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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

真爱总是无怨无悔. 是你眼里对爱的人的一生的祝福. 有一首好听的英文 歌, 希望大家喜欢: "Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7Qb2Tl9yjk

Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain
Telling me just what a fool I've been
I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain
And let me be alone again

The only girl I've ever loved has gone away
Looking for a brand new start
But little does she know that when she left that day
Along with her she took my heart

Rain please tell me now does that seem fair
For her to steal my heart away when she don't care
I can't love another when my heart's somewhere far away

Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain
Telling me just what a fool I've been
I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain
And let me be alone again

The only girl I've ever loved has gone away
Looking for a brand new start
Little does she know that when she left that day
Along with her she took my heart

Rain won't you tell her that I love her so
Please ask the sun to set her heart a glow
And rain in her heart and let the love we know start to grow

Rain please tell me now does that seem fair
For her to steal my heart away when he don't care
I can't love another when my heart's somewhere far away

Oh listen to the falling rain
Oh rhythm of the falling rain
Oh listen to the falling rain
Oh rhythm of the falling rain

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  • 枫下拾英 / 美文转贴 / 以爱过的名义来收藏
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我们多少次看过别人的悲欢离合,自己也多少次做了悲欢离合的主人公?不知道为什么,身边总是有很多朋友喜欢把自己的故事说给我听。我也喜欢听,就好象自己亲历了那些事情一样,而且,也喜欢想,总觉得,一段感情也好,一段事情也罢,都可以折射出一个人,他的为人和他处世的态度。

    有一个朋友,因为全家要移民国外,不得已与男朋友分手,彼此真的是很不舍与难过。本来,在送那个女孩子走的时候,男的很想痛骂那个女孩子一顿。但是,在机场,女孩子给了他一本红色的笔记本。打开一看,上面都是那个女孩子写满的的话语:他真的是一个很好的男朋友;他做的菜真的是很好吃……原来,她交给他的是一本爱的评语,上面全是褒奖和感激的话语。他说,他接过这个本子,打开看了之后,他们都落泪了。女孩子对他说;留给一个和我一样喜欢你的女孩子看吧,她一定和我一样的幸福,肯定一样的快乐,因为,你是一个值得爱的 好男人。

    就是这么一本爱的评语,这些浓情的话语,一下子化解了男人心中的愤懑,他恍然醒悟,为什么一定要在分手的 时候给对方一个伤痛的结局呢?彼此爱过,彼此珍惜过历经的那些快乐幸福,是能完全销毁的吗?

    我们不得不承认,在这个世界上,负心的男人比女人要决绝。有些男人的词典里是永远没有“宽容”这个词。这个时候说出分手还是朋友这句话确实很难,但事因难能,所以可贵,仇恨是不能走出阴影的,你可以不对他负责,不对自己的过去负责。但是每个人都有义务对自己的未来负责,不断的愤恨,不断的复仇,只是重申他在你的生活里还是那么重要。真正的解脱是什么?是淡漠,是遗忘,是 原谅,是抛掉,抛掉过去,抛掉他,不带仇恨,才能保持心灵的平静,没有宽容的心,还怎么去接受另一份美好的感情?






    以爱过的名义来收藏更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 这个世间的事情好奇怪! 爱是那么容易放弃的吗?! 说变就变! 搬家, 移民, 都能成为好理由?! 这样的爱情还是早点儿忘却了吧.
    • 真爱总是无怨无悔. 是你眼里对爱的人的一生的祝福. 有一首好听的英文 歌, 希望大家喜欢: "Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7Qb2Tl9yjk
      Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain
      Telling me just what a fool I've been
      I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain
      And let me be alone again

      The only girl I've ever loved has gone away
      Looking for a brand new start
      But little does she know that when she left that day
      Along with her she took my heart

      Rain please tell me now does that seem fair
      For her to steal my heart away when she don't care
      I can't love another when my heart's somewhere far away

      Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain
      Telling me just what a fool I've been
      I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain
      And let me be alone again

      The only girl I've ever loved has gone away
      Looking for a brand new start
      Little does she know that when she left that day
      Along with her she took my heart

      Rain won't you tell her that I love her so
      Please ask the sun to set her heart a glow
      And rain in her heart and let the love we know start to grow

      Rain please tell me now does that seem fair
      For her to steal my heart away when he don't care
      I can't love another when my heart's somewhere far away

      Oh listen to the falling rain
      Oh rhythm of the falling rain
      Oh listen to the falling rain
      Oh rhythm of the falling rain

    • 一段美文转贴勾起我对那首歌的留恋. 这世间, 真爱不容易. 也只有真爱令人感动. 听: "Rhythm of the Rain". My favorite.