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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 最高法院7:0判决前自由党政府在2002,2003与2005年间违法收取失业保险金
    • A better comprehension of English would not have translated “illegally collected employment insurance contributions " to "违法收取失业保险金"
      • You may propose your translation if you have a better understanding.
        • What does "contributions' mean?
          • employment insurance contributions = 失业保险金
        • 他就是歪缠,逢保必反,没啥思维能力,自然也不可能给你翻译吧。
          • BIG HEAD. HA HA HA
          • Are you a nice guy or are you
            • 彼此彼此,不必客气。
      • "非法收取失业保险金" 更准确些。哈哈
    • 自由党真的很会搞经济。
      • Not as well as Harper for sure. 12B inherited surplus is gone, 5B deficit.
        • now we know how lieberal made the surplus.
          • OH yes. Teach Harper how to be a better book cooker. HA HA HA
        • What else do you know otherwise that aged $12B talk.
          • Well, guess that Harper and his pros all have one thing in common - short memory. That 12B bought Harper the PM, sent free money to those have young kids, donated to PA for its independence, and more ....
          • I know that he is liar, cheater, barker, runner and loser.
        • 120亿小意思,加拿大3万人口, 每人征收400元税收即可。如果所有的企业也征税, 刨除贪污用, 还能创收那
          • Really? "加拿大3万人口"? The Chinese community where you live in BA?
            • 三千万
              • More than 33M.
      • 绝对的权力必然产生腐败.加拿大的一党独裁制度对解决这样的问题毫无帮助.这只是说他们是从哪里收刮钱的,怎么用才是更大的猫腻.每年的审计报告你看了都会摇头.CLINTON接受CBC的PETER采访说现在的政治家要比以前廉洁的多,
        • 腐败是人类无法根治的毒瘤.美国的制度设计比加拿大好,但那里的腐败却更多,因为那里的诱惑更大.
          • 仔细看新闻,这里说的不是腐败。独断专行差不多。是说2003/200x 3年EI的保险费,没有经过议会表决,是自由党政府自行决定的,其余年度,都是在预算案里边经议会表决的。另一个诉状,克里青挪用540亿EI款平衡政府开支,也不能说腐败,法院判决不违宪、合法



            • They should give $54 B back to taxpayers and cut future EI contributions. If the government does not have money, it should run deficit to do so.
              • There is no difference. nomatter how, the money had spent. if government raise debt, it is taxpayers' burden also.
                • The difference is that if the government runs deficit, our great grand children pay for it, but we can enjoy the benefits right away. Also, it's possible for government to cut many wasteful spending to avoid running deficit
                  • you are absolutely right.
            • 头脑比较清醒
            • Giving the money back to tax payer will help a lot of people to survive during the economic downturn.
              • Is our economic in a downturn? Doesn't sound like Harper's persistent promising - WE ARE NOT IN RECESSION.
                • OMG, any fresh idea or word? You haven't checked my wallet today, that's a surprise.
                  • It's down today but may be up for you.
                    • as long as the number in my account is up. Thank you for nagging me every day.
                      • 重在参和
    • 太缺德了。EI是从穷人手里收钱,富人最多按收入贡献4万块封顶。按全部收入算,低收入EI的比率高,收入越高EI的比率越低。收入税是富人税率高,穷人税率低。拿EI去填财政,等于穷人纳重税养活富人一样。
      • Are you sure about this "低收入EI的比率高,收入越高EI的比率越低" ? Consult your accountant.
        • 年收入十万的和年收入4万的缴纳EI是一样的,你算算EI的税率是不是收入越低,税率越高?
          • WOW. Do you have any idea on how income tax is calculated? It excludes CPP and EI contributions. Whatever your income is you only pay EI contribution up to the cap limit. It would not affect your income tax what so ever.
            • EI的钱和Income Tax的钱征收时候税率不同,用来补贴财政,太偏向富人了。自由党的碳税也是这些猫腻,不公平嘛。
              • There are many ways government can cook their books. This is just one of them. It's nothing new. If you look into Harper's books deeper, you would find similar things.
                • 建议你先学学英文再看happer的book。就您这二把刀,除了喷喷,看明白东西可太难为你。
                  • Contest with johnnyhatesjazz? Come on in. Give me a free lecture.
                  • Show me how good your English is, Please. HA HA HA HA
                  • Finally there is someone so smart. Smart enough that even doesn’t write a complete sentence in English. I bet that you don't even understand a thing about johnnyhatesjazz. HA HA HA
                  • I guess that this is your understanding too (#4913421@0) 就您这二把刀,除了喷喷,看明白东西可太难为你。 HA HA HA HA
        • EI有最高封顶,假设是$2000/year,收入40k交$2000, 税率5%;收入100k也是交$2000, 税率0.2%。
      • 记的OBAMA讲过一个笑话.说某某(亿万富翁)的女秘书交的税比她的老板还多.呵呵.
        • 如果只算所得税,很正常。没有工资收入,当然不用缴税。Buffet,Gates捐了那么多,肯定一分钱所得税都不用交了。