少, 大部分都被"掠夺"走了...制造业(所谓实业)的繁荣是用光明天的资源为了今日的享受...
      • The US government just borrowed $700 Billions from tomorrow's money and gives it to the banks so they can continue to hand out huge bonuses. Oh, don't forget the $10 trillion debts they already owe. Is it not 用光明天的资源为了今日的享受?
        The corrupted politicians, CEOs, bankers in US, China are all the same. They are working together to screw us middle
        class in order to make themselves billionaires.